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1、 Revision 8BUnit3Onlinetours 词汇篇 词汇拓展 mice mouses remotecontrol keyboard mainunit mouse receive south southern darkness Asian international Asia America American Europe European Australia Australian Africa African world famous trade huge several island hard bottom passport relax musical pick play co

2、ast opposite mind pleasure book ruler pound dollar 短语篇 高频短语 looklike searchforinformation sendandreceiveemails dowordprocessing atthetop bottomof t tourguide tradecenter atthesouthernendof inthecenterof ahardday swork befamousfor intheearlytwentiethcentury hearof somuchfor dreamof about realizeone s

3、dream takeanonlinetravel tour ontheeastcoastof mypleasure anonlinecourse asktheway bookticketsandhotels ordermeals seeadoctor dailycommunication anislandcountry thebesttimetovisit bemadeupof havealonghistory preparefor 句型篇 功能语句 Let schangethechannel Whatdoyouusuallyuseacomputerfor Haveyounoticedthe

4、Tour iconatthepagetopofthepage FurtheronisTimesSquare Withseverallakes hillsandalargegreenlawn it sagoodplacetorelaxafterahardday swork Ithasbeenfamousforitstheatressincetheearlytwentiethcentury Haveyoueverheardofthesong Memory Haveyoueverdreamtoftravellingaroundtheworldwithoutapassport Lastweek Ibo

5、ughtabookabouttheplacesofinterestintheUSA Australianseasonsaretheoppositeofours Ifyouclickonthe Camera icon youcanseemanypicturesofthecity Wouldyoumindshowingmehowtostartthisonlinetour Thisbasketballteamismadeupof12players Thisdeskismadeofwood Paperismadefromwood LikeChina Englandhasalonghistory Mor

6、eover rememberthatpeopleusepoundsthere notRMBordollars 点睛篇 核心要点 探究突破 译林牛津版 usesthtodosth用某物做某事 usesthforsth doingsth e g 我通常用电脑来做文字处理 三种 Ioftenusecomputerstodowordprocessing Ioftenusecomputersforwordprocessing Ioftenusecomputersfordoingwordprocessing hardadj 1 困难的 艰难的e g 对我们来说算出这道数学题非常困难 It sdifficu

7、ltforustoworkoutthismathsproblem adv 1 努力地 勤奋地e g 你必须努力学习来实现你的梦想 Youmustworkhardtorealizeyourdream 2 强烈地e g 外面风正呼呼地刮 Thewindisblowinghardoutside Ithasbeenfamousforitstheatressincetheearlytwentiethcentury 1 befamousfor因 而著名e g 苏州因为它的园林而闻名 Suzhou itsgardens 与befamousas的区别befamousas作为 而著名e g 马克 吐温作为儿童故

8、事作家而出名 MarkTwin achildrenstorywriter 这个地区以产绿茶而著名 Thisarea itsgreentea isfamousfor isfamousas isfamousfor Sydneyisonthenorth eastcoastofAustralia onthenorth eastcoastofAustralia位于澳大利亚的东北海岸e g 太平洋位于北美洲的东海岸 ThePacificOceanis NorthAmerica Australianseasonsaretheoppositeofours theoppositeof与 相反 相对e g 他们的

9、观点与我们的相反 Theirideas ours ontheeastcoastof aretheoppositeof Wouldyoumindshowingmehowtostartthisonlinetour 句型Wouldyoumind 可用于客气地请人做某事 e g Wouldyoumindexplainingthesentenceagain 你再解释一下这句话行吗 minddoingsth 介意做某事e g 你介意帮我搬这张书桌吗 Doyou mecarrythedesk mindone sdoingsth 介意某人做某事e g 你介意我在这儿抽烟吗 Doyou here mindhel

10、ping mindmysmoking 语法篇 活学活用 Simplepasttenseandpresentperfecttense Weusethesimplepasttensetotellwhathappenedinthepast DanielwenttoBeijingtwoyearsago Danielboughtanewcomputerlastmonth MrWuvisitedCanadain2010and2011 Weusethepresentperfecttensetotalkaboutanactionthatstartedinthepastandcontinuestothepres

11、ent DanielhaslivedinBeijingfortwoyears 现在完成时与一般过去时的区别 1 一般过去时表示过去某时发生的动作或单纯叙述过去的事情 强调动作 和现在不发生关系 而现在完成时表示过去发生的某一动作对现在造成的影响或结果 强调的是现在的情况 2 一般过去时常与具体的时间状语连用 而现在完成时通常与模糊的时间状语连用 或无时间状语 一般过去时的时间状语有 yesterday lastweek ago in1980 inOctober justnow等具体的时间状语 现在完成时的时间状语有 for since ever never just already yet i

12、nthepastyears等不确定的时间状语 Iboughtanewcomputerlastweek 只强调动作发生在过去 Ihaveboughtanewcomputer 不强调动作什么时候发生 只强调现在的结果是拥有了一台新电脑 实战篇 真题训练 经典回顾 一 单项选择 1 I thiscomputerfiveyearsago A buyB boughtC haveboughtD hasbought 2 WecanchangetheTVchannelswitha A mouseB keyboardC printerD remotecontrol 3 IthinkEnglishisbecomi

13、ngmoreandmoreimportant I A doB agreeC amD think 4 It stoohot Wouldyoumind thedoor pleasedoitnow A toopen OKB opening CertainlynotC opening OfcourseD toopen Goodidea 5 Wouldyouliketogoandseeafilm Sure theTVprogrammesaretoo A surprisingB interestingC excitingD boring 6 Canyoushowme tostartthecomputer

14、Withpleasure A whatB whenC howD why B D B B D C 7 Thereisnoair wateronthemoon A andB butC orD With 8 NewYorkisbiggerthan intheUSA A anycityB anycitiesC anyothercityD anyothercities 9 Thereis islandnearthepark A aB anC theD 10 Tomandhisparents toAmerica They backintwoweeks A havegone willcomeB hasgon

15、e willcomeC havebeen havecomeD havebeen come 11 MyunclecalledandaskedmeifIhad thebirthdaygiftfromhim A inventedB rasiedC receivedD ordered C C B C A 12 ThegovernmentofShuyangisbuilding cheapandgoodhousesforthepeople A thousandB thousandsC thousandofD thousandsof 13 DoyouknowthesongGangnamstyle Ofcou

16、rse It interesting A tastesB smellsC soundsD feels 14 Jack ismathsdifficulttolearninhighschool Sure Nosubjectcanbelearnedwell hardwork A withoutB throughC byD with 15 IfNancy theexam shewillgotoAustraliaforEnglishstudy A passB passedC passesD willpass 16 doesyourmotherwatchTV Almosteveryday A HowlongB HowoftenC HowmuchD Howmany D C A C B 二 词汇填空 Iplantovisitseveral 岛屿 countriesinthePacificOceanthissummer Australianseasonsarethe 相反的 ofours Nancyhasjust 收到 aninvitationletterfromtheinternatinalcompa


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