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1、第一节 头韵头韵是指一行(节)诗中几个词开头的辅音相同,形成押韵。如克里斯蒂娜罗塞蒂的歌前两诗节:When I am dead, my dearest,Sing no sad songs for me;Plant thou no rose at my head,Nor shady cypress tree:Be the green grass above meWith showers and dewdrops wet;And if thou wilt, remember,And if thou wilt, forget.(Christina Rossetti: Song)第一行的dead /

2、dearest,第二行的sing / sad / songs,第五行的green / grass,第六行的 with / wet押头韵。又如柯尔律治的古舟子咏第103第106行:The fair breeze blew, the white foam flew,The furrow followed free,We were the first that ever burstInto that silent sea.(Samuel Taylor Coleridge: The Rime of the Ancient Mariner)前三行里,头韵f重复七次。这个摩擦送气的清辅音模仿柔风轻涛的声音

3、,创造出一种宁静的意境。第四行里的两个s音宛如和风吹过沉寂海面而发出的咝咝声。头韵在这里的使用,令读者有身临其境之感。另外,中间韵blew / flew,first / burst,furrow / followed,尾韵free / sea形成悦耳动听的韵味和节奏感。再如莎士比亚编号为71的十四行诗前八行:No longer mourn for me when I am deadThan you shall hear the surly sullen bellGive warning to the world that I am fledFrom this vile world with v

4、ilest worms to dwell.Nay, if you read this line, remember notThe hand that writ it; for I love you soThat I in your sweet thoughts would be forgotIf thinking on me would make you woe.每行都有不同的头韵。第一行为mourn / me,第二行为surly / sullen,第三行为warning / world,第四行为world / worm,第五行为read / remember,第八行为me / make和wo

5、uld / woe。第二行、第三行和第五行为than / that / this,第七行和第八行为thoughts / thinking。这样的不同首字母交替出现在一个诗节中,可以称为交叉头韵。诗人在使用头韵时,还使用一种声音的重复,通过这种声音的重复表达一种独特的情感。如多恩的歌:When thou sighst, thou sighst not windBut sighst my soul away;When thou weepst, unkindly kind,My lifes blood doth decay.It cannot be,That thou lovst me, as th

6、ou sayst,If in thine my life thou waste,Thou art the best of me.(John Donne: Song)此诗节使用的头韵有when / wind / weep / waste,sigh / soul / say,doth / decay,blood / be / best,thou / then / that等。另外,在sigh、kindly、thine、my和life中有频繁的元音字母i,此音暗示悲伤和抑郁,加上它是一个长元音,自然就减缓了诗行自然的快节奏运动,哀伤和抑郁之情得到了充分的表现。同样的诗歌技巧也体现在爱伦坡的乌鸦之中,

7、如该诗的最后一节:And the Raven, never flitting, still is sitting, still is sittingOn the pallid bust of Pallas just above my chamber door;And his eyes have all the seeming of a demon that is dreaming,And the lamp-light oer him streaming throws his shadow on the floor;And my soul from out that shadow that li

8、es floating on the floor Shall be lifted nevermore!(Allan Poe: The Raven)此诗节中除了各行的头韵(still / sitting,pallid / Pallas,his / have,lamp / light,from / floating / floor),还有韵(flitting / sitting,seeming / dreaming等),贯穿整个诗节的短元音、æ,长元音i:、o:和双元音u生动地传达出了主人公的痛苦和绝望。第二节 尾韵尾韵(end rhyme)指行尾押韵单词最后的重读元音及其后面的辅音在

9、读音上相同,而元音前面的辅音则不能相同。也就是说,元音以及元音后面的辅音押韵,而元音前面的辅音则不押韵。这种韵又被称为全韵(perfect rhyme)。根据音节的数量,可分为单音节尾韵(single rhyme)、双音节尾韵(double rhyme)和三重音节尾韵(triple rhyme)。单音节尾韵又称男韵或阳韵(masculine rhyme),是在诗行结尾重读音节之间出现的最普遍的押韵。如米勒在太平洋之滨第二诗节:Above yon gleaming skies of goldOne lone imperial peak is seen;While gathered at his

10、feet in greenTen thousand foresters are told.And all so still! So still the airThat duty drops the web of care. (Joaquin Miller: By the Pacific Ocean)第一、四行押韵,第二、三行押韵,第五、六行押韵,都是重读单音节。虽然是单音节押韵,但它只要求一个音节押韵,而不要求押韵的一个音节是一个单音节单词。例如叶芝走过柳园第一节:Down by the sally gardens my love and I did meet;She passd the sa

11、lly gardens with little snow-white feet.She bid me take love easy, as the leaves grow on the tree;But I, being young and foolish, with her would not agree.(W. B. Yeats: Down by the Sally Gardens)这里第四行的agree就是一个双音节单词,它只在第二个音节上与前行的tree押韵,而且它是重读音节。双音节韵又称女韵或阴韵(feminine rhyme),其基本特征是行尾单词最后两个音节押韵,其中倒数第二个音

12、节是重读音节,而最后一个音节是非重读音节。由于其读音是重读加非重读结构,因此它又称扬抑格韵(trochaic rhyme)。如华兹华斯的写于三月前四行:The cock is crowing,The stream is flowing,The small birds twitter,The lake doth glitter.(William Wordsworth: Written in March at Brothers Water)行尾的crowing / flowing,twitter / glitter相互押韵。两组押韵都是由双音节单词组成,每个单词的第一个音节为重读音节,第二个音节为

13、非重读音节。又如丁尼生女郎夏洛特第一部分的第二诗节:Willows whiten, aspens quiver,Little breezes dusk and shiverThrough the wave that runs foreverBy the island in the riverFlowing down to Camelot.Four grey walls, and four grey towers,Overlook a space of flowers,And the silent isle imbowersThe Lady of Shalott.(Alfred Tennyson

14、: The Lady of Shalott, Part I)行尾的quiver / shiver / river,towers / flowers / imbowers相互押韵,除了imbowers,其余单词都是双音节单词,都是第一个音节为重读,第二个音节为非重读。imbowers虽然是三个音节,但它的最后两个音节为重读加非重读,跟其余两个单词押韵。这就是说,双音节韵的单词也可以是多音节单词,但其押韵的音节只能是两个,而且是多音节中最后两个音节。同时,其结构也不能改变,是重读音节加非重读音节。再如济慈致一些女士第一诗节:What though while the wonders of natu

15、re exploring,I cannot your light, mazy footsteps attend;Nor listen to accents, that almost adoring,Bless Cynthias face, the enthusiasts friend.(John Keats: To Some Ladies)这个诗节是单韵和双韵混合使用。exploring / adoring都是三个音节,但重读音节在倒数第二个音节上,最后一个音节是非重读音节,因此它们押双韵。在多音节单词中,如果最后两个音节押韵,但倒数第二个音节不是重读音节,也可以归入双韵。如下面这首选自莎士比亚凤凰与斑鸠中的一段诗:Beauty, truth, and rarityGrace in all simplicity,Here enclosed in cinders lie.Death is now the phoenix nest;And the turtles loyal breastTo eternity doth rest,Leaving no posterity:-Twas not their infirmity,It was


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