【必须收藏】160个句子帮你掌握高中全部词汇、短语和句型(二) .pdf

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1、 必须收藏 160 个句子帮你掌握高中全部词汇 短 语和句型 二 1 The greater the population there is in one region the greater the need there is for water transportation and material 一个地方的人口越多 其对水 交通和物资的需求就会越大 2 The difference between human and animal is that the former can think while the latter cannot but bothhuman and every b

2、reed of animals have their originin ocean 人类与动物的区别就在于前者会思考而后者不会 然而无论是人类还是任何动物的物种都起 源于海洋 3 The reason why theBeatles lives up to the reputationas the milestone in pop music lies inthe fact that they are capable of adding their emotions and feelings for political affairs to their songs 甲壳虫乐队不负声名 是流行乐坛

3、的里程碑 其原因在于他们能将自己对于政治事件的看 法和情感融入他们的歌曲 4 Once you figure out the characters of thecompound sentences the teacher explained to us you will have no difficulty doing your homework 一旦你弄清楚老师向我们解释的复合句的特点 做作业就不会有问题 Qisu English is your best choice 奇速英语是你最明智的选择 5 Long before children are able to speak or unde

4、rstand a language they still manage to express themselves to their parents by making noises 儿童在能说或能听懂语言之前 通过发出噪声来向父母表达意思 6 Thanks to modern technology we can know in advance what our house will look like before we start decorating it 多亏了当代技术 我们可以在家庭装修之前得知我们的房子会变成什么样子 Let Qisu help to improve your En

5、glish 让奇速来帮助你提高英语吧 7 You can t put the blame on the newcomer because it is unfair to blame him for the fault It is you that should be to blame 你不能责怪那个新手 因为把这个错误归结到他身上是不公平的 只怪你不好 Qisu English is the favourite way to learn English 奇速英语是学习英语的最佳途径 8 According to his analysis the main foods eaten in any

6、country depend largely on its climate and soil both of which are closely related to the country sgeographic position 根据他的分析 任何一个国家吃的主食大体取决于其气候和土壤条件 这两个条件又与该 国家的地理位置密不可分 你认为七天学好英语只是传说吗 你认为看一本小说就可以记完中学所有单词只是吹牛皮 吗 你认为士别 七 日当刮目相看你做不到吗 错 你之所以怀疑自己 只是因为你还没有加入奇速英语暑假七天夏令营 如果你不信 看看我们的高端配置就知道了 项目名称 奇速英语24 个故事神

7、奇记忆中学3500词汇 听说读写 中外教全能班 主办单位 CCTV 英语电视大赛四川组委会 hence we ought to take care of our heart by taking exercise for about 30minutes a day 通常说来 人类一生心脏平均会跳26 亿下 因此 我们应该通过每天锻炼30 分钟左右来 照顾我们的心脏 39 The football team got there ahead of schedule so as to get familiar with the awful weather and food as soon as pos

8、sible 足球队提前到达那里以便尽快熟悉那里糟糕的天气和食物 40 While the leader inbusiness or industry or the college professor occupies a higher social positionand commands greater respect in the community than the common laborer or even the skilled factory worker he may take pains to point out that his father started life in

9、 America as a farmer or laborer of some sort 企业的领导或是大学教授拥有较高的社会地位 在社区 他们比普通工人 甚至是工厂技工 更受人尊敬 但是 要说出自己的父亲在美国是农民或苦力出身会让他难堪 41 Last year my totalincome with my reward added to added up to 15 000 Euros which was not in proportion to whatI did 去年我的总收入 加上奖金 总计为一万五千元 这与我的付出不成比例 42 When interviewed by the jo

10、urnalists the minister assured the public that all the products on display would be launched to the market and would satisfy the giant companies need 当接受记者采访时 部长向公众保证所有的产品都将投放市场 并满足大型公司的需求 43 No one opposed the proposal that the star be named after the distinguished scientist in memory of the great

11、contribution he made to space research 没人反对这个提议 以这个杰出科学家的名字命名这颗星星 以纪念他为太空研究所做的 巨大贡献 44 The rumor spread that the ticket sales in that suburban theatre was in decline for lack of marvelous performances therefore many performing companies withdrew their offers 有谣言说 由于没有精彩的表演 那个位于郊区的剧院票房销售正在下降 因此 许多表演

12、公司都收回了他们的出价 45 In my opinion it makes no sense to regret spending time persuading him what you should do right now is to prove that his previous opinions were just ridiculous 我认为 后悔花时间说服他是没有意义的 你现在要做的就是找到足够证据证明他先前的意 见只不过是无稽之谈 46 A lot of people inpoverty were infected with the deadly disease so the

13、experienced doctor of honor volunteered to serve the poor and operated on them free of charge 许多穷困的人都染上了这种致命疾病 因此那个经验丰富的荣誉医生主动救助那些穷人 免费为他们手术 47 Although many travelers supposed that they could take the same route without the guide only 30 percent were estimated to arrive at the destination 虽然许多旅游认为他

14、们不需要指南手册也可以沿相同路线出行 可是估计只有30 的人最 终能到达终点 48 These days all the family members who have separated from each other for long re unite to emerge in nothing but the 50th anniversary of their grandparents marriage 这些天 彼此多年不见的家庭成员重聚了 不为别的就为了参加祖父母结婚50 周年纪念 49 Her parents aim is to prevent her from any bad imp

15、act so that she can form a good habit and have graceful manners 她父母的目的是使她不受任何坏影响的干扰以便她能养成良好的习惯和礼貌 50 A strange phenomenon emerged that the youth struggled for a better life by earning money desperately but they didn t find the suitable solution to release the pressure 一个奇怪的现象出现了 年轻人为了更好的生活而拼命赚钱却没有找到减压的合适方法 5 月 10 日 名校 成都外国语学校 2015CCTV 全国中小学生英语电视大赛 奇速英语 戴氏杯 成都赛区组委会及以英语专家 数名英语特级教师为首的48 位豪华评审专家团热 烈欢迎全市进入复赛700 多学子角逐进入省决赛名额 精采比赛即将上演 谁主沉浮 让我 们拭目以待 报名最后2 天


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