
上传人:tang****xu5 文档编号:135194474 上传时间:2020-06-13 格式:DOC 页数:4 大小:27KB
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1、Supervisory Guidance on Complex Wholesale Borrowings Over the past several years, commercial banks have become increasingly reliant on wholesale borrowings obtained from a number of financial intermediaries, including Federal Home Loan Banks, other commercial banks, and securities firms. These borro

2、wings frequently have attractive features and pricing, and can, if properly assessed and prudently managed, enhance a banks funding options and assist in controlling interest rate and liquidity risks. Among the reasons banks use these types of borrowings is that the initial cost of funds is low when

3、 compared to other liabilities with similar maturities. At the same time, however, certain wholesale borrowings have become more complex, and some structures include various types of embedded options.1 If not thoroughly assessed and prudently managed, these more complex funding instruments have the

4、potential over time to significantly increase a banks sensitivity to market and liquidity risks. Maturity mismatches or the embedded options themselves can, in some circumstances, adversely affect a banks financial condition, especially when the terms and conditions of the borrowings are misundersto

5、od. The growing use of wholesale borrowings, in combination with the risks associated with the complex structures of some of these borrowings, makes it increasingly important for bank supervisors to assess the risks and risk management processes associated with these sources of funds. This letter pr

6、ovides additional supervisory guidance for the review of complex wholesale borrowings that supplements and expands upon existing general guidance on bank funding and borrowings.2In addition to the sound practice guidance regarding bank liability management and funding in general, supervisors should

7、take the following steps, as appropriate, when assessing a bank with material amounts of wholesale borrowings: 1. A review of the banks borrowing contracts for embedded options or other features that may affect the banks liquidity and sensitivity to market risks. In addition, examiners should review

8、 the collateral agreements for fees, collateral maintenance requirements, including triggers for increases in collateral, and other features that may affect the banks liquidity and earnings. 2. An assessment of banks management processes for identifying and monitoring the risks of the various terms

9、of each borrowing contract, including penalties and option features over the expected life of the contract. Examiners should review for evidence that bank management or an independent third party completed stress tests before the bank entered into the borrowing agreement as well as periodically ther

10、eafter. If the bank relies upon independent third party testing, examiners should verify that management reviewed and accepted the underlying assumptions and test results. In any case, management should not rely solely on the wholesalers stress test results. Also, the stress tests employed should co

11、ver a reasonable range of contractual triggers and external events, such as interest rate changes that may result in the exercise of embedded options or the banks termination of the agreement, which may entail prepayment penalties. In general, stress test results should depict the potential impact o

12、f these variables on the individual borrowing facility, as well as on the overall earnings and liquidity position of the bank. 3. An evaluation of management processes for controlling risks, including interest rate risks arising from the borrowings, as well as liquidity risks. Proper controls includ

13、e contingent funding plans in the event that borrowings or lines are terminated prior to the original expected maturity, and hedges or other plans for minimizing the adverse affects resulting from penalties or interest rate changes and other triggers for embedded options. 4. A determination as to wh

14、ether the asset/liability management committee or board of directors, as appropriate, is fully informed of the risks and ramifications of complex wholesale borrowing agreements prior to engaging in the transactions as well as on an ongoing basis. 5. A determination as to whether funding strategies r

15、egarding wholesale borrowings, especially those with optionality, are consistent with both the portfolio objectives of the bank and the level of sophistication of the banks risk management. Banks without the technical knowledge and risk management systems sufficient to adequately identify, assess, m

16、onitor, and control the risks of complex wholesale borrowings should not use this funding. Reliance on wholesale borrowings is consistent with safe and sound banking when management understands the risks of these activities and has systems and procedures in place to properly monitor and control the risks. Supervisors and examiners should take appropriate follow-up steps with respect to institutions that utilize complex funding instr



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