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1、浙江省宁波市柴桥中学2013届高三自选模块10月月考试题(无答案)一、“中国古代诗歌散文欣赏”模块阅读下面文字,回答文后问题。王子猷居山阴,夜大雪,眠觉,开室,命酌酒。四望皎然,因起彷徨,咏左思招隐诗。忽忆戴安道,时戴在剡,即便夜乘小船就之。经宿方至,造门不前而返。人问其故,王曰:“吾本乘兴而行,兴尽而返,何必见戴?” 【注释】左思,西晋著名诗人。他的招隐诗是描写隐居田园之乐的名诗。前人评介世说新语“行文活,人物活”。请结合上文内容,具体说明作者是如何做到行文鲜活,人物形象鲜活的。(不少于150字)二、数学IB两个模块、每题满分10分1、已知直线的极坐标方程为,圆C的参数方程为(1)化直线的方

2、程为直角坐标方程;(2)化圆的方程为普通方程;(3)求直线被圆截得的弦长2、已知函数f(x)|x7|x3|.(1)作出函数f(x)的图象;(2)当x2恒成立,求a的取值范围三(1)、理科 IB选修英语阅读理解(共两节,第一节4小题,第二节1小题:每小题2分满分10分) 阅读下面的短文,并根据短文后盾 要求答题。 Many people who like to read also save the books they have read. If you walk into any home, you are likely to see anywhere from a single booksh

3、elf to a whole library full of all kinds of books. I know a family whose library has shelves reaching up to their ceiling; they keep a ladder for climbing up to the high books, Why do people save their?_ One reason people save their books is to use them as reference(参考) materials. People whose job t

4、raining included studying a lot of textbook materials may save some of those books for future reference .A doctor ,for instance, may keep his Grays Anatomy and his medicine books ,An English teacher will hold on to An Introduction to British Literature and novels for reference . Having your own refe

5、rence book available is so much more convenient than running to the library every time you want to check a fact. Some think that a library full of the literary classics, dictionaries, and books about art ,science and history makes them look well-read and therefore knowledgeable. Of course ,this may

6、be inaccurate. Some have never bothered to read the majority of those books at all!, Also , some people like to reveal to visitors their wide range of tastes and interests. They can subtly reveal their interests in Indian music, philosophy, or animals without saying a word. While some people may kee

7、p books for practical reference and for conveying an impression, I suspect that there is a deeper reason. Each book ,whether its The Adventures of Tom Sawyer or Harry Potter, has transported the reader to another place. Therefore ,each book really represents an experience from which the reader may h

8、ave grown or learned something, In a way, saving books makes me feel secure as I hold on to what they have given me. In fact, if you think about it ,security is at the bottom of all these reasons, Its a secure feeling to know you have information at hand when you need it. There is a kind of security

9、 ,even though it may be false, in knowing you make a good impression .Finally ,books that youve read and kept envelop you with a warm and cozy cloak of your life.第一节 根据短文内容,从A,B,C,D 和E 中选出最合适填入短文空白处的选项,并将序号及相应答案写在答题纸上A. A layer usually keeps her case booksB. People who enjoy reading have discovered

10、the magic of booksC. There may be several reasons, but three stand outD. Knowledge from books is much richer than what is from direct experienceE. Another reason some people save books is to make a good impression 第二节 根据短文所给的信息,用一个完整的句子回答下列问题,并将序号及相应答案写在答题纸上 What word best explains the reasons why p

11、eople keeps books.三(2)、文科 IB选修英语1、阅读理解(共两节,第一节4小题,第二节1小题:每小题2分满分10分) 阅读下面的短文,并根据短文后盾 要求答题。 Many people who like to read also save the books they have read. If you walk into any home, you are likely to see anywhere from a single bookshelf to a whole library full of all kinds of books. I know a family

12、 whose library has shelves reaching up to their ceiling; they keep a ladder for climbing up to the high books, Why do people save their?_ One reason people save their books is to use them as reference(参考) materials. People whose job training included studying a lot of textbook materials may save som

13、e of those books for future reference .A doctor ,for instance, may keep his Grays Anatomy and his medicine books ,An English teacher will hold on to An Introduction to British Literature and novels for reference . Having your own reference book available is so much more convenient than running to th

14、e library every time you want to check a fact. Some think that a library full of the literary classics, dictionaries, and books about art ,science and history makes them look well-read and therefore knowledgeable. Of course ,this may be inaccurate. Some have never bothered to read the majority of th

15、ose books at all!, Also , some people like to reveal to visitors their wide range of tastes and interests. They can subtly reveal their interests in Indian music, philosophy, or animals without saying a word. While some people may keep books for practical reference and for conveying an impression, I suspect that there is a deeper reason. Each book ,whether its The Adventures of Tom Sawyer or Harry Potter, has transported the reader to another place. Therefore ,each book really represents an experience from which the reader may h


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