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1、be going to 和 will 的区别 be going to 与 will 两者都可表示将要发生的事 将要去做某事 但它们有如下几 点区别 1 be going to 表示近期 眼下就要发生的事情 will 表示的将来时间则较远一 些 如 He is going to write a letter tonight He will write a book one day 2 be going to 表示根据主观判断将来肯定发生的事情 will 表示客观上将来势必 发生的事情 He is seriously ill He is going to die He will be twenty

2、 years old 3 be going to 含有 计划 准备 的意思 而will 则没有这个意思 如 She is going to lend us her book He will be here in half an hour 4 在有条件从句的主句中 一般不用be going to 而多用 will 如 If any beasts comes at you I ll stay with you and help you 在下列情况下用 will 1 根据说话者的见解和观点对未来作出预言时 I think Smiley will make a good footballer Smit

3、h will beat Patterson with a knock out in the second round 2 在说话时突然作出的决定时 一般用will 的缩约式 ll I m tired I think I ll go to bed Come to supper OK thanks I ll bring a bottle 3 表示意图 提议 许诺 自愿做某事或坚持做某事时 There s the door bell I ll go I will stop smoking I really will 4 表示请求和邀请时 Will you give me a hand Will yo

4、u come in and have a drink 5 表示命令或威胁时 You will start work at six o clock I ll beat you if you do that again 6 表示习惯和规律时 She will greet me when she meets me Man will die 在下列情况下用 be going to 1 根据现在所见 预计不久肯定会发生的事情时 Look it s going to rain The car is going to turn over 2 谈及打算或事先决定了的事情时 What are you going

5、 to be when you grow up Why have you torn the paper into pieces I am going to rewrite it be going to be 和 be going to do 有什么区别 be going to 是英语未来时的另一种体现方式 等同will 因此可以如此理解 be going to be will be be going to do will do 1 be going to be 后面可以加形容词 也可以加名词 或其他词组 例如 You are going to be late You will be late

6、They are going to be there They will be there He is going to be the president of the United States He will be the president 2 be going to do 这里的 do 可以是任何动词 表达某人将要做的事 例如 I am going to play soccer with them I will play soccer with them He is going to love this gift He will love this gift We are going to leave at 7am We will leave at 7am



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