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1、英语课程与教学论20春在线作业1-0005试卷总分:100 得分:100一、单选题 (共 20 道试题,共 40 分)1.A () activity is used where the whole set of information is not revealed until all students have performed their part of the task.A.jigsawB.gap-fillingC.hungmanD.bingo答案:A2.David Nunan (1991) offers () points to characterize the Communicat

2、ive Approach:A.fiveB.sixC.sevenD.four答案:A3.Which one do you think is not the correct statement().A.as an assessor, the teacher does two things, that is, correcting mistakes and organizing feedbackB.the most important and difficult role that the teacher has to play is to be an controllerC.task-based

3、teaching methods encourage the teacher to participate答案:B4.One of the principles of the Direct Method is that classroom instruction was conducted exclusively in the ()language.A.nativeB.another newC.targetD.first答案:C5.For most people the term ”curriculum” includes those act activities that education

4、 have devised for _ ,which are represented in the form of a written document .A.teachersB.designersC.learnersD.students答案:C6.Repetition is belongs to what strategy?A.metacognitive strategyB.cognitive strategyC.social strategyD.affective strategy答案:B7.()involves the organization of learning and teach

5、ing in such a way that the traditional notion of the average student and aiming for the middle in teaching is abandoned.A.pair workB.group workC.teachers helpD.individualization答案:D8.Students work in pairs, each having similar pictures, but with differences. Through talking to each other, they have

6、to find out the differences without looking at each others pictures. What is the name of this speaking activityA.Reaching a consensusB.Describe and arrangeC.Find out the differenceD.Work out the story答案:C9.The first and most important step a teacher takes is to determine the () of an activity.A.cour

7、seB.approachC.objectiveD.correction答案:C10.The root of a word is also called the _.A.stemB.suffixC.base formD.A or C答案:D11.Cognitive and interactional patterns cannot affect the way in which students?A.perceiveB.rememberC.thinkD.practice答案:D12.In the learning the established understanding is typical

8、by _ syllabus.A.Formal and functionalB.structural and functionalC.formal and structuralD.type A and type B答案:A13.How many steps are there to teach free writing?A.3B.4C.5D.6答案:C14.The biggest problem for group work is the selection of group members. Below are some possible ways to group students. Eac

9、h of them is appropriate except ().A.group the students according to seating arrangementB.students select their own group members (risky)C.group the students by drawing lotsD.divide the strong students and the weak students into different groups答案:D15.In your opinion, which one is the most typical m

10、acro planning ().A.unit planningB.half a semester planningC.one semester planningD.whole course planning答案:D16.Which one of the charaters is not belongs to a good language learner?A.Be creative and experiment with languageB.learns to live with errors and learn from errorsC.recites words without unde

11、rstandingD.seeks out all opportunities to use the target language答案:C17.Among speaking strategies, which involves using alternatives for words which you do not know?A.Tailoring message to competenceB.ParaphrasingC.Using fillers and hesitation devicesD.Appealing for help答案:B18.() relates to the truth

12、fulness of the data.A.validityB.reliabilitC.subjectD.object答案:A19.Who found a strong connection between aptitude and proficiency?A.GardnerB.KreshenC.TerrellD.Carroll答案:A20.Doing a () invlves achieving an outcome, creating a final product that serves some practical purpose.A.homeworkB.communication t

13、askC.exerciseD.listening activity答案:B二、多选题 (共 10 道试题,共 20 分)21.Which procedures are recommended in preparing self-report forms (Richards and Lockhart, 1996)A.identify in as much as possible the philosophy underlying the courseB.identify different kinds of teaching activities, proceduresC.prepare a l

14、esson report formD.prepare videos答案:ABC22.There are three Ts that can help engage the students in the writing activities. What are they?A.targetB.toolsC.topicD.time答案:ABC23.What are the cognitive processes result in the rules which compose the interlanguage?A.OvergeneralisationB.Transfer of Training

15、C.Strategies of L2 LearningD.Strategies of L2 CommunicationE.Language Transfer答案:ABCDE24.Which is right?A.Children are in all ways mors skillful in L2 learning than adults areB.Children are superior to adults in SLAC.Adultsexperiences have a positive impact on language comprehensionD.Adults generally receive more comprehensible input答案:CD25.Effective teachers have command of at least three, broad knowledge bases that deal with ().A.sub


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