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1、1 基本要求 就一般性话题或提纲在半小时内写出120 词的短文 内容基本完整 用词恰当 语篇连贯 2 评分标准及相应的要求 14 分 切题 表达思想清楚 文字通顺 连贯性较好 基本上无语言错误 仅有个别小错 11 分 切题 表达思想清楚 文字连贯 但有少量语言错误 单复数 冠词 拼写 大小写 8 分 基本切题 有些地方表达思想不够清楚 文字勉强连贯 语言错误相当多 其中有一些是严 重错误 时态混乱 句子成分搭配不当 5 分 基本切题 表达思想不清楚 连贯性差 有较多的严重语言错误 2 分 条理不清 思路紊乱 语言支离破碎或大部分句子均有错误 且多数为严重错误 卷面要求 字体端正清晰 易于辨认

2、规范大小写 词间空格 段前缩进 正确使用标点符号 避 免拼写错误 减少涂改 内容要求 语言上 关键在于变化 变化不分难易 只要有变化就行 变化分为词的变化和句的变 化 在用词上 同一文章中 相同意义的词要争取不断的用近义词替换 7 种万能写作模板 现象 观点阐释型 现象 观点阐释型作文要求考生就某一事物或者现象进行客观的分析和评论 要求分析某一社会现象 出现的原因或存在的问题并结合实际情况具体说明自己的看法和建议 此类作文的基本结构如下 第 一段简述某一现象 即提出文章讨论的主题 第二段分析产生该现象的原因或存在的问题 写作的 重心 需要从多方面进行阐述 第三段提出号召 建议或解决方案 模板

3、某社会现象或问题 has increasingly become a common concern of the public 用一句话具体描述该社 会现象 However 该社会现象引发的问题 The reasons for this are obvious The primary reason presumably is that 产生该现象的原因1 The second reason is that 产生该现象的原因2 Personally I think 该社会现象 should be controlled because it 该现象产生的社会问题 To improve the pr

4、esent situation 解决该社会问题的方法或措施 On Excessive Packaging Excessive packaging has increasingly become a common concern of the public A package is supposed to serve as a cover of the product to keep it clean and prevent it from being damaged However most of the current packages have already surpassed the

5、mere function of packaging The reasons for this are obvious The primary reason presumably is that the manufacturers attempt to attract potential customers with delicate packaging or to cover up the inferior quality of the product The second reason is that the consumers want to show their sincerity a

6、nd elegance with beautifully packaged gifts Personally I think excessive packaging should be controlled because it conceals the quality of the product consumes a lot of resources and adds much to the cost of the good To improve the present situation manufacturers had better distinguish family packag

7、ing from gift packaging separately so that consumers could make choices according to their own needs 图表 图片作文型 这种题型要求学生在描述图片 图表的基础上 分析相关现象或问题等 并加以评论 看懂图表和图 片所要表达的意思 尤其重要 图表若是数据型 那些 极端数字 即最大最小值 最高最低点 基本相同点以及完全相反点等等 往往是反映问题的关键 描写这种图表时切忌堆砌数据 只要把最 能说明问题的数据描述出来即可 此类作文开头段一般是简单描述图片 图表并指出其反映的现象或问题 接着分析其原因 造成

8、的影 响等 最后表达作者的看法 模板 As is shown in the picture 简述图片主要内容 It reminds me of 图片对自己的启示 并顺带引出主题 As it is 概述自己的观点 To be specific 论据 1 Moreover 论据 2 Take 某人 某物 as an example 具体阐述该例子 All in all 重申观点 总结全文 评论引言型 评论引言型作文要求对引用的话进行评论 并发表个人观点 引用的话可能是普通的话语 也可能是 谚语名言 评论引言 名言型作文一般要求从该言论中提炼出主题 然后用实例进行论证 最后进行 简单总结 评论谚语型

9、作文则要求在开篇引出谚语并做适当的诠释 接着从多方面举例论证 但某些 谚语或名人言论也不一定正确 若是题目没有设定文章的基调 驳斥谚语或者名人的观点也是一种写 作思路 但要注意一定要有理有据 模板 Maybe most of us have heard of the saying 引言 But have you ever thought about its implication Undoubtedly 主题 个人观点 Those who claim to 对某类人的行文进行分析论证 It is that 用强调句的形式 从正面对主题进行 论证 简单作结 Nonetheless 重申观点 Wr

10、ite a short essay entitled Nothing Succeeds Without a Strong Will by commenting on the humorous saying Quitting smoking is the easiest thing in the world I have done it hundreds of times Nothing Succeeds Without a Strong Will Maybe most of us have heard of the humorous saying Quitting smoking is the

11、 easiest thing in the world I have done it hundreds of times But have you ever thought about its implication Undoubtedly nothing succeeds without a strong will Those who claim to have practiced smoking quitting for hundreds of times fail to have a strong will Without a strong will one can never give

12、 up smoking once and for all not to mention being successful in other endeavors It is a strong will that contributes to the success of the Olympic winners that results in the spectacular victory of the 2010 World Expo 世博会 and that leads to the successful exploration of the moon Where there is a will

13、 there is a way Nonetheless only when the will is strong enough will the way lead us to success 分析利弊型 分析利弊型作文要求分析某一事物或者现象的利于弊 然后发表个人的观点 此类作文的基本结构如 下 第一段引出某一现象 第二段分析该现象的利弊 第三段权衡利弊看 提出自己的看法或建议 模板 某社会现象 has become a fashion trend Almost everyone has experienced 该现象 some even have got accustomed to it H

14、owever while making our life easier it may bring us problems as well 列举正面例子 说明该现象的好处 Nevertheless 列举负面例子 说明该现象的坏处 What can you do in order to eat the fish and avoid the bones Think before 行动 and don t allow room for 呼吁不要做的事情 Online Shopping Online shopping has become a fashion trend Almost everyone

15、has experienced online shopping some even have got accustomed to it However while making our life easier it may bring us problems as well Goods ranging from fruit to steak from a book to an intensive training program from a film ticket to a package tour can all be purchased without leaving one s hom

16、e which saves all the traffic jams parking inconvenience and queuing time Nevertheless goods or services of poor quality fake products or even Internet frauds may consume rather than save our time energy and money turning our online shopping experience into a nightmare Think before you order and don t allow room for products without signs to show their manufacturing time and place products of unbelievably low price and products free of charge to spoil your life 观点对照型 观点对照型作文要求考生就某一事物或现象陈述两种不同的观点


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