五年级英语上册 What’s your favourite food B Read and write 人教版(PEP).ppt

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《五年级英语上册 What’s your favourite food B Read and write 人教版(PEP).ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《五年级英语上册 What’s your favourite food B Read and write 人教版(PEP).ppt(13页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、What sYourFavouriteFood UnitThree BReadandWrite Theapplesaresweet Thepotatoesaresalty Thegrapesaresour Thefishisfresh They retastyandyummy Andhealthyforme What sMonkey sfavouritefruit Lookandlistencarefully Readthedialoguebyyourself Thenfillintheform Whatdotheylike apples bananas carrotjuice beef Le

2、t sreadthedialogue Finishthesentences 1 Monkeylikesapples Theyare 2 WhatdoesRabbitlike 3 Ziplikes It sfreshandhealthy sweet Shelikesbananas carrotjuice Learningtips 1 Underlinethekeysentences 划出重点句子 2 Whenmeetsnewwords trytoguesstheirmeaningsthoughthewholepassage 当遇到不懂的单词 通过上下文猜 I mJohn TodayisWedne

3、sday Wehavepotatoes porkandgreenbeansfordinner Potatoesaremymother sfavouritefood Theyaresalty ButIdon tlikepotatoes Ilikepork It stastyandhealthy Myfather sfavouritefoodisgreenbeans Theyarefresh Afterdinner weeatsomeapples Applesareourfavouritefruits Theyareveryhealthy Readthepassage writewhatdowel

4、ikeandthereasons 秋日私语 钢琴曲 mp3 Greenbeans fresh Pork tastyandhealthy Apples veryhealthy Drink 饮料 milk coffee Coke water orangejuice tea Fruit apple pear watermelon banana orange grapes Groupwork What syourfavouritefruitordrink 调查小组各成员喜欢的水果和饮料 Eatwell keephealthy Wemusthaveabalancediet 我们要注意饮食均衡 保持健康 Summary Ifyouwanttoknowsomeone sfavouritefruit youcanask 你想知道某人最喜欢的水果你可以问 What syourfavouritefruit HomeworkRetellreadandwrite andtrytorecite 复述readandwrite 尝试着背诵出来 2 Makeasurveyaboutyourfamily Whataretheirfavouritefoodorfruits TrytowriteitdownasJohn 调查你家庭各个成员最喜欢的食物或者水果 像John那样写下来 Goodbye



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