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1、Dynasties.UK.S01E05Tigers are the largest, most powerful, and perhaps the most loved of all the big cats.老虎是体型最大、最威武,或许也是最受人喜爱的大型猫科动物。Yet, over the past century, their numbers have declined by 95%.然而在过去的一个世纪里,老虎的数量减少了百分之九十五。Our team has spent two years following one tigress with her cubs as she atte

2、mpts to rear them.我们的团队花费两年时间追踪一只母虎和它的幼崽,记录它养育幼崽的过程。Her problems come not just from the natural world, but from having to do so at close quarters with us.它面临的挑战不仅源于自然,更源于生存在人类附近。Bandhavgarh Tiger Reserve in the heart of India.位于印度中心的班达迦老虎保护区。A rich, tropical jungle.这里是一片富足的热带丛林。At the base of this c

3、liff, a secret cave hiding within is a tigress known as Raj Bera.在这个悬崖脚下有一个秘密洞穴,里面藏着一只名叫拉吉贝拉的母虎。Two weeks ago, she chose this cave in which to give birth to her new family.两周前,它在这个洞穴产下新的家庭成员。This is her daughter, Biba.这是它的女儿,比芭。And these are her first, rather unsteady steps.这是它摇摇晃晃踏出的最初几步。Biba has t

4、hree brothers.比芭有三个兄弟。The four of them together are the next generation of this tiger dynasty.四只幼崽是这个老虎王朝的下一代。Raj Bera is one of the most formidable predators on earth.拉吉贝拉是地球上最强大的捕食者之一。But her cubs are vulnerable and will remain so for the next two years.但它的幼崽在接下来的两年时间里都十分脆弱。It will take all her st

5、rength and skill as a mother to protect and provide for them, if she is to raise them to adulthood.作为母亲,它要尽其所能发挥本领保护并养育幼崽,才能将它们抚养到成年虎。Tiger老虎This forest has everything a tiger family needs.这片森林有老虎家庭生活所需的一切。Plenty of fresh water, dense thickets for concealment, and open grasslands full of prey.充足的淡水、

6、可供藏身的密集灌木、还有遍布猎物的开阔草原。After two hungry weeks confined to the den with her cubs, Raj Bera needs food.在巢穴中与幼崽挨过饥肠辘辘的两周之后,拉吉贝拉需要食物。She is an experienced hunter.它是个经验丰富的猎手。But her prey are always on high alert.但它的猎物时刻保持高度警觉。Fortunately, she knows how to disappear.幸好,它知道如何隐藏踪迹。Even with her experience, m

7、ost hunts end this way.尽管经验丰富,多数狩猎都会如此收场。But now she faces a dilemma.但现在它面临一个两难困境。As evening draws in, leaving the cubs unprotected in their den could put them in danger.夜幕开始降临,把幼崽独自留在巢穴可能招致危险。The night shift are already on the prowl.夜行捕食者已徘徊在外。A sloth bear.一头懒熊。It will kill cubs if it can nd them.如

8、果发现幼崽,它会将其猎杀。Once a den has been discovered, its no longer safe.巢穴一旦被发现,就不再安全。She needs to move her family.它需要搬家。The family are safe at a new den.迁至新巢后全家安全。An experienced tigress like Raj Bera may know half a dozen hideaways like this.像拉吉贝拉这样经验丰富的母虎可能知道数个像这样的藏匿处。Even though she failed in her hunt, t

9、he cubs are as hungry for milk as ever.尽管它捕猎失败,幼崽依然渴望它的乳汁。For a tigress to feed and protect, as many as four young is a relentless challenge.养育并保护多达四只幼崽,对于母虎来说是严峻的挑战。Its unlikely that she will be able to raise them all.它不太可能将所有幼崽都养大。And in India today, there are new pressures, making it harder than

10、ever to rear a family to adulthood.而如今在印度,新的压力使抚养幼崽至成年变得前所未有的艰难。Raj Beras territory is just big enough to support her cubs, but shes surrounded by territories held by other tigers.拉吉贝拉的领地面积刚好够它养育幼崽,但它被其它老虎的领地包围。And all are encircled by human settlement.而整个保护区被人类居住区环绕。6800:11:13,000 - 00:11:17,170班达迦

11、老虎保护区There are about 80 tigers in Bandhavgarh.班达迦共有约八十只老虎。This is an unusually high density.密度高得非比寻常。Competition for space is intense.对于生存空间的竞争十分激烈。Scarred faces are evidence of battles between rivals.脸上的伤疤是对手间争斗的证明。To keep her territory secure, Raj Bera regularly patrols its 20-mile-long boundary.为

12、了保证领地安全,拉吉贝拉定期在长达二十千米的边界巡逻。Each time she sprays, shes marking a line that other tigers know they cross at their peril.它每次喷尿都是在标记其它老虎不得逾越的界线。Territory marking in the midday heat is hard work.耐着正午的酷热标记领地十分辛苦。She needs to cool off.它需要降温。An amorous male peacock.一只多情的雄孔雀。Every day, she has to strike an a

13、lmost impossible balance, dividing her time between hunting, scent marking her boundaries, and nursing her cubs.每一天,它都在三项任务间取得近乎不可能的平衡,分配时间进行捕猎,对领地边界进行气味标记以及照料幼崽。For now the demands of her young family must take precedence.目前,幼崽的需求必须优先满足。Her cubs have reached the stage when they start exploring.它的幼崽

14、已成长到开始探索的阶段。Although even walking hasnt been completely mastered.尽管它们仍未完全学会走路。Differences between the cubs are beginning to appear.幼崽之间的差异逐渐显现。The three brothers are caught up in a rough and tumble.三个兄弟忙着打闹。But their sister, Biba, holds back.但它们的姐妹比芭,踌躇退缩。She is smaller and not as strong as her brot

15、hers.它体型较小,也不如它的兄弟强壮。And these differences will only become more apparent, as they grow older.这些差异只会随着它们的成长变得愈发明显。Two months later and the family has left the den for good.两个月后,老虎一家永远地离开了巢穴。The cubs are now strong enough to follow their mother.幼崽现已足够强壮能跟上母亲。She must now start on their education.母虎必须开始教育幼崽了。She shows them around her territory.它带它们巡视领地。And most importantly, introduces them to a new diet.更重要的是,带它们品尝一


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