冲刺2020高考英语全真模拟卷 六(原卷板)

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《冲刺2020高考英语全真模拟卷 六(原卷板)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《冲刺2020高考英语全真模拟卷 六(原卷板)(10页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、2020高考英语全真模拟卷六第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。AIt can be tough to pull kids away from their computers and mobile devices these days. While they re playing games, wouldnt it be great if they could be learning at the same time? Good educational apps offer fu

2、n challenges that teach specific grade - level skills. Here are four that combine fun and learning.Understanding Math ( $ 3.99 ; iOS)Understanding Math goes beyond basic comprehension to gain a deeper understanding of the whys and hows of math. The app tracks your childs progress to determine streng

3、ths and weaknesses in different skill areas, and you can customize (订制) your childs learning experience to suit the needs.Word Creativity Kit ( $2.99; iOS)Word Creativity Kit aims not only to make creative writing fun but also build up grammar rules. The app presents a series of words from seven cat

4、egories, such as space or fantasy. Kids add their own words to finish the complete thoughts that these words have inspired.Barefoot World Atlas ( $4.99; iOS)Barefoot World Atlas helps kids learn about geography and world cultures with a touch of the screen. Each region features a set of sub - topics

5、 from wildlife and natural features to native people ,landmarks, and architecture. These facts and illustrations are delivered in photographs, sounds, and hundreds of mini videos.My Grades & Homework ( $0.99; iOS)A combination of grades and homework tracker, My Grades & Homework can help your child

6、stay organized and on top of the progress in school. A convenient calendar and course list format and offer a glance at your child s assignment schedule that he or she might not normally get from standard homework planners.1. Which app is beneficial to childrens writing skills?A. Understanding Math.

7、 B. Word Creativity Kit.C. Barefoot World Atlas. D. My Grades Homework.2. What is the common part of the four apps?A. They need purchasing when downloaded.B. They help children improve their grades.C. They make studies fun because of mini videos.D. They inform parents of their childrens progress.3.

8、What is the purpose of the text?A. To wish readers to bing in more similar apps for children.B. To encourage parents to allow their students to play apps.C. To design the educational apps to combine fun and learning.D. To introduce four educational apps for readers to buy and use.BThere are always s

9、tories in the life that can hardly be forgotten and will restore our hope for holidays every time we recollect.Johnny and I, along with our two young sons, Barry and Doyle, lived in a village in southern Alabama in 1979. We had bought the boys a bicycle for the New Year, and had hidden it in the gar

10、age ,where Johnny would assemble (组装)it on New Year5 s Eve after the kids fell asleep. But that day, Johnny had to go to Brookley Air Force Base in Mobile, an hour away, to repair a jet. I had my hands busy with baking, preparing for holiday dinner and caring for two energetic boys.Just as I was mak

11、ing the chocolate cake, a neighbor knocked on the door. It was Beatrice, who was the only person on our road with a telephone. The base had called to say that a heavy tool had come apart suddenly, hitting Johnnys arm and breaking the bone. My brother Otto took me to the base hospital while my mother

12、 stayed with the children.We got there to find Johnny with a cast (石膏)on his arm, anxious to get home regardless of the doctors orders. It was New Years Eve, Johnny argued, and he had the bike to assemble for his boys. The doctor said hed consider dismissing him the next morning if Johnny could find

13、 someone to drive him home. On New Years morning, Johnny called the base and was told everyone was off duty; there was no one to drive him home. Johnny kept making calls. At last, a big blue car with the Air Force sign rolled up.I was putting dinner on the table when hearing the car. We were thrille

14、d to see Johnny assisted by a uniformed Air Force officer. With Ottos help, Johnny assembled the boys gift, and they all had a good time that afternoon. Our hearts were full of gratitude to the people who had gone the extra mile to bring us together.4. What had Johnny planned to do on New Years Eve?

15、A. Repair a jet. B. Buy his sons a bike.C. Prepare a surprise gift. D. Assemble a bike with his sons.5. Why did Beatrice come to the authors house?A. To relay a message. B. To make a phone call.C. To lend out her telephone. D. To take the author to the hospital.6. How can we describe Johnny?A. Diligent B. Stubborn C. Considerate D. Complicated7. What can serve as the title for the text?A. A Hard - won New Year Present B. A Treasured New Year MemoryC. An Unexpected New Year Dinner D. A Life - changing New Year ExperienceCPlastics remain on


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