2013高考英语总复习闯关密训卷专题Unit01 Friendship 必修1.doc

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1、2013高考总复习闯关密训英语卷 Unit01 Friendship 必修1第一节 单项填空从、四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。1.Although it had been_ struggle for him to finish the experiment, he enjoyed the result with_ satisfaction.A. the, / B. a, / C. a, a D. /, a2. I shall never forget those years _ I lived on the farm _ you visited last w

2、eek. A. when; where B. which; which C. when; which D. which; where3. A large sum of money has been raised the poorly-educated children in the mountainous areas.A. in return forB. for the benefit ofC. in search of D. in memory of4. By the end of last week, we _ a satisfactory solution to the problem.

3、A. have found B. will be finding C. had found D. found5. -Take a break, Amy. You _ on the piano all morning. -Id like to, but this time next week I _a concert at Music Hall. A. have practiced, will giveB. are practicing, am giving C. have been practicing ,will be giving D. will have practiced, have

4、been giving6. I wrote a letter of complaint, and the airline has promised to _ the matter. A. look up B. look into C. look through D. look for7You dont have to _ me youre the right person for the job. A. believe B. research C. convince D. admit8. I dont think Ill need any money but Ill bring some _

5、. A. at last B. in case C. once again D. in time9. -where has his brother been ? -No one knows. He has returned home safely but his missing made the police _ . A. to puzzle B. puzzling C. puzzled D. be puzzled10. If man cant live _ harmony _ nature, the balance will be destroyed. A. in; with B. to;

6、about C. on; for D. with; with11. The lock in my bag _me of not locking my door .A. recalled B. remembered C. reminded D. told 12. -They are said to be quarrelling about our new language lab. - I dont care. It has _ to do with me. A. nothing B. something C. anything D. everything13. We hurried to th

7、e station, _ the train was gone. A. find B. finding C. found D. only to find14.In the past ten years, the _mountain climber _ a lot from his own adventurous _ A. experienced; experienced; experience B. experience; experienced; experiences C. experienced; has experienced; experiences D. experience; h

8、as experience; experience15. I am gaining weight. I need to see a doctor. But I think you eat too much. _.A. Neglect(忽视) of health is doctors wealth B. Laugh at your ills, and save doctors billsC. Diet cures more than the doctor D. An apple a day keeps the doctor away第二节 完形填空阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B

9、、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。A man found the cocoon (茧) of a moth (蛾). He took it home so that he could 16 the moth come out of the cocoon. On that day a small 17 appeared. He sat and watched the moth for several hours as the moth struggled to 18 the body through that little hole. Soon it seeme

10、d to stop making any progress. It appeared as if it had 19 as far as it could and it could go no further. It just seemed to be stuck. So the man, out of his kindness, decided to help the moth. He took a pair of scissors and cut off the 20_ bit of the cocoon. The 21 then came out easily. But it had a

11、 swollen body and small, shriven (无用的) wings. The man continued to watch the moth because he expected that, at any moment, the wings would enlarge and 22 to be able to support the 23 , which would get smaller in time. Neither happened! In fact, the little moth spent the rest of its life 24 around wi

12、th a swollen body and shriven wings. It was 25 able to fly. What the man in his kindness 26 was that the small cocoon and the 27_of the moth to get through the 28 opening was a way to push fluid (液体) 29 the body of moth 30 its wings so that it would be ready to fly 31 it got out of the cocoon. Freed

13、om and 32 would come only after the struggle. By taking the struggle away, he also took away the moths health. Sometimes struggles are exactly what we need in our lives. If we were to 33 our lives without any difficulties, we would become disabled. We would not be as 34 as what we could have been. Give every opportunity a chance. Leave no room for 35 .16. A. help B. protect C. watch D. see17. A. opening B. line C. moth D. butterfly18. A. push B. draw C. make D. force19. A. got B. done C. tried D. struggled20. A. covering B. remaining C. shell D. skin21. A. moth B. butterfly C. cocoon D.


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