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1、Book 9 unit 3 The meaning of colour National(adj)国民的/国家的/民族的 national flower/day/flags/cultures/colors treasure/institution国家机构 campaign全民活动 national and local newspaper全民地方报纸 national and international issues国内国际问题 Nationality(c/u)what nationality are you?He has . nationality.,associate .with把和联系起来

2、 be associated with. associate with和往来/共事 He associated himself with this campaign. I dont want to be associated with it. I only associate with good fellows all the right people. (n) Associate共事的人/同伙/伙伴 = colleague,Pattern(n)1图案花样式样2模式方式模型=model What a pretty pattern! She wore a dress with a pattern

3、 of roses on it. a knitting/sewing pattern编织/缝纫样式 mask(c)1面具面罩口罩2用面具遮住(脸)掩盖/伪装 a bank robber wearing a stocking mask a child wearing a dog mask an actor wearing the mask of tragedy 2 Mask ones face with.,mask ones fear ( colourful masks ) the smell masked ball化妆舞会 a masked robber/woman occasion(n)1场

4、合/时刻/时候2时机/机会 on this/that occasion此时/彼时 on the present/last occasion在这次上次 on one occasion有一次 on rare occasion 偶然/偶尔,2This is not an occasion for laughter. He used the occasion to express his ideas. occasional/occasionally偶然的/地 Identity(n)身份/是什么人/谁 please prove your indentity establish ones identity

5、 ID=identity card/certificate身份证 identify (vt)认出(身份/物件)/认为是谁的 identify the coat/criminal/signature/suspect,His accent is hard to identify. Sew(sewed/sewn,sewed)vt/vi缝/缝纫 sew a dress/suit/shirt/button onto the shirt sew sth up 把缝好/缝起来 vi; sew by hand/by machine sew around the hem sewing machine缝纫机 Be

6、liefs/roofs/chiefs/gulfs/surfs symbolize=stand for/represent/be symbolic of.,Unrest(u)动荡/不安 civil unrest industrial die of/from. political die out social die down/away international be dying for. to do. liberty,equality and fraternity自由,平等,博爱 inequality不平等,Fraternity(u/c)1手足之情兄弟之情2同行(人) There is a s

7、trong spirit of fraternity among the people. the medical fraternity 医学界同人 banking 银行界 teaching 教育界人士 Fraternal (adj)兄弟的/友好的 fraternal love 手足之情 fraternal greetings 友好的问候,visual reminder 形象提示/(视觉提醒) Strengthen(vt/vi)1,加强加固2(身体)变得强健 加大(vi) 1 strengthen the city/defence city walls music sb up Vi;His ba

8、ck/body strengthened with exercise. strong/strongly,rid.of.使 摆脱/把.消灭掉 rid oneself of sth the city of corruption him of pains the house of rats get/be rid of sb/sth摆脱掉/除掉/处理掉 She was glad to be rid of him. cold/pain/the company She has got rid of the pupils/pains/insects,The French revolution was suc

9、cessful in ridding society of inequality.成功消除了社会不平等 Substitute(vt/vi/n/adj)1代替2代替的人/物3代.的 1.substitute sb/sth (as.) substitute for 代替./用来代替 substitute .for (substitutewith) If you cant go yourself,please find someone to substitute you. Her brother substituted as host while her husband was away.,I do

10、nt like to substitute anyone. He substituted for the worker who was ill. I can substitute for you. She substituted a fake diamond for the original. I substitute your name for mine on the list. In manufacturing, cheaper materials are constantly substituting for the better, more expensive kind. We sub

11、stituted Tom for John at first base. Adj;the school board hired a substitute teacher.,I was a substitute headmaster for a term. colonizecolonycolonismcolonist殖民. bureaucratic (adj)官僚的/官员/官僚主义的 a bureaucratic government way outspoken (adj)直言不讳的/坦率的/敢讲的 be outspoken about. The young lady was very outs

12、poken about her wish to be married.,Your own family is more likely to be outspoken in its remarks about you. Uncle Frank is an outspoken man. Shes so outspoken shes hurt the feelings of all her friends. Tolerate (vt)忍受/容忍/允许 tolerate sth/sb bear loud music tolerate sth stand rudeness stand doing. Pu

13、t up with,The school cant tolerate disorder. cheating in exams. tolerant (adj)宽容的/肚量大的/能容忍的 be tolerant of 对容忍/宽宏大量的 towards sb/sth Of all the girls she is the most tolerant. Hes very tolerant towards his neighbours. Im a tolerant person on the whole. Hs is very tolerant of criticism/views of others

14、.,have a say /voice in .有发言权 Oppose(vt)反对/不赞成 oppose sth/sb be opposed to sth/sb Her sisters opposed it bitterly. the scheme idea war him,Im not opposed to reform. He was bitterly/violently opposed to my visit. object (vi/vt)反对/不喜欢 object to sth/sb doing.=object to do. I object to all this noise. Mo

15、ther objected to his rudeness. The new transport is much objected to. They have objected to me on personal grounds.,They objected to leaving school and going to work. I strongly object to your staying here. She objected to us keeping animals. I objected to being treated like a child. She objected to marry a Jew. Would you object to let him go? oppose sb/sth be opposed to sth/sb object to sb/sth/doing,be against sb/sth


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