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1、 学号:咖啡文化和茶文化的对比 The Comparison of Culture of Tea and Coffee二级学院: 教 学 系: 专业班级: 学生: 2016年 6月AbstractWith the further development of globalization, more and more people develop the habit of drinking coffee and tea. But many people do not understand the culture of coffee and tea. Western culture and Chi

2、nese culture are mainly introduced in the Western coffee culture in the representative of the Anglo American coffee culture and Chinas tea culture and its impact. At the same time, the two cultures are compared. The cultural differences between China and the West are introduced to the people, which

3、is conducive to the mutual understanding and cultural exchange between China and the West. 随着全球化的进一步发展!越来越多的人养成了喝咖啡和喝茶的习惯,可是很多人并不了解咖啡和茶中蕴藏的文化西方文化和中国文化。主要介绍了西方的咖啡文化中具有代表性的英美咖啡文化和中国的茶文化及其影响。同时将这两种文化进行比较。向人们更好地介绍了中国和西方的文化差别。从而有利于中西方的相互理解和文化交流Key Words:social function,culture,difference,communicationInt

4、roduction Several centuries ago, the culture especially western culture and eastern culture have always been the discussed topic.In fact,all the things around us have a deep relationship with culture,at the same time the culture will still be the main problem in our life.Humanity will not satisfy th

5、eir material need but also the culture need - spiritual need.No culture,no mind.Diet culture is the model of every nation culture,it can reflect this nation”mind from the side effect.This article will talk with a topic of tea and coffee.Tea is one of special and traditional products in china,and cof

6、fee is the most popular drink in western country,they separately on behalf of different culture.By the comparison of tea and coffee,the young stage can better understand the the multicultural communication.The origin and culture of coffee There are many stories about the origin of coffee ,western an

7、d eastern.in the ancient Egypt,when a man named kadier was herding,he found a red berry. Which make his sheep got excite.he tries to taste that,and get full of energy .those berries are coffee.Another legend is more popular in Arabic area. A men and his partner were stick in dessert,feeling the mena

8、ce of death.In the dangerous moment he found a margic bush,the birds get more beautiful when they eat the bush.So he decided to try that.As a result they survived from that.After that they use the burries to help the patient in local.So in the later the fruit and juice are named MOKA.Compared with t

9、he subtle and elegant Chinese tea, coffee gives the overall feeling is romantic with the enthusiasm. Different countries in the west of the coffee culture has a different focus such as Italian ingenuity in classic coffee based invented according to a certain proportion blending milk or foam, a new d

10、rink typical such as cappuccino and latte can be known as fancy coffee. This fully reflects the Italian unconventional spirit of innovation. French frenzy of coffee should not be underestimated, as is recognized as the most romantic country the French indeed as the Italians then pay attention to the

11、 quality and taste of the coffee they value is drinking coffee mood and environment , like love their beautiful Lu floating palace itself. When it comes to German drinks you will invariably think of Munich beer, in fact, careful Germans love to coffee, data show on the German drink total annual sale

12、s of coffee has defeated the beer and topped . Data also show more than half of the German family at breakfast will choose coffee, which also in some extent corrected peoples prejudices. The Germans didnt have so much romantic figure only love to drink black coffee. it just goes to shoHEw the charac

13、teristics of their conservative reasoning,Because Americans cherish time, so holding coffee. In a hurry people almost everywhere.Instead of drink coffee,they are playing games without roles.The origin and culture of tea Tea originated from China almost is an indisputable fact, there is a tea origina

14、lly recorded in Book of Songs ya. A well-known legend is he tasted hundreds of herbs and tea. For the relief of common people, the legendary founder of Shennong farming with deer to tasted all herbs in the mountains. One day after accidentally sucking deer rat poisoning a green tree sap, then miracu

15、lously revived. Shennong tasted after juice also feel refreshed, began to call everyone to do this tree, which later became the tea.To tea this simple title has become a culture, have to mention tea two words. Our country has always been known as a state of ceremonies, the guest to tea since ancient

16、 times was enshrined as a liturgical creed, the tea ceremony in the form of a variety of diverse, more famous, such as Yunnan Tea Bai 3. It to unique head bitter, sweet, aftertaste. In the early Ming Dynasty became a white house hospitality dating etiquette In addition to the obvious cultural etiquette Yun accident, not to mention the is our country traditional culture th


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