2014全国高考英语考前最后押题 完形填空专练(含答案).doc

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1、完形填空专项练习(一)(一)It was a warm Saturday morning in December. I reached my 1 exam centre which was unreachable by public transport. Not very nervous about my correspondence Bachelor Computer Application exam, I entered the examination hall and then 2 one corner seat in the classroom. On my front bench w

2、as an old man in his seventies.Question papers were 3 to us and I filled my answer sheet. I 4 the old man. He had neatly drawn lines for each 5. Having handed in my paper, I came out of the hall and waited for him. He came out after the last bell. I 6 him and asked him what he would do with the 7 at

3、 this age (out of curiosity). He 8 replied, “I thought I would find some good-looking girls here”. Later he told me how he was 9 before his grand kids for not knowing how to use a 10 and that he wanted to explore the box and things inside and be qualified (有资格的) for it. My 11 question was “Do you un

4、derstand things written in the book at this age” (as I 12 to understand many things in it). He cleared his throat and replied, “We dont stop learning because we are old; we grow old because we stopped our learning. We elderly dont have 13 for what we have done, but rather for things we didnt do and

5、the only people who 14 death are those with regrets.” I admired the man for his 15. I gave him a ride till his house and 16 telephone numbers. We 17 our results after two months and we passed our exams. I 18 called the old man. His grand kid 19 the call and informed about his death. Growing 20 is ma

6、ndatory (强制性的) but growing up is optional. 1. A. remoteB. various C. uniqueD. serious 2. A. arrangedB. selectedC. bookedD. offered 3. A. introducedB. postedC. readD. handed 4. A. talked withB. dropped intoC. looked atD. smiled at 5. A. passageB. seatC. examD. answer 6. A. guidedB. visitedC. approach

7、edD. encouraged 7. A. degreeB. prizeC. practiceD. question 8. A. cautiouslyB. jokinglyC. proudlyD. anxiously 9. A. embarrassedB. frightenedC. disappointedD. amazed10. A. languageB. computerC. dictionaryD. phone11. A. immediateB. basicC. amusing D. informal12. A. refusedB. failedC. desired D. tended1

8、3. A. problemsB. regretsC. opinionsD. rules14. A. causeB. bringC. stopD. fear15. A. calmnessB. generosityC. enthusiasmD. kindness16. A. expected B. forgot C. discovered D. exchanged17. A. produced B. changed C. ignored D. got18. A. luckily B. excitedly C. seldom D. usually19. A. picked upB. set upC.

9、 gave upD. put up20. A. angryB. tenseC. impatientD. old(二)Do you ever think that one person really doesnt matter? Tabitha Brown 1 that one person can make a difference. It was 1846. Grandma Brown, as she was affectionately called, 2 one of the wagon trains (车队) of adventurers hoping to start a 3 in

10、the West of America. She was 62 years old, only five feet tall and 4 all of 108 pounds when well-fed (营养充足的). Because she had a bad leg, she 5 unevenly.Along the way, Grandma Brown showed great 6 and energy. As she crossed the American Great Plains and the Rocky Mountains, she 7 the wagon trains sic

11、k people. At one point they lost their food and she neared starvation herself after their cattle were 8 by Rogue River Indians.Once they 9 Oregon, she started one of the first schools in that part of the country. The so-called academy was established for all people, both 10 and poor. The poor attend

12、ed 11 while those who could afford paid a dollar a week. As long as Grandma Brown was 12 , she worked hard to keep the institution 13. She attended to the 14. She offered everything to teachers at the school. Many days 15 her hobbling about (蹒跚) on her lame leg in the 16, baking the necessary daily

13、bread.Grandma Brown believed that one person can make a(n) 17. Today, the institution which she helped to build is 18 very alive. It is known as Pacific University.I particularly like how Sydney Smith once 19 it, “It is the greatest of all mistakes to do 20 because you can only do a littledo what yo

14、u can.” I think Grandma Brown got that. 1. A. supposedB. doubted C. guessedD. proved 2. A. invitedB. visitedC. joinedD. discovered 3. A. lifeB. programC. raceD. factory 4. A. carriedB. weighedC. heldD. stored 5. A. walkedB. rodeC. performed D. crossed 6. A. intelligenceB. courageC. thoughtD. pleasur

15、e 7. A. guidedB. taughtC. remembered D. nursed 8. A. cared forB. returned to C. taken awayD. given away 9. A. passed through B. flew across C. referred toD. arrived in 10. A. commonB. richC. original D. young11. A. freeB. quickly C. gladlyD. seriously12. A. calmB. oldC. perfect D. able13. A. convenient B. specialC. aliveD. obvious 14. A. farmersB. womenC. studentsD. friends15. A. stopped B. foundC. suggestedD. imagined16. A. companyB. trainC. fieldD. kitchen17. A. differenceB. fortuneC.


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