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1、 本文由200905178013贡献 doc文档可能在WAP端浏览体验不佳。建议您优先选择TXT,或下载源文件到本机查看。 大学英语四、六级阅读理解 应试技巧指导 第一节 词语推断 词汇在大学英语四、六级阅读中占有很重要的地位。如果一位考生既不认识句中的词汇,又无法从上下文中获 得足够的信息来猜测出这个词的意义,那就很难答对词汇题。 在四、六级英语阅读测试时,所出的有关词汇题往往是比较有针对性的题目。这些词考生不熟悉或词义概念模 糊。对于这种题,考生完全可以根据上下文和学过的有关构词法的知识,通过推敲从而确定词汇的意义。 词语题的设问表达方式通常是: 1The word / phrase /

2、expression most probably means 2The word / phrase / expression refers to 3The word / phrase / expression suggests that . . . 4What does the author mean by the word / phrase / expression? 5By the word / phrase / expression the author means . . 6By the word / phrase / expression the author intends to

3、render the idea that 请看实例: 请看实例: 【例文 1】 (CET4 99.1 Passage Four 第三段) Learning to read involves all that each individual does to make sense of the world of printed language. Almost all of it is private, for learning is an occupation of the mind, and that process is not open to public scrutiny. 38The

4、word “scrutiny”(Line 3, Para.3)most probably means“ A)inquiry B)observation C)control D)suspicion ”. 【分析】上文指出“Almost all of it (learning) is private” ,下文又指出“that process (learning) is not open to public scrutiny.”由此可见,public scrutiny 与 private 是相对的概念。如果将选项中的词分别替换 scrutiny,可以判断 只有 B)符合原文。 【例文 2】 (CET

5、4 1998.6 Passage Four 第一段) In fact, they say that if their companies are to compete in the global village and in the global market place, diversity is an imperative 36The word “imperative” (Line 6, Para. 1)most probably refers to something A)superficial B)remarkable C)debatable D)essential . 【分析】在上文

6、中没有相关词汇可以借助来推测 imperative 的含义,但根据该句的逻辑关系“如果他们的公司 要参与全球竞争的话,多样化是 答案。 的” ,由此推断,空白处应译为“必要的,必需的”等。因此 D)应为正确 一、学会猜测词义 猜测词义的技巧可分为三大部分:根据上下文猜测词义,根据构词法猜测词义以及利用信号猜测词义。 (一)根据上下文猜测词义 1根据文章中给出的定义、修饰性从句及定语直接猜得词义。也就是说,文章的作者本人也意识到文章中的 某些词十分生僻或不常使用而故意在同位语、修饰性从句等中给出一定的揭示或进行一些解释。这些用来解释或进 1 版权所有,不得翻印 作者:汤良斌 行揭示的词,意义与生

7、僻词基本相同,基本可以互换。也就是说,通过阅读解释部分,生僻词的意义便明晰了。 Example 1 Designer Taylors car has all the comforts of an ordinary sports car: special seats and dashboard, body of special material, and efficient steering. But by removing a few bins and bolts form the strange-looking trailer, which is a transport vehicle ha

8、uled by a tractor or truck, and joining the sections to the car with the same pins and bolts, Taylor can change his sports car into a “ flying object ”. 2根据上下文中的内容猜测词义。考生可以根据上下文所提供的信息进行有机的联想及推断,进而达到理解 生词含义的目的。这种类型的题,上下文的解释一般较为具体,而生词则是文章中较为概括的部分。 Example 2 We often call this small change of conversat

9、ion small talk, but this description seems to denigrate it unfairly. On special occasions, at parties for example, small talk is usually necessary before deeper human relationships and more serious conversationif these are desired. They may not always be desired, however, one may invite a business f

10、riend and his wife to dinner without wishing to make them close friends for life. And in this case, we need a form of language which is not too intimate and does not make us too intimate to others. 3利用文章中所罗列出的例子猜词义。这种方法一般也是根据较具体的词汇、词组,通过归纳、猜测从而理 解较抽象的词汇或词组。 Example 3 Much of the required paper work

11、results from the close scrutiny by a wide range of government agencies over such matters as tax collection, consumer protection, food and drugs, environmental controls, equal labor opportunities, etc. Many such protections have, in fact, been added as a result of the pressures and influence of conce

12、rned citizens. 4利用比喻猜测词义。当作者作比较的时候,一般是强调二者的相似之处。比喻则更是如此。因此,两个相 比较的东西只要认出其中之一,便可大致猜出另一物的实质,从而明了全句的含义。 Example 4 She sat there for the moment, quiet and silent, suddenly, the meek lamb burst in bad temper, as ferocious as a lion. 5利用常识猜测词义。很多词的词义,放在某一类词汇中间,读者可以很容易凭借自己的生活经验或生活常 识来猜词义。 Example 5 “Have y

13、ou two seats for tonights performance?” “I am sorry, all the seats are booked. There are a hundred unreserved seats. They are sold half an hour before the curtain goes up.” 6利用对比的词猜测词义。表示对比的词语,在意义上相互联系,从而使读者通过对比得出词义这一方法成 为可能。一般来说,对比的词语是一对反义词或近乎于反义词,而且词性也一致。 Example 6 We dare not forget today that we

14、 are the heirs of that first revolution. Let the word go forth from this time and place, to friend and foe alike, that the torch has been passed to a new generation of Americansborn in this century, tempered by war, disciplined by a hard and bitter peace, proud of our ancient heritage and unwilling

15、to witness or permit the slow undoing of those human rights to which this nation has always been committed, and to which we are committed today, at home and around the world. 2 版权所有,不得翻印 作者:汤良斌 (二)利用构词法知识猜测词义 英语的构词方法很多,大致可以分为两种,一种是词缀辨认,另一种是词汇复合,下面我们逐一加以讲解。 1词缀辨认。词缀分前缀、后缀及中缀。中缀不大常见,因此我们的讨论将围绕前缀和后缀进行。

16、 (1)前缀辨认。前缀是附加在单词前面的语法部件,它本身有发音,有意义,但不能单独成为一个词汇。它 的功能主要是给原来的词汇增加一层含义。因此,如果考生掌握了一定数量的前缀,就可以通过辨认前缀,通过复 合词缀和词汇的意义来猜测出词的意义。 Example 7 The hydrosphere has strange characteristics because water has properties unlike those of any other liquid. One anomaly is that water upon freezing expands by about 9 percent, whereas most liquids contract on cooling. For this reason,



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