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1、每日一句(1-35)1. Society is a great class providing us with measureless information. While handling the information, we learn to distinguish between right or wrong and discriminate between beauty and ugliness. 社会这一大课堂,为我们提供了无尽的信息,在阅读信息的过程中,我们的学生学会了辨别是非,学会了区分美丑。2. No matter what you do or where you live,

2、 the quality of your attitude determines the quality of your relationshipsnot to mention just about everything else in your life. 不论你的职业是什么,也不论你居住在哪,你的主观态度决定了你的人际关系的好坏-更不用提你生命中的其它的事了。3. The stereotype of German humourlessness is believed to derive from their reputation for efficiency, punctuality an

3、d rationality, presumed to be at the expense of humour.对于德国人缺乏幽默感的成见,来自他们在效率、守时和理性上的名声,这些被认为是以失去幽默感为代价的。4. Dispense with the doctor by being temperate; the lawyer by keeping out of debt; the demagogue, by voting for honest men; and poverty, by being industrious.节制饮食可以摒弃医生;不借债可以远离律师;投票给诚实的人可以摆脱蛊惑民心的政

4、客;勤劳可以脱离贫穷。5. Wed all like to be stronger. Whether that strength be physical, emotional or intellectual, most of us have an area in which wed like to improve and have others admire.我们都想要变强大,无论这种强大是在身体上、情感上还是在智力上,而且,我们中的绝大多数人都想要自我完善,赢得别人的钦佩。6. How can I call myself an intellectual if I cant write and

5、 publish words as I wish?如果我不能按自己的意愿写作和发表文字,我如何称自己为一个知识分子?7. New research continues to emphasize the importance of mind wandering for learning.新的研究还在不断强调思维游离对于学习的重要性。8. We must constantly adjust the amount of money in circulation.我们必须对货币的流通不断进行调节。9. She has come up with a charity for her company to

6、sponsor in Africa, and suddenly claimed that the meaning was back in her job.她向公司提出在非洲发起一项慈善活动,并且突然声称自己的工作又有意义了。10. This proves that, with commitment and determination, all obstacles can be overcome.这证明,有了承诺和决心,就能克服所有的障碍。11. They were lonely and sad people, all three of them, and they would not make

7、 one another less sad, but they could, with great care, make a world that would accommodate their loneliness.他们三人都是那么孤独而忧伤,他们在一起也许不能够互相怃平伤痛,但是也许,只要用心,他们会创造出一个能够容纳他们孤独人生的世界。12. The building can accommodate all of the offshore workers and protect them from hurricane damage.这个建筑能容纳所有的海上工人并且保护他们不受飓风的伤害。

8、13. When food presents no worry to the average, people begin to focus more of interest on handsome appearance and happy leisure time.当普通人不再担心食物时,人们开始把更多的兴趣集中到漂亮的外貌和快乐的休闲时间。14. Some experts have suggested offering a course on food and nutrition in schools to inject health consciousness into children.

9、一些专家建议学校通过提供一些关于食物和营养的课程来提高孩子的健康意识。15. Many countries benefit from ongoing advice and assistance from international observers.许多国家从国际观察员源源不断的建议和帮助中获益匪浅。16. The program is aimed at changing the attitudes towards disabled students; to treat them with tolerance, respect and acceptance.这个方案旨在改变人们对待残疾学生的

10、态度,能去宽容他们、尊重他们、认可他们。17. You must respect the rights of minorities and participate with a spirit of tolerance and compromise. 你必须尊重少数群体的权利,并怀着宽容与妥协的精神参与其中.18. In every great faith and tradition one can find the values of tolerance and mutual understanding.在每一伟大信仰和传统中,人们都可以找到容忍和相互谅解的价值观念。19. Food and

11、petrol are frequent purchases and their prices tend to be less sticky than those for more durable goods.食品和汽油是大家频繁购买的物品,所以他们的价格比起那些耐久品来说相对不稳定。20. The ultimate source of these rollercoaster movements was the Asian savings surplus.导致这类剧烈波动的最根本原因是亚洲的储蓄过剩。21. There is definitely a combination of art and

12、 science that I never appreciated until having to do it.要不是我现在必须做这个,我不会意识到这项工作绝对是艺术与科学的结合。22. With study and practice, almost anyone can do it with some level of proficiency, but most people dont learn how to think critically or analyticallynor are they even aware of its value.通过学习和实践,几乎任何人都能以不同的熟练程

13、度来掌握它,但是大多数人都不会去学习如何进行批判性或分析性思维,或者说,他们根本意识不到其价值。23. Most training is concerned with technique, for musicians have to have the muscular proficiency of an athlete or a ballet dancer.绝大多数的训练是技巧性的。 音乐家们控制肌肉的熟练程度,必须达到与运动员或巴蕾舞演员相当的水平。24. Noticing a lot of children misbehaving, she says: while it was obvio

14、us within five minutes that she was not going to be teaching at my school, I stayed for the full class period, both to be polite and also because I was fascinated with what I was seeing.看到课堂上很多孩子不守纪律,她说:“五分钟内就可以判定她不适合到我的学校教书,但我还是听完了整堂课,一方面是出于礼貌,另一方面是因为我对所看到的一切很感兴趣。”25. I always was fascinated with c

15、hina, because I was born in europe, and for us, china had this fascination and mystery.我一直为中国所着迷,因为我出生在欧洲,对欧洲人来说,中国有这种魅力和神秘感。26. I became very fascinated with the relationship between sound and picture and the emotional effect it can have.我对声音与画面之间的关系和它们所能产生的情感效果变得十分着迷。27. Including moderate portion

16、s of lean beef in your diet is beneficial in enhancing your memory because of its iron content.在你的日常饮食中添加适量的瘦牛肉有利于增强你的记忆,这主要因为其中的铁含量。28. Some scientists and campaigners in Paris hailed the results, if not as a triumph, then as a beacon of hope.在巴黎,一些科学家和活动家为实验的结果欢呼。 他们觉得,如果这不是一个胜利,也可作为一个希望的灯塔。29. We wanted a warme


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