大学英语综合教程6--unit 3-class--human weakness.ppt

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1、Unit Three,Objectives:,Students will be able to : Grasp the main idea and structure of the text; Appreciate the use of the frame techniques as well as the humor of the story; Master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text;,Text A:Is he living or dead? - Mark Twain,Human Weakne

2、sses,Think about,What are common human weaknesses?,Text A:Is he living or dead? - Mark Twain,Human Weaknesses,Who is Mark Twain?,Background information,Samuel Langhorne Clemens, known and celebrated as “Mark Twain”, was born in Missouri in 1835. The child was puny. His schooling was brief and of a d

3、esultory kind. It ended in 1847, shortly after his father died. Sam Clemens began writing in his teens burlesque, as a rule, of local characters and conditions. In 1853, Sam Clemens left home, first to New York, then to Philadelphia, Washington, and the West. From 1857, he spent almost four years wo

4、rking as a pilot for the steamers on the Mississippi River, and was regarded as one of the best and most careful pilots on the river. During the American Civil War, he became a professional miner. In 1862, he took the job as a reporter, and then, for the first time, began signing his articles with “

5、Mark Twain”, a river term, used in making soundings, recalled from his piloting days. He was presently recognized as one of the foremost writers, and soon acquired world-wide fame.,Mark Twain was a prolific writer. He wrote and published a number of notable sketches, articles, stories and books. His

6、 works were always of a kind to make people talk, always important even when it was mere humor. Yet there was always wisdom under it, and purpose, and these things gave them a dynamic force and enduring life. He was one of the foremost American philosophers of his day and the worlds most famous humo

7、rist of any day. He ranked not only as Americas chief man of letters, but likewise as one of her best known and best loved citizens. The world will long miss Mark Twain. His example and his teachings will be neither ignored nor forgotten.,Guess which one is written by Mark Twain and match the works

8、with appropriate writers,Mark Twain Hemingway J.D.Salinger William Golding Lawrence,Take a closer look .,What might Mark Twain convey in the text?,It is all too often the sad fate of artists that they achieve fame, if they achieve it at all, only after death. In life their talent may well pass unrec

9、ognized, leaving them living on the edge of poverty.,Do you think so?,Look at them.,Eight Golden Flowers of Huzhou,Guo Jingming,Hanhan,And more ,Xu Zhimo,Qian Zhongshu,Zhang Ailing,Wangshuo,Yu Qiuyu,Bingxin,Is easy to be a successful writer?,What Hemingway said,1) What did Earnest Hemingway conclude

10、 about writing 2) Why did Hemingway advise the fervent lovers of writing “not to get mixed up in writing”? Earnest Hemingway asserted that writing, as a form of art, needed study, discipline, and imagination. When he became famous, many people, especially the young lovers of writing, wrote him lette

11、rs and sent him their works. A letter read, “Everybody says Id make a great engineer, but what I really want to do is write.” Hemingway answered, “Maybe everybody isnt wrong and youll probably make an excellent engineer and then forget all about writing and be delighted that you never go to it.” Ins

12、tead of encouraging the fervent lovers of writing, he told them not to get mixed up in writing because it was a tough trade. The pursuit of art was by no means easy, and it was more often than not, fruitless. “Writing well is mainly a matter of luck. To be given a great talent is like winning a mill

13、ion to one lottery. If you are not blessed, all the study and self-discipline in the world wont mean a thing,” he cautioned.,But still more are struggling in life until they died,Say ,Georges Bizet Just days after his death, his music Carmen received great success. Fames came, however, he was not ab

14、le to see by himself.,Vincen Van Gogh,(March 30, 1853 - July 29, 1890) the greatest Dutch painter after Rembrandt, though he had little success during his lifetime.,So,It is not easy to be successful.,Art,Bread,A hidden rule sometimes works.,Is he living or is he dead?,Is he living or is he dead?,Pa

15、rt Division of the Text,Part I : The introduction to the story: “my” encounter with Smith. Question: Where did I meet Smith? the retired spot:,Para 1,Flooding sunshine Balmy air Brilliant blue sea Restful unpretentious Gaudy Fuss and feathers Get accquainted with,灿烂的(overfull)阳光 暖和的空气 波光潋滟的碧海 宁静的,朴实

16、无华的, 艳丽的,华而不实的 大吹大擂 结交,认识,Balmy:gently and pleastantly warm温和的,宜人的 Eg. A balmy breeze一阵温和的微风 It often happens that a balmy morning passes into a chilly afternoon.一个温和的上午常常转为一个寒冷的下午,restful:giving a peaceful and relaxed feeling restful colour restful eyes unpretentious:simple, modest an unpretentious country church朴实无华的乡村教堂 Mr. Smith has an unpretentious house with a small number of rooms and simple furniture.,gaudy: adj. clothes, colours, etc. that are gaudy ar



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