2013年英语一轮复习资料-必修1 Unit2 English around the world.doc

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1、收集整理 欢迎使用Unit 2 English around the world复习目标闯关要点名师讲解【重点单词】1. voyage n.航行,航海辨析:voyage/journey/travel/trip/tour【解释】voyage: 去国外或较远地方的海上旅行journey: 指较远的从一地到另一地旅行travel: 一系列的旅程,尤指旅行的概念trip: (短途)旅行tour: 为了公务、娱乐或教育参观多处名胜的旅行【即境活用】用上面所提供的辨析词的适当形式填空1). It is tiring to take a long _ by train from Paris to Mosco

2、w.2). The _ from England to Australia used to take several months.3). Well have time for a _ to France next weekend.4). We went on a guided _ round the castle.答案:1). journey 2). voyage 3). trip 4). Tour3. frequent adj.频繁的,常见的辨析:frequent/common/ordinary/general/regular【解释】frequent经常的,时间或间歇很短的发生或出现com

3、mon 通常的、常发生的、广泛使用或众所周知的ordinary指种类普通且不能从其他中加以区别的,有时含贬义general一般性的,到处的;不限于领域、地区或应用regular平常的;惯例的;习惯性的、通常的或正常的【即境活用】用上面所提供的辨析词的适当形式填空1). This is a _ problem.2). He often makes _ errors of judgment.3)Look at the trains _ schedule.4)The violinist gave a very _ performance marked by an occasional memory

4、lapse.5)As a _ rule I am home by six.答案:1). common2). frequent 3). regular 4). ordinary 5). General4. . 辨析request, command和order request要求,请求,语气比其他两项委婉;order和command在用法上很相似,command和order都有“命令”之意都可以接名词、从句作宾语,接不定式作宾语补足语,接从句时从句要用虚拟语气。command 指权威方面正式下令,主要用于军事场合The general commanded his men to attack the

5、 city.将军命令士兵攻城。order执行任务或掌权者发布命令时使用,为常用词,可用于正式或非正式场合。The police officer ordered that I should get out of the car.警察命令我从汽车里出来【即境活用】The newly founded chess club formally_ us to attend the opening ceremony.A. requested B. Required C. demanded D. commanded【解析】A 考查request sb. to do sth. BCD语气强硬,按照句意A符合5.

6、 request n.&vt 请求;要求6. recognize vt. 辨认出;承认7. block vt. 堵塞;阻碍n. 街区;木块;石块典例 1). He lives three blocks away from here. 他住的地方与此处相隔三条街. 2). A large crowd blocked the corridors and exits. 人群把走廊和出口都堵死了重点用法a block of 一大块block out 堵住block off 封锁;封闭block up 堵塞;阻碍【即境活用】中译英1). 他们在绕楼群散步。_2). 大雪阻塞了所有通往苏格兰的道路。_答案

7、:1). They are taking a walk round the block. 2). Heavy snow is blocking all roads into Scotland. 【重点短语】1. because ofbecause of 因为,由于(为复合介词,后接名词或代词)。He had to retire because of ill health.他因为健康状况不佳,所以不得不退休【拓展延伸】 because, as, since, for都表示原因,但意义不同because直接原因,语气最强。回答why提出的问题只能用because。在强调句型中,也只能用becaus

8、e。as 用于解释做某事的原因,语气较弱,通常位于主句前。since 表示的原因是指众所周知的事实,意思“既然”。语气比because弱。通常位于主句前,并常与as换用for 并列连词,连接并列分句,表示一种补充说明,是推测或判断的理由,语气较弱Because 接从句,because of接名词,代词,动名词2. come up (1)(人)走近;靠近He came up smiling to me 他微笑着向我走来(2)(太阳,月亮)升起The sky was dark blue and clear when the moon came up.月亮出来时,天空是深蓝色的,非常晴朗(3)出席;

9、出现I came up for interview but didnt get the job.我到场接受了面议,但并没得到工作(4)发芽;长出New shoots of bamboo will come up from around the roots of the old ones.从老(竹)竿的根周围又会长出新的幼芽(竹笋)来【拓展延伸】Come up with (针对问题等)提出,想出,提供Come about 发生come across 邂逅come at 攻击,向扑来come from 出身于come out 出版;开花come to 达到;苏醒;谈到come after 跟在后面

10、 come along 一起来,过来 come down 下来,败落 come on 加油,跟我来,进行,进展 come in 进来【即境活用】He_to Beijing days ago; and he will work for months as a visiting professor in Beijing University.A. come up B. camp up C. went down D. leaves for【答案】B 考查动词短语的辨析。come up to 此处意思是“到达-”符合题意。时态与ago保持一致。3. make use of 利用;使用典例 1). Yo

11、u ought to make good use of any opportunity to practise English. 你应该好好利用机会练习英语。短语归纳make good use of 好好利用make full use of 充分利用make the best/most of 充分利用【即境活用】1). 要充分利用一切机会说英语。_2). 我们要很好地发挥她的才能。_答案: 1). Make full use of every chance you have to speak English. 2). We will make good use of her talents.4

12、. such as像这样的(用来列举事物)。I visited several cities, such as New York, Chicago and Boston.我游览过几个城市,像纽约、芝加哥、波士顿等辨析:for example, such as, suchas:that is;for example 用来列举同类中的一个为例,可以是一个句子,也可以是一个单词或词组。在句中的位置较灵活,可位于句首、句中或句尾For example, he is very brave.比如,他非常勇敢。such as 用来列举事物(一类),放在被列举的事物与前面的名词之间,as之后切不可有逗号(列举

13、部分事例)。that is 用来列举全部事物,故在被列举事例前面,并用逗号隔开区别上述三个短语的关键是:1)判断是列举部分举例还是列举全部事例,2)在句中的位置。3) 举例说明还是列举This machine is very useful in daily life, such as in making bread.这台机器在日常生活中是很有用的,比如做面包。suchas 意思是“像那样的”,其中as为介词,不能同etc.和and so on连用。例如:Such men as Edison, Einstein and Lincoln are great men.像爱迪生、爱因斯坦和林肯这样的人都是伟人。【即境活用】The teacher praised him very often, _he is a good student in our class.A. such as B. For example C. such-as D. That is【答案】D5. play a part (in)扮演一个角色;参与【重点句型】even if/though-【基础


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