《新学期课堂同步精炼》初一下册7BUnit 1过关检测含解析.docx

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1、初一下册7BUnit 2过关检测G过关检测一、短语翻译1.完美的2.日期3.法国的首都4.百货商店5.在海滨6.在海边7.更喜欢8.与.不同9.去购物10.乘电梯11.向上走12.走下楼梯13.去度假14.去观光15.以.而闻名16.多年以来17.不对.开放18.由于安全原因19.至少20.作为.而著名二、单词拼写1.He usually drinks a glass of w_ during dinner.2.Mike didnt f_ his homework. The teacher was angry with him.3.I think Hainan is a good place

2、to go s_.4.Guangzhou is in the s_ of China.5.Mei Mei is so e_ that both the teachers and the students like her.6.I p_ swimming to climbing mountains. What about you?三、完成句子1.我更喜欢在家里度过周末。I _ _ _ the weekend at home.2.每年很多游客来中国观光路旅游。Every year, millions of visitors _ _ in China. 3.周末去购物对我来说真是太好了。It is very good _ me to _ _ at weekends.4.在过去,这个博物馆不对外开放。In the past, the museum _ _ _ the public.5.我的爷爷住在海边的一个小镇里。My grandfather _ in a small town _ _ _.6.请用英语说出至少七个亚洲国家的名称。Please say the names of _ _ seven countries in Asia.7.广州以美食著称。Guangzhou _ _ _ its delicious food.


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