1.3 突破Excel的默认颜色

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《1.3 突破Excel的默认颜色》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《1.3 突破Excel的默认颜色(15页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、突破 Excel的默认颜色 0,56,115 247,0,0 206,219,231 231,239,2471.杂志图表案例 2.屏幕取色 3.设置颜色ExcelPro的图表博客http:/ExcelPTOTAL INFO-Processing04 III 18 8IV 19 18Business equipment and software 05 I 7 24quarterly percent changeData : ExcelP4.制作图表图表标题在这里Chart Title051015202504 III IV 05 ITOTAL INFO-ProcessingB usine ss e

2、q uipm en t a nd sof twar equarter ly per c ent c hang eD a t a : E x c e lP r o . b log . s o h u . c o m图表标题在这里Ch art Title05101520250 4 I I I IV 0 5 ITO TA L I N FO - P r oc es s ing1.杂志图表案例 2.屏幕取色 3.颜色代码255,142,00,77,123247,231,189 Googles search business is255,255,231 growig twice as fast as Ya

3、hoosData source:ExcelP3.颜色代码 4.制作图表SURGING IN SEARCH051015202504 III IV 05 ITOTAL INFO-Processing使用条款Copyright (c) 2010 by ExcelPro的图表博客http:/ExcelP本使用条款不得被修改、删除。All rights are reserved. This workbook may not be reprinted or distributed in electronic, print, web, or other format without express writ

4、ten permission from the author.This workbook is designed to provide information about Microsoft Excel. Every effort has been made to make them as complete and accurate as possible. The information is provided on an “as is” basis. The author and ExcelP shall have neither liability nor responsibility

5、to any person or entity with respect to any loss or damages arising from the contents or use of these workbooks.You may make archival copies and customize this template (the Software) for personal use or for yourcompany use. The customized template (with your specific personal or company information

6、) may beused and shared within your company, but this template or any document including or derived fromthis template may NOT be sold, distributed, or placed on a public server such as the internet.Caution: This spreadsheet is for educational and illustrative purposes only and should not be construe

7、d asfinancial advice. The results may not reflect reality and may not apply to your specific situation.本文档作为 Excel图表之道一书的配套范例文件而建立,仅作为该书读者个人对照书本阅读、理解、学习之用途,出售、商业培训等任何营利性质的用途,也不得发布到互联网上任何网站、论坛、社区、博客等途径提供免费或收费下载本文档仅作为该书案例讲解和读者学习理解之用途,已尽量设计得正确。但若读者将其用于公司内部实际工作使用,本文档并不保证适合所有的应用场景,无论读者是否进行定制化修改,本作者对由此所可能

8、引起的任何错误、损失等不承担任何责任。All rights are reserved. This workbook may not be reprinted or distributed in electronic, print, web, or other format without express written permission from the author.This workbook is designed to provide information about Microsoft Excel. Every effort has been made to make them

9、as complete and accurate as possible. The information is provided on an “as is” basis. The author and ExcelP shall have neither liability nor responsibility to any person or entity with respect to any loss or damages arising from the contents or use of these workbooks.You may make archival copies an

10、d customize this template (the Software) for personal use or for yourCaution: This spreadsheet is for educational and illustrative purposes only and should not be construed as图表之道一书的配套范例文件而建立,仅作为该书读者个人对照书本阅读、理解、学习之用途, 不得用于转让、出售、商业培训等任何营利性质的用途,也不得发布到互联网上任何网站、论坛、社区、博客等途径提供免费或收费下载 。 本文档仅作为该书案例讲解和读者学习理解

11、之用途,已尽量设计得正确。但若读者将其用于公司内部实际工作使用,本文档并不保证适合所有的应用场景,无论读者是否进行定制化修改,本作者对由此所可能引起的任何错误、损失等不承担任何责任。 The information is provided on an “as is” basis. The author and ExcelP shall have neither liability nor responsibility to any person or entity with respect to any loss or damages arising from the contents or use of these workbooks.


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