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1、牛津英8B Unit Five 教案 教学目标:能够用used to+be/do谈论过去的习惯或状态 能够使用be used to谈论我们长时间习惯做的事情 熟练掌握由suchthat和sothat引导的结果状语从句 掌握第四单元单词词组教学重难点:used to do suchthat sothat教学过程检查落实及知识回顾:1. 听写上节课布置的单词,词组。2.抽读上节课要求的课文3.检查上节课布置笔头作业4.对上节课知识点进行提问新知探索:Part One1国际慈善机构 international charities2零花钱 pocket money3习惯于做某事 be used to

2、doing sth.4吃一顿丰富的午餐 have a big lunch5过去常常做某事 used to do sth6对某人很友善 be kind to sb.7太虚弱不能行走 too weak to walk8带某人去某地 take sb to sp.9在饭店的隔壁 next to the restaurant10. 最不重要的 the least important11. 医疗 health care / medical treatment12. 空中眼科医院 a flying eye hospital13. 志愿者医生 volunteer doctor14. 在录像上 on video

3、15给某人做手术 operate on sb. =do/ perform an operation on sb.16.因为某事而对某人很感激 be grateful/thankful to sb. for sth.17. 尽力做某事 try ones best to do sth.18.80%的失明病例 80 per cent of the cases of blindness19.让这个世界(成为)更美好的地方 make the world a better place20.全世界人民 people all over the world21.治愈某人 cure sb. of sth.22.继

4、续做某事 carry on with sth= go on with sth.23.通过培训 by training24.什么别的东西 anything else25.现代医学 modern medicine26.一个空中眼科医院 a flying eye hospital27.用飞机来作为一个教学中心 use the plane as a teaching centre28.眼科手术 eye operations29. 能够被治愈或治疗 can be cured or prevented30.训练当地的医生和护士 train local doctors and nurses31.一天只做两三

5、个手术 do only two or three operations a day32.在我上一次访问过程中 during my last visit33.帮助人们重见光明 help people see again34.习惯于在飞机上工作 be used to working on a plane35.志愿为工作 volunteer to work for36.害怕某人/某物 be afraid of sb./sth.37. 代替 instead of38. 害怕做某事 be afraid of doing sth. = be afraid to do sth.39.受教育 receive/

6、get (an) educationPart Two1.Eddie, Oxfam needs money.Need作为动词,意为“需要;必要,必须”。试比较need,require的异同。(1) 都可接n.或pron.作宾语。(2) 都可以接doing或to be done,意为“需要,应该”。(3) need后可接主动的不定式,require不行。(4) require后可接复合宾语,need不可以。(5) need可作情态动词,require不可以They need/require our help.I need to go now.The patient needs/requires t

7、aking good care of.注:take care of与the patient之间有逻辑上的动宾关系 =The patient needs/requires to be taken good care of.The work requires you to be very careful.=You are required to be very careful.2.Im not used to going out before lunch.(1) be used to doing sth.=get used to doing sth. 意为“习惯于做某事”My father is

8、used to smoking after lunch.(2) used to do sth.=often did sth.意为“过去常常做某事”I used to have a walk in the forest along the lake.Hobo,you used to be very kind/friendly to me.(3) be used to do sth.=be used for doing sth.意为“被用来干某事”Knives are used to cut things.= Knives are used for cutting things.3.Im so w

9、eak that I cant walk any further.(1)“sothat+句子”意为“如此以致于”,是结果状语从句。So是副词,修饰动、形、副。so+adj./adv.+thatHe is so young that he cant go to school.= He is too young to go to school.=He is not old enough to go to school.so+much/little+不可数名词+thatHe gave me so little money that I couldnt buy anything.(2)“suchtha

10、t+句子”也是结果状语从句。such是形容词,修饰名词。such+ adj.+名词复数+thatThey are such interesting books that we all like them.such+a/an+形容词+单数名词+that=so+形容词+a/an+单词名词+thatShe is such an honest girl that everyone trusts her.=She is so honest a girl that everyone trusts her.(3)weak意为“虚弱”;be weak in意为“在薄弱”,反义词组为be good atIm w

11、eak in English but Im good at Maths.4.Blindness affects about 45 million people around the world, mostly in poor countries.(1)句中affect作动词,意为“影响”时,多指给身体、思想或情绪带来负面的影响,其产生的影响之大足可以引起反应。Smoking affects health.Will this article affects his thinking?(2)句中mostly为副词,意为“主要地;大部分;多半地”。Most of the Americans use

12、their cars mostly for their jobs.Do the natives of the small islands live mostly on fish and rice?5.80 percent of these cases can be cured or prevented.(1)句中cure作动词,意为“治愈;治疗;改掉;消除”,常与of连用。The parents try to cure their son of bad habits.Is our government trying hard to cure poverty(贫穷)?cure也有名词词性The

13、famous doctor has had 100 cases of this disease with 98 cures.这位名医治国这种病100例,治好98人。treat 对待,治疗Dont treat me as a child.Modern medicine is developing so quickly that we can treat and cure most eye problems and improve the lives of patients.(3)句中prevent作动词,意为“预防”,指采取预先行动使不发生或停止。prevent disease/ crimesIt is the job of police to prevent crimes.prevent(from)doing=stop-( from)doing意为“阻止某事的发生”或“阻止某人做某事”。We must prevent/stop the next war (from) happeni



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