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1、将下列句子变为否定句,然后再变为一般疑问句并做出肯定和否定回答。1. Ben rides a bike to school. 2. I want some new toys. 3. Ann and Mike often get up at eight oclock. 4. Kim always wears skirts in summer. 5. My mother cleans the floor every day. 6. Tom and Tim learn English every day. 7. My brother always cleans his study on Sunday

2、. 8. Li Ming and I put the dishes on the table. 9. Her mother _(need) some vegetables. 10. Lily and Lucy clean dishes in the kitchen. 11. My aunt teaches a music lesson. 12. He always watches TV after dinner. 13. The girls wear dresses in autumn. 14. My son and daughter like to play cards. 15. My grandmother has a brother. 16. The children play with the dishes. 17. The boy flies a kite in the park. 18. It usually rains here in autumn. 19. We have English lessons every day.


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