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《Unit 9a Flexible Benefits.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit 9a Flexible Benefits.doc(12页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 9a Flexible BenefitsBenefits1. warmer: Say something about benefits which companies can offer:e.g. pension, company car; additional holiday; etc.2. Ex. Have you ever got any kind of benefits? List them:3. Ex. Explanation:Additional holiday:Additional cash:Retail vouchersChildcare vouchersAccide

2、nt insuranceTravel insurancePensionCritical illness insuranceRead the mini-profiles. Give your reasons when answering4. Ex. Discuss the nine benefits listed in Ex. and choose those you would be most interested in.How fexible benefits work5. Ex. PwCs flexible benefits system: the Base Pay Benefit Pre

3、miumNew words or phrases:(1) put together: combine e.g. Your department spent more last year than all the other departments put together.(2) put sth together: assemble sth e.g. He took the machine to pieces and then put it together again. Others: put together an essay, a meal, a case for the defence

4、(3) to start with: in the first place; initially e.g. To start with we havent enough money, and secondly were too busy. e.g. The club had only six members to start with.(4) above and over: e.g. They built a new room above / over the garage. She threw the ball over the fence. Throw the water over the

5、 flames. e.g. 2000 ft. above sea-level above average intelligence / height Hes over fifty. Shes been here over two hours.Suggested answer:Employees can use up to 20% of their base pay to buy additional benefits, if they so wish. The Benefit Premium includes a certain part ( Core Benefits ) which is

6、not flexible; however, the rest can be used to fund nenefits of each employees choosing, or exchanged for cash.6. Ex. True or false:7. Ex. The importance of benefits for the employees / or when considering a job offer.The advantages of flexible benefits8. Ex. Read the document about the benefitsNew

7、words and phrases:1) appeal : make an earnest request e.g. I am appealing on behalf of the famine victims.2) appeal to sb. : be attractive or interesting; e.g. His sense of humour appealed to her enormously. e.g. She appealed to the high court against her sentence.3) Service e.h. The company hasnt e

8、nough cash to service its debts.4) leasing deals 5) tenant, lessee, lessor, lease, tenancy e.g. Are you an owner or a tenant? Both the lessee and lessor sign a lease. ( a written legal agreement defining the terms of the tenancy.)6) worthwhile e.g. Its worthwhile taking the trouble to explain a job

9、fully to the new employees. Nursing is a very worthwhile career.7) subsidise: give a subsidy to (sth./sb.) e.g. a subsidised student8) cover: protection9. Ex. Listening:New words or phrases:1. come about: happen e.g. Can you tell me how the accident came about?2. the individuality and diversity3. pa

10、yroll4. identify with: e.g. One cannot identify happiness with wealth.5. bulk: in large amounts6. pro-active:7. roadshow:8. advise on: e.g. She advises the Government on economic affairs.9. invaluable, valuable, valueless, worthless, priceless, numberless10. Ex. Advantages for the employee:flexible

11、choicetax savingscost savingscan change benefits as lifestyle changesAdvantages for the company:reduce staff turnoverhelps to define its brandaids recruitment of talented peopleoffers experience in flexible benefits, which is useful for PwCs consultancy service11. Ex. 语言功能I. Making Complaints 抱怨投诉Us

12、eful Expressions:1. Making complaints: Excuse me, Im afraid Excuse me, there seems to be something wrong with There appears to be something wrong with I wish you Could you please 2. Responses: Oh, I am sorry about that. Ill Well, Im afraid there is nothing we can do about it, actually. Im afraid the

13、re isnt much that we can do about it. I suggest you leave it with us, and well see what can be done / we can do. Im afraid the manager isnt in at the moment. Could you call back later?Conversations:(1) A: I wish you wouldnt have your TV so loud.B: Sorry! Were you trying to sleep?A: Yes, and while I

14、think of it - please ask when you borrow the iron.B: I really ought to have known better. Sorry!(2) A: Do you think you could keep the noise down a bit?B: Sorry! Have I been keeping you awake?A: Yes, and another thing - would you mind not using my toothpaste?B: Im sorry. I thought you didnt mind.(3)

15、 A: That radios terribly loud. Could you turn it down a fraction?B: Sorry! Is it disturbing you?A: Yes, and something else - wouldnt it be an idea to buy your own soap?B: Sorry! I didnt realize you felt so strongly about it.(4) A: Do you have to have that record on quite so loud?B: Sorry! Is it bothering you?A: Yes, and while Im about it - please dont use the phone without asking.B: So sorry! I meant to ask y



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