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1、1. 中秋习俗在中国月饼是一种特殊的食品,广受海内外华人的欢迎。中秋吃月饼就好比圣诞节吃馅饼(mince pies)。为了庆祝中秋节,中国人通常做两件事:一是观赏满月。二是品尝美味的月饼。中秋节是每年农历八月十五日。据说,这一天的月亮是一年中最圆的。而月亮正是庆贺中秋的全部主题。在中国人眼中,月饼象征着全家人的大团圆。参考译文:Moon cakes are aspecial kind of food in China. They are very popular with the Chinese at homeand abroad. Moon cakes are to Mid-Autumn F

2、estival what mince pies are toChristmas. To celebrate Mid-Autumn Festival, Chinese usually do two things:enjoy the full moon and eat delicious moon cakes. Mid-Autumn Festival falls onthe 15th day of the 8th month of the lunar calendar. Itis the time when the moon is said to be at its brightest and f

3、ullest. And themoon is what this celebration is all about. In the eyes of the Chinese people ,a moon cake symbolizes the reunion of all family members.讲解:第二句中的“就好比”可以用“s like”,但译文中所用句型更好地表达这个含义。如:“智力之于大脑,犹如视力之于躯体。“ Intellect is to the mind what sight is tothe body.”2. 传统艺术 皮影戏又称“影子戏”。它是中国著名民间戏剧形式之一。

4、表演时艺人通常一边演唱一边操纵用兽皮或纸板制作的人物形象。它们的影子通过灯光出现在帘布上。这营造了有人物在活动的幻象。有时表演者需要控制三到四个偶人。皮影戏在我国历史悠久,元代时还曾传到世界上很多国家,迷倒了不少国外戏迷,被人们亲切地称为“中国影灯”。参考译文The shadow puppetplay, also known as shadow play, is one of Chinas famous folk opera forms.During the performance, players usually sing while holing/manipulating humanfig

5、ures, which are made of animal skin and paper board. The shadows of thosehuman figures are reflected on a curtain through the light. This creates theillusion of moving images. Sometimes the performer needs to control three orfour puppets. Shadow puppet play enjoys a long history in China. It was int

6、roducedto many countries during the Yuan Dynasty and attracted many foreign audience.They call the art form Chinese shadow play.3. 社交饥渴手机,是一项伟大的发明。但很显然,手机也刷新了人与人的关系。会议室门口通常贴着一条公告:请与会者关闭手机。可是,会议室里手机铃声仍然响成一片。我们都是普通人,并没有多少特别重要的事情。尽管如此,我们也不会轻易关掉手机。打开手机象征着我们与这个世界的联系。显然,手机反映出我们的“社交饥渴症”。(thirst for sociali

7、zation)参考译文The cell phone is agreat invention. But obviously, It has altered the relationship among people.There is usually a notice on the door of the meeting room, which reads, “Pleaseturn off your hand-set.” However, phones ring now and then when the meetinggoes on. We are but ordinary people and

8、 have few urgencies to tackle with.Nevertheless, we will not switch off our phones easily. Phones-on symbolizesour connecting with this world. Obviously, cell phone has been reflecting our“thirst for socialization”. 4. 北京介绍北京是座有三千年历史的古城。早在公元前十一世纪,北京就是燕国的国都,因此北京有燕京之称。在以后的几千年里,北京又成为金、元、明、清各朝的国都。北京是中国的

9、六大古都之一,其他五个是西安、南京、洛阳、开封和杭州。北京是座既古老又年轻的城市,有许多名胜古迹。从故宫、天坛到颐和园,你们可以看到北京保留了许多昔日的风采。参考译文Beijing is anancient city with a history of 3,000 years. As early as the 11th century, B.C.,it was the capital of the Kingdom of Yan; thats why Beijing is also known asYanjing. In the few thousand years afterwards, Be

10、ijing again served as thecapital for the Jin,Yuan, Ming, and Qing dynasties. Beijing is one of Chinassix ancient capitals; the other five are Xian,Nanjing, Luoyang, Kaifeng, and Hangzhou.Beijing is a city both old and young, with many places of historical interestand scenic beauty. From the Forbidde

11、n City, the Temple of Heaven, and theSummer Palace, you can see that Beijing has retained a lot of color of oldChinese life. 5. 生活习惯多少年来,我养成了一个习惯:每天早晨四点在黎明以前起床工作。我不出去跑步或散步,而是一下床就干活儿。因此我对黎明前的北京的了解是在屋子里感觉到的。我从前在什么报上读过一篇文章,讲黎明时分天安门广场上的清洁工人。那情景必然是非常动人的,可惜我从未能见到,只是心向往之而已。参考译文For many years, Ihave been in

12、 the habit of getting up before daybreak to start work at four.Instead of going out for a jog or walk, Ill set about my work as soon as Imout of bed. As a result, it is from inside my study that Ive got the feel ofpredawn Beijing. Years ago, I hit upon a newspaper article about streetcleaners in Tia

13、nanmen Square at daybreak. It must have been a very movingscene, but what a pity I havent seen it with my own eyes. I can only pictureit in my mind longingly.6. 保护动物目前,人类的生存环境正在遭到破坏,美丽的大自然已经不那么美丽了。保护野生动物,也就是保护人类自己。我强烈呼吁:不要再捕杀黑猩猩,不要再捕杀野生动物了,让我们人类多一些地球上的朋友,多给我们下一代保留一些野生动物吧! 否则,地球将毁灭在人类手中,人类将毁灭在自己手中。参考

14、译文Atpresent, mans living environment is being ruined, and beautiful nature is nolonger so beautiful. Protection of wild life is protection of man himself. So Iappeal strongly to all to stop killing the chimpanzee or any other wild animal.Let us human beings have more friends on the earth, and leave

15、more wild lifefor future generations. Or the earth would be destroyed by man, and man by manhimself.7. 学习英语到中国来旅游观光的人很少不会注意到中国人学习英语的劲头。公园里有专门的英语角,老老少少会定期聚在一起操练。马路上外国游客常常被学习英语的人围住交谈,从天气到政治,无所不谈。各种英语班如雨后春笋在到处出现。参考译文Fewvisitors to China will fail to notice the eagerness of the Chinese to learnEnglish.2

16、) In public parks there are special corners where English learners oldand young gather at regular time to practise their spoken English.3) Foreignvisitors are often besieged on streets by English learners who want to talkwith them in English abut anything from weather to politics.4) English classesare mushrooming across the land.8. 发明创造过去50年其实并不是发明创新的黄金时期。从1900年到1950年,改变人类生活的发明有汽车、飞机、电话、收音机、电视机当然还有核武器和计算机。而近50年来,只有为数不


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