2019届高考英语精编优选练:核心词汇基础回扣练:精编优选练(三十九) (含答案)

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2019届高考英语精编优选练:核心词汇基础回扣练:精编优选练(三十九) (含答案)_第1页
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《2019届高考英语精编优选练:核心词汇基础回扣练:精编优选练(三十九) (含答案)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2019届高考英语精编优选练:核心词汇基础回扣练:精编优选练(三十九) (含答案)(6页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、精编优选练(三十九)核心词汇基础回扣3(限时:25分钟)C.写出单词的正确形式1central centre n.2chat chatted (过去式) chatted (过去分词)3choose choice n.4comfort comfortable adj. uncomfortable adj.(不舒服的)5communicate communicative adj. communication n.6compete competition n(比赛) competitor n. (参赛者,竞争者)7conclude conclusion n.8confident confidence

2、 n.9connect connection n.10consider consideration n.11contribute contribution n.12convenient convenience n.13cost cost (过去式) cost (过去分词)14cut cut (过去式) cut (过去分词)15create creativity n(创造力) creature n(生物)16culture cultural adj.单词拼写1England is the largest of the four countries and for convenience (方便)

3、 it is divided roughly into three zones.2Caught (遇上) in a traffic jam, he narrowly missed his flight to Paris.3Considering (就而论,考虑到) the distance, he arrived very quickly.4He made no comments (意见,评论) on our proposal.5Those who were caught cheating (作弊) in the exam had to explain to the teacher.6To c

4、ure (治愈) him of his illness, doctors were called in to diagnose together.7They drew different conclusions (结论,推论) from the facts.8I missed the train and consequently (结果,因此) was late for work.9Only in this way can you have a good command (掌握) of English.10When you come across a new word, you dont ne

5、cessarily consult (查阅) the dictionary.单句语法填空1The open air celebration (celebrate) has been put off because of the bad weather.2We should spare no effort to control the current situation instead of complaining (complain)3Its very considerate (consider)of her to meet us at the station in such bad weat

6、her.4What astonished us most is that she accepted the challenging (challenge) position.5Unless children believe they can succeed, they will never become confident (confidence)6Nobody can casually (casual) succeed;it comes from the thorough selfcontrol and the will.7The heavy snow lasted for a week,

7、causing (cause) a serious traffic confusion in the area.8He is a very cautious (caution) man;he always thinks carefully before he makes a decision.单句改错(请按照高考要求在原句上修改)1We offer our congratulation to him on his success in business.答案:We offer our to him on his success in business.2Diets are most effec

8、tive when combining with exercise.答案:Diets are most effective when with exercise.3Both sides committed themselves to settle the dispute peacefully.答案:Both sides committed themselves to the dispute peacefully.4He picked up an envelope contained 500 dollars in it.答案:He picked up an envelope 或 500 doll

9、ars in it.5The supermarket offers various goods to choose, so more and more people prefer to shop there.答案:The supermarket offers various goods to choose , so more and more people prefer to shop there.6A team, consisted of two doctors and three policemen, was sent to search for the lost explorers.答案

10、:A team, 或 of two doctors and three policemen, was sent to search for the lost explorers.补全句子1Compared_with/to (与相比)cars, bikes cause no environmental problems.2It was not until we had stayed together for a couple of weeks that I found we had_a_lot_in_common (有许多共同之处)3On_the_contrary (相反),smartphone

11、s not only take up our valuable time, but also do great harm to our health.4He broke the law, and now he must take_the_consequences_of (承担的后果) his actions.5It is clear that in_the_competitive_society (在充满竞争的社会里)there are both losers and winners.6He has_made_a_great_contribution_to (对做出巨大贡献) agricult

12、ure so he deserves to be awarded.语法填空As long as I can remember, Ive been interested in learning about people, places, and 1._(tradition) from around the world.I traveled with my dad to adopt my brother and sister on lifechanging trip to Peru when I was 15 years old.2._(immediate) my world expanded:i

13、n Machu Picchu I felt as if I had woken from a dream, 3._ made me realize the possibilities and 4._(end) adventures beyond my neighborhood.In college, I 5._ (spend) an unbelievable term in Spain, and later in Ecuador. The travel desire led 6._ countless trips abroad, from teaching English as 7._ sec

14、ond language to immigrants in London, to traveling with my students in Costa Rica.Now that I have my own family, I hope 8._ (raise) my children to be globally and culturally aware. Our family looks like a miniUnited Nations, with my husband 9._ (come) from Mexico, and our daughters and sons from Chi

15、na and Ethiopia. While our intention was simply to expand our family, we have been enriched by our multicultural backgrounds and experiences. Each member of our family 10._ (enjoy) both the trips to home countries as well as the celebrations of traditions here at home. 语篇解读本文是一篇记叙文。作者的父亲喜欢收养世界各地的孩子,由于耳濡目染,作者也对多元文化倍加推崇。1解析:考查名词的单复数。根据“people, places”及“and”连接并列成分可知,此处指世界各地不同的传统习俗,应用所给名词的复数形式。故填traditions。答案:traditions2解析:考查词性转换。空格处修饰整个句子,作状语,应用副词形式。故填Immediate


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