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1、Chapter 3 Management Principles,教师:邢 战 雷 单位:陕西科技大学管理学院/MBA教育中心 E-mail:xingzhanlei,Business English for MBA,Objectives for this chapter,Define management and understand its role in achieving organizational objectives. Identify three levels of management and explain how the focuses of managers at each

2、 level differ. Describe the major functions of management.,Topic 1 the nature of management,What is an organization?,An organization is any group of individuals who work together for the achievement of some stated or implied(名言或不名言的) objective. Two major types of organization: - business organizatio

3、n - nonprofit organization,A business organization may be a large automobile manufacture, a grocery store, or an accounting firm. Regardless of the products they sell, all three types of business consists of a group of individuals who work together to achieve an objective. the objective of most busi

4、ness organizations is to increase profits, percentage of market share, or sales volume; to gain customers; to minimize costs.,What resources do organizations have?,To achieve its objectives, every organization must have resources, which generally fall into three types. - human resources people (empl

5、oyees) - physical resources equipment, machinery, raw materials, etc. - financial resources money and other valuable assets(IPs,知识产权),Human resources are employees who are ready, willing, and able to use their skills and knowledge to advance organizational objectives. Physical resources are the raw

6、materials, supplies, machinery and equipment used by the organization. Financial resources are the organizations supply of money and other valuable assets, such as building and inventory. It is necessary for the acquisition of human and physical resources. Human and physical resources are useless by

7、 themselves. Employees must use their labor, skills, and knowledge to transform physical resources into finished products.,Likewise in nonprofit organization, such as schools, political parties, and charities, people work together to achieve objectives, to transmit knowledge, solve national problems

8、, find shelter for the homeless. Management and managers may be found wherever people are working together to achieve some common objective. Every organization must acquire resources and coordinate the use of these resources to turn out a final product or service. The resources are: employees (human

9、 resources), materials and machinery (physical resources), and money (financial resources),What is management?,Management is the process of coordinating human, physical, and financial resources to achieve an organizations objectives. 管理是为实现企业目标而协调人力、物力、财力资源的过程。 Management and managers are found wher

10、ever people are working together to achieve some common objectives.,Management is universal(普遍存在的). It takes places not only in business settings but also in schools, hospital, the military, government, religious groupsin any situation calling for the coordination of resources.,Notes for this part,T

11、opic 2 Levels of management,the pyramid of management,In general, there are three levels of management. Top management(高层管理); Middle management(中层管理); The first-line/supervisory management(基层管理);,At the top of the pyramid is the top management. Below that is a large number of middle managers. The ba

12、se of the pyramid is made up of an even larger number of first-line managers.,small organizations may have only one manager, who assumes the responsibilities of managers at all three levels. Large business have many managers at each level to coordinate the use of the organizations resources.,Top man

13、agement(高层管理),In business, the president and other top executives, such as the chief executive (CEO) and executive vice president, who have overall responsibility for the organization, are known as top management. They spend most of their time on strategic decision, decisions that focus on an overal

14、l scheme or key idea for using the organizations resources to take advantage of opportunities. They decide whether to add products, acquire companies, sell unprofitable business segments, and move into foreign market. Given the importance and range of top managements decisions, top managers generall

15、y have many years of varied experience.,Middle management(中层管理),The responsibility of middle managers is more narrowly focused than that of top managers. They are involved in the specific operations of the organization and are usually responsible for certain areas, departments, or divisions. They ma

16、ke decisions and carry out plans within the broad guidelines established by top management. Titles of middle management may include department head, divisional manager, chief engineer, plant manager, regional manager, and so on.,The first-line/supervisory management(基层管理),At the lowest management level, first-time managers are responsible for putting into operation the plans established by middle management. Due to their contact with worker



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