The Sun and the Wind 太阳和北风1.doc

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《The Sun and the Wind 太阳和北风1.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《The Sun and the Wind 太阳和北风1.doc(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、The Sun and the Wind 太阳和北风单词卡Vocabulary CardHowlhalv. 咆哮;怒吼;狂吠Napnpn. 打盹儿;孤注一掷It was a beautiful day and the Sun was smiling brightly, but everyone was shivering because a cold wind was howling through the sky.风和日丽的一天,太阳露出灿烂的笑容,但是每个人都在发抖,因为从天边刮来的风一直在咆哮。Look at me! roared the Wind, setting the treeto

2、ps tossing.“你看我!”风一边咆哮着,一边摇晃着树梢。Im so strong! Even stronger than you, Sun!“我真是太强大了!太阳,你都不是我的对手!”ally? replied the Sun, Im not so sureI know! Lets have a contest to decide.“真的吗?”太阳回答道,“这可说不准我知道了!咱们比个赛一决胜负吧。”The Sun looked down and spotted a man walking along in a thick winter coat.太阳往下一看,发现了一个穿着厚大衣的行

3、人。You see that man? asked the Sun, Lets see which one of us can remove his coat.“你看见那个人了么?”太阳问,“我们看看谁能让他把衣服脱了。”All right! the Wind confidently said. Watch this. He huffed and puffed and he blew the mans hat right off his head.“好吧!”风自信地说。“看着。”他鼓足劲吹着,把那个人的帽子吹了下来。Now for this coat! cried the Wind, puff

4、ing harder and harderThe man was almost blown off his feet, but he just clutched his coat tightly around himself and kept on walking.“现在轮到大衣了!”风大喊着,吹得越来越用力。那人几乎就要被吹倒在地了,但是他仍然紧紧裹着大衣,继续走着。Thats no way to go about it, said the Sun, laughing, Watch this. And he beamed down upon the man.“这样是不可能做到的,”太阳笑着说

5、,“看我的。”然后他用光照耀着那个人。The man smiled as the golden sunshine warmed the air. All around him flowers opened and birds began to sing.当金色的阳光让周围变得温暖,那个人笑了。他身边所有的花都盛开了,鸟儿开始唱歌。One by one, he undid his coat buttons, and still the Sun shone down.他一个个解开他大衣的扣子,太阳还在照着他。The man became so warm that he decided to remove his coat and happily headed for the nearest shade tree to take a nap.那个人开始觉得很热,所以他决定脱掉自己的大衣,很开心地在最近的树荫下午睡。You see, the Sun whispered to the Wind, gentleness works better than force.“你看,”太阳悄悄地跟风说,“温暖胜于严寒。”



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