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1、2011年专四专八新闻贴说明:1、20条左右新闻,(多了你也看不下去)基本涵盖2010年主要且具备考试意义的新闻事件;2、看两遍至三遍左右,关注黑体及中文注释,这些时事词汇会让你回想起当时的一些事件细节;3、无中文注释,若希望得到中文版本,只需按照事件及关键词进行中文新闻搜索即可;4、不要纠结于时间、地点和人物,关注类别、属性和类似新闻的行文方式及词语特点;5、大部分文稿摘自CRI网站,有小部分修改;6、考试成功!10-2-27 主题:阿富汗自杀式袭击 类别:人祸Suicide bombers(自杀炸弹袭击者) have attacked in the heart of the Afghan

2、capital Kabul , triggering a series of explosions and gun battles that killed at least 22 people.The Taliban has claimed responsibility, saying five suicide bombers targeted two residential hotels used by foreign citizens.Among those killed include 4 Indian citizens.The Indian government has condemn

3、ed the attack, which is the first time the capital Kabul has been attacked since January.UN Secretary-general Ban Ki- moon has also condemned the attack.10-3-7 主题:奥巴马推进健康法案 类别:外国内政U.S. President Barack Obama has urged(敦促) Congress(国会) to pass his health reform bill, which faces a tough fight on Capi

4、tol Hill.In his weekly radio address, Obama said Congress owed the country an up-or-down vote (一个直接的投票)on health reform, touting the reform would bring tax credits for small businesses to purchase covering and prevent insurance companies imposing lifetime caps or annual limits to the amount of care

5、people receive.The health reform has divided Congress, with Republicans standing against it in a rock-solid position, making Democratic unity ever more important.10-3-28主题:中国干旱 类别:国内事务Southwest Chinas Yunnan Province intends to send more migrants(移民,农民工) to work outside the province as severe drough

6、t worsens.The provincial government says it will try to increase the number of migrant workers from Yunnan by 500,000 to 800,000 this year.A local government official says the authorities will organize more migrants to work in other parts of the country rather than let them wait at home for water.He

7、 adds this will help not only to tackle the drinking water shortages, but also to increase their income.The drought, the worst in 100 years in many parts of Yunnan, has affected over 3 million hectares of crops.10-4-12主题:波兰总统卡钦斯基坠机身亡 类别:空难Polish Health Minister Ewa Kopacz and two other senior offici

8、als have arrived in Moscow to help identify bodies of the victims of the presidential plane crash last Saturday.A Polish Foreign Ministry spokesman says two planes are now available for the victims families.The coffin of Polish president Lech Kaczynski returned to Warsaw Sunday. Tens of thousands of

9、 mourners stood along the 10 km route that was taken by the hearse to the presidential palace.We heard it from the radio and it was a shock for us. Because so many people died and the president and his wife and many Polish parliamentarians and important people for us, so its hard to say.A preliminar

10、y analysis of the plane has found that it was working fine when it crashed in western Russia, killing all 96 people on board.10-4-27 主题:冰岛火山爆发 类别:自然灾害The European Commission on Tuesday outlined measures to help air industry overcome economic consequences of the volcanic ash crisis(火山灰危机), which was

11、estimated to be worth up to 2.5 billion euros (3.3 billion U.S. dollars).We have taken all assessments and valuations of costs from all the different stakeholders and we are working with a number between 1.5 and 2.5 billion euros (2 and 3.3 billion U.S. dollars), European Union (EU) transport commis

12、sioner Siim Kallas told reporters.The EU has been hit last week by an unprecedented crisis with the closure of airspace(机场关闭) due to the volcanic eruption in Iceland, leading to more than 100,000 cancelled flights and more than 10 million passengers unable to travel. Flights have been gradually retu

13、rning to normal since Wednesday.10-5-3 主题:墨西哥湾原油泄漏 类别:环保新闻US President Barack Obama has arrived in Louisiana to assess the damage of the massive oil spill (大量原油泄漏)which is wreaking havoc on the Gulf of Mexico.Obama says the leak could take many days to stop, but is vowing to do everything possible t

14、o contain crisis.Its believed around 5000 barrels of oil have been spilling into the Gulf each day since the explosion on a British Petroleum(英国石油公司) rig last week.The spill is threatening the regions ecosystem and fishing industry.10-5-4 主题:世博会 类别:国内大事The total number of visitors to the Shanghai Ex

15、po has hit 565,000 after its first three days of operation, Chinas national media C reports Tuesday.The pavilions (馆)of the Shanghai Expo welcomed over 132,000 people on May 3, a sharp drop when compared with figures from the previous two days. However, daily attendance(日参观人数) should hit a high on May 4, which is the first standard day of the Shanghai Expo, according to the report.The China pavilion and the U.S. pavilion are the most popular, and all advance tickets for the China pavilion were sold out in five minutes a day before the first standard day. Statistics cited


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