八年级英语unit6 How long have you been collecting shells课件人教版.ppt

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《八年级英语unit6 How long have you been collecting shells课件人教版.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《八年级英语unit6 How long have you been collecting shells课件人教版.ppt(21页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 Unit6 Howlonghaveyoubeencollectingshells shell el 贝壳marathon马拉松skater skeit 溜冰者skate skeit 溜冰 溜冰鞋 Readbyyourselvesloudly 放开声音自己读 自学 1 m r n 自学 2 Readbyyourselvesloudly 放开声音自己读 collectshells k lekt skatingmarathonapairofskates pe r for7yearssinceIwas7yearsold sins sincenineo clocksince7yearsago 收集贝壳

2、溜冰马拉松一双溜冰鞋七年自从我7岁自从九点自从 年前 比一比 看谁记得快 Name LIYueBorn 2002Job primaryschoolstudent 小学生 Hobby dancingskating PersonalData个人资料 2009 stoppeddancing Shestarteddancingin2006 Shestoppeddancingin2009 Shedancedfor3years Howlongdidshedance Herdancinglife Shestartedskatingin2006 Sheisstillskatingnow Howlonghass

3、hebeenskating for4years since2006 since4yearsago sinceshewas5yearsold Shehasbeenskating Herskatinglife YaoMing ssportslife Hestartedplayingbasketballin1989 Hehasbeenplayingbasketballsince1989 Hehasbeenplayingbasketballfor21years Hehasbeenplayingbasketballsince21yearsago Hehasbeenplayingbasketballsin

4、cehewas10yearsold IstartedlearningEnglishin IhavebeenlearningEnglish Task1 Speaking since for Yourlife 1996 2005 5 HowlonghaveyoubeenlearningEnglish IstartedteachingEnglishin1999 IhavebeenteachingEnglish Myteachinglife for11years since11yearsago since1999 sinceIwas24yearsold 1976 1999 11 pairwork A

5、Howlonghasshebeenpalyingfootball B Shehasbeenplayingfootballfor30minutes since30minutesago playingfootball30minutes sleeping40minutes playingcomputer4hours watchingTV3hours skating2hours cooking1hour Task2 I vebeenskatingforfivehours Task3 Listenandfillinthechart Alison Victor Celia Sam Iskatedfortw

6、ohours 2aListentotheinterviewwiththeskatingmarathonwinnerandcheckthequestionsyouhear 听 标对号 再听 连线 Task4 Listening ReadPage44 45 trytofindoutsomethingdifficult 自读第44 45页 找一找有没有疑难点 智者善于动脑 勇者敢于提问 A Whatdoyoulikedoing B IlikeA WhendidyoustartB IstartedA HowlonghaveyoubeenB I vebeen Task5 Interview Interv

7、iewyourclassmates Thenmakeareport skating skating skatingin2002 skating skatingfor5years sinceIwas7yearsold Inourgroup therearefourstudents LiuYanlikesskating Shestartedskatingin2005 Andshehasbeenskatingfor5years Tomlikes Task6 reporting 概念 动作从过去某一时间开始一直延续到现在 并且有可能持续下去构成 have hasbeen doingsth 常用词 fo

8、r 一段时间 since e g Howlonghaveyoubeenswimming Ihavebeenswimmingfor3years since3yearsago Howlonghasshebeenskating Shehasbeenskatingsincenineo clock 现在完成进行时 从句 一般过去时 一段时间 ago 过去的时间点 一 用for和since填空 TheyhavebeenlearningChinese theycametoChina 2 Ihaven tseenher alongtime 3 Hehasbeenlivinghere 2001 4 Shehas

9、beendoingherhomework twohours 5 It s5years weleftschool 6 HowlonghasMarybeenateacher twoyearsago since for since for since Since 1 Howlong you collect stampsSincehalfanhourago 2 Howlong he skate Sincehe be tenyearsold 3 When he start learningEnglish In2002 4 We run ontheplaygroundsince6o clocka m have has beenskating was did start beencollecting havebeenrunning 二 时态填空 过去时或现在完成进行时 Bye Bye



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