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1、2014-2015学年度第二学期期末质量检测四年级英语一.补全下列单词(10分)( )1.k_te A a B i C e( )2.b_g A a B e C s( )3.m_sic A u B e C o( )4.T_ _ _sday A hur B ues C her( )5.d_ nce A e B a C n二选出不属于同一类的一项(10分)( )1.A.maths B.English C.week( )2.A.teacher B.twenty C.eleven( )3.A.Sunday B.today C.Friday( )4.A.cake B.sing C.bread( )5.A.

2、bed B.cat C.sheep三为下列短语选择正确的汉语意思(10分)( )1.look at A.去野餐( )2.how many B.看看( )3.have a picnic C.在动物园( )4.at the zoo D.用英语( )5.in English E.多少四.单项选择(20分)( )1.I have an English class_ Monday. A.in B.at C.on( )2.There_ two beds in my bedroom. A.are B. is C.the( )3.Whats _the fridge? A. at B.in C.your( )4

3、.How many_ are there in your class? A.students B.student C.studentes( )5.What subject_ you like best? A. are B.do C.will( )6._ is today? A.What day B.How day C.How many( )7.What do you usually do_? A.in weekend B.for weekend C.on weekends( )8.Lets count_ 1 to 29. A.to B.on C.from( )9.We want_to the

4、farm. A. to go B.go C.going( )10.Whats_in English? A.this B.those C.these五.根据问句选择适当的答语(10分)( )1.What are those? A.Yes,I do.( )2.Would you like some pork? B.Id like some beef.( )3.Do you like singing? C.They are goats.( )4.What would you like? D.Well go to the zoo.( )5.Where shall we go ? E.No thanks

5、.六.情景交际(20分)( )1.当你想问别人是否想去旅行时,你应该说: A.Would you like to take a trip? B.What would you like to do? C.Where shall we go?( )2.你想知道那些用英语怎么说,应该这样问: A.Whats that in English? B.Whats this in English? C.What are those in English?( )3.暑假就要到了,Miss Green对同学们说:School is out _two days. A.in B.from C.at( )4.当你想问

6、问大家明天将要去哪里时,你应该说: A.What would you like to do tomorrow? B.When shall we go? C.Where shall we go tomorrow?( )5.妈妈想知道Peter是否喜欢英语,应该这样问:_you like English? A.Are B.Do C.What( )6.Jim告诉妈妈,他们用英语做各种各样的事情,应该这样说:We do all kinds of things_English? A.on B.at C .in( )7.欢迎某人来到你们学校,你会说: A.Thank you. B.Welcome to o

7、ur school. C.Bye bye.( )8.“有四十名学生”应该怎样说: A. There are forty student. B. Threr are forty students. C. There is forty students.( )9.“那些是马吗”,应该这样说:_? A.Are those horses? B.Are these horses? C.Are that horses?( )10.你喜欢画画吗? A. Do you like drawing? B. Are you like drawing? C. Do you like draw?七.连词成句。(10分)

8、1.about,How,you_?2.these,What,in,are,English_?3.Ill,shopping,go_.4.How many,do,have,you,books_.5.I,it,like,very,much_.八.阅读短文,判断句子,正确(T),错误(F)。(10分) My name is Kate.I am a girl.I have many hobbies(爱好).I like swimming. Ill swim this Sunday.I like bread and chicken.I like playing computer games on Sundays.I also like dancing.Ill dance this evening.( )1. Kate is a boy.( )2. Kate likes singing.( )3. Kate will swim this Saturday.( )4. Kate likes bread and chicken.( )5. Kate will dance this evening.



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