八年级英语下册 Chapter 6 The Adventures of Tom Sawyer定语从句专练讲解课件 牛津深圳版.ppt

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《八年级英语下册 Chapter 6 The Adventures of Tom Sawyer定语从句专练讲解课件 牛津深圳版.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《八年级英语下册 Chapter 6 The Adventures of Tom Sawyer定语从句专练讲解课件 牛津深圳版.ppt(16页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 Chapter6TheAdventuresofTomSawyer定语从句专项练习 概念 1 在句子中修饰名词或代词 定语从句在句中充当定语 2 定语从句必须有先行词 并尽量靠近先行词 3 在定语从句中 关系词在从句中充当成分 关系代词与关系副词关系代词 指人 who 主格 whom 宾格 whose 所有格 指物 which 主格 宾格 whose 所有格 指人或物 that关系副词 when where why 1 Thisisall Iknowaboutthematter A thatB whatC whoD whether2Isthereanythingelse yourequire

2、A whichB thatC whoD what3 Thelastplace wevisitedwastheGreatWall A whichB thatC whereD it4 Hetalkedhappilyaboutthemenandbooks interestedhimgreatlyintheschool A whichB thatC itD whom5 Thereisnodictionary youcanfindeverything A thatB whichC whereD inthat6 Thisisoneofthebestbooks A thathaveeverbeenwritt

3、enC thathaswrittenB thathaseverbeenwrittenD thathavewritten A B B B A A 7 Hewrotealettertome tellingmeeverything hesawonthewaytotheParis A whatB thatC whichD where8 Isoxygentheonlygas helpsfireburn A thatB C whichD it9 Isthereanything toyou A thatisbelongedB thatbelongsC whichbelongsD thatbelong10 T

4、hescientistandhisachievements youtoldmeaboutareadmiredbyusall A whichB thatC whoD whose11 Whichofthebooks wereborrowedfromhimisthebest A whichB whatC thatD whose B A B B C 结论 先行词有下列情况或附有下列修饰语时 通常关系代词that1 先行词是all nonone everyone something much little等2 先行词前有序数词 形容词最高级 thelast thesame theonly等 3 如果先行

5、词中既含有表示人的名词又有表示物的名词时 4 若主句中有疑问代词who which为了避免重复 关系代词不要再用who which 1 Doyouknowwholivesinthebuilding thereisawell A infrontofitB infrontofwhoseC infrontofwhichD infrontwhich2 I llneverforgettheday IjoinedtheLeague A onwhichB inwhichC whichD atwhich3 Thewoman mybrotherspokejustnowismyteacher A whoB tow

6、homC towhoDwhom4 Jeannewasheroldfriend sheborrowedanecklace A fromwhoB fromwhomC tothatD towhom5 Hisglasses hewaslikeablindman felltothegroundandbrokeitsleg A whichB withwhichC withoutwhichD that C A B B C 6 sheisateacherofmuchknowledge muchcanbelearned A whoB thatC fromwhichD fromwhom7 Hebuiltatele

7、scope hecouldstudytheskies A inwhichB withthatC throughwhichD byit8 Doyouknowthereason hewaslate A thatB whichC forwhatD forwhich9 Ihaveboughttwoballpens writeswell A noneofwhichB neitherofwhichC noneofthemD neitherofthem10 TheSecondWorldWar millionsofpeoplewerekilledin1945 A duringwhichB inthatC wh

8、ereD onwhich D C D B A 11 Chinahasmanyrivers theChangjiangRiveristhelongest A whichB inwhichC amongwhichD oneofwhich12 Thisistheveryknife Iusedtocutapplesyesterday A thatB bywhichC whichD withwhich13 Thespeed whichyoudriveyourcarmustn ttoohigh 14 Intheparktherearemanyflowers thecolour whichisbrighta

9、ndnice 15 Thelittlegirlisreadingabook whichtherearemanypictures 16 Whatwerethethings whichhewasnottoosure C D at of in about 17 Theyheldameeting whichthehospitaldirectormadeaspeech 18 Thebook whichhepaid6yuan isworthreading 19 Isthistheman whosehousethepolicefoundthelostcolouredTV 20 Thevillagersdug

10、alongtunnel whichtheycouldgotothefieldswithoutbeingfoundbytheJapanesesoldiers 21 WuDong whomIwenttotheconcert enjoyeditverymuch 22 ThestoriesaboutLongMarch whichthisisoneexample arewellwritten at for in through with of 结论 介词 关系代词引导的定语从句 关键是判断介词的选择 方法一是看从句谓语部分缺少什么介词 习惯搭配 再则可以通过整个句子整体含义来判断 结合生活实际来判断 1

11、 wasnatural hemarriedJenny A WhichB ThatC ThisD As2 Suchsigns weuseintheexperiment Greekletters A as areB as isC that areD that is3 Ipassedhimalargeglassofwhisky hedrankimmediately A thatB asC whichD who4 Sheisverygoodatdance everybodyknows A thatB whichC whoD as5 Itwasraining wasapity A whatB thatC

12、 thewhichD which6 hasbeensaidabove grammarisasetofdeadrules A WhichB WhatC ThatD As7 Wedothesamework theydo A whichB asC thanD like D A C D D D B 8 Theearthisround weallknow A thatB whichC whoD as 结论 as which均可以引出非限制性定语从句 如都指前一句话的意思 二者可以互换 as引导的从句可以放在句首 as本身有 正如 正象 一类的含义 与之连用的词有know see expect annou

13、nce pointout等 此外 在thesame as such as 中as引导的是限制性定语从句 D 1A Isthisthefactory youvisitedlastyear B Isthisfactory youvisitedlastyear a thatb wherec inwhichd theone2 A MrSmithisoneofthoseforeignerswho workinginChina B MrSmithistheonlyoneofthoseforeignerswho workinginChina a isb hasc haved are3 A Don tdisc

14、ussquestionssuch those B Let sdiscussonlythequestions weareinterestedin a whichb thatc asd aboutwhich4 A All Ineedisagoodrest a Whatb AllwhatB Ineedisagoodrest c thatd Which a d d a c b c a 5 A Pisaisacity hasaleaningtower B Pisaisacity thereisaleaningtower a whichb thatc whered there6 A Thisisthepl

15、ace wevisitedlastyear B Thistheplace weworkedlastyear a whichb wherec inthatd there7 A Thenews hetolduswasveryexciting B Hehasbroughtusthenews ourteamhaswonthegame a whatb asc thatd where8 Itisinabox Ihavehiddenmymoney We llgo weareneeded a thatb inwhichc whered init a c a b c c a c 结论 在实践中要注意定语从句与其

16、它从句的结构上的细微差别 能够正确区分使用它们 Correctmistakes 1 Isawsometreesleavesofwhichwereblackwithdisease 2 Hereisthepenyoulostityesterday 3 Thegirltoldmethenewsisnotherenow 4 Thisisthevillagewheremyfatherworkedinthreeyearsago 5 Thereasonwhyhegaveussoundedalittlestrange 6 HeistheonlyoneofthestudentswhoknowFrench 7 I llneverforgetthedayonwhichIspentwithyou 8 Whichwasplanned wemetattherailwaystation 9 Thisistheteacherwithwhomwe velearntalot 10 Isthisfarmwevisitedlastyear



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