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1、Unit 4 Earthquakes .词义辨析1The Second World War brought great _ to the people of Europe and the world. Asteam Bsuffering Cpower Dflame2The mountain climbers _ in the storm were finally rescued by helicopter. Aruined Btransported Ctrapped Dsheltered3I _ hope that youll make an excellent engineer in the

2、 future. Aextremely Bfluently Cofficially Dsincerely4More than twenty miners were reported to be _ alive when the tunnel fell in.Aburied Bdamaged Cexpressed Dfrightened5Dont you realize the _ these chemicals are doing to our environment?Ashelter Btrack Cdamage Doutline6He defeated the other competit

3、ors and won the world_ for the high jump.Atrack Btitle Cjudge Dheadline7He _ his back in Tuesdays game,and will be unable to play tomorrow.Arescued Btrapped Cshocked Dinjured8Her actions _ her love for her children more than any words could do.Acommanded Bscheduled Cburst Dexpressed9The car accident

4、 seemed to have completely _ his confidence.Ashocked Brequested Cdetermined Ddestroyed10The natural _ is believed to have caused heavy losses in this area.Aview Bblock Cvoyage Ddisaster【答案】BCDAC BDDDD.名词性从句专练1.【福建省泉州第一中学2015届高三下学期最后一次模拟】With time going by, we have come to realize that creativity is

5、it takes to keep a nation highly competitive.A. what B. how C. why D. that 【答案】A考点:考查名词性从句2.【四川省新津中学2015届高三考前最后模拟】 I dont doubt _ he has the ability to deal with the situation, but _ the problem can be solved quickly depends on his attitude. A. whether; if B. that; whether C. if; whether D. whether;

6、 that【答案】B 【解析】试题分析:分析句子结构可知doubt后是一个宾语从句,该宾语从句句意完整,结构完整,要用that引导;but后句子的主语是“_ the problem can be solved quickly”,根据语境“这个问题是否能被迅速地解决取决于他的态度”可知该空缺处要用whether,故选B。考点:考查宾语从句和主语从句3.【福建省泉州第一中学2015届高三下学期最后一次模拟】 Can I sit in the front row?Yes, you can take _ seat you like.A. whatever B. what C. whichever D.

7、 which【答案】C考点:考查名词性从句4.【天津市2015届高考压轴】An opinion is _ someone believes is true but has not been proved. A. that B. what C. which D. whether【答案】B【解析】试题分析:what someone believes is true做is的表语从句,what指的是an opinion。句意:一个观点是一些人认为是正确的但是还没有经过证实的那个。故选B。考点:考查名词性从句。5.【福建省龙岩市2015年高中毕业班5月教学质量检查】The relation betwee

8、n the actor and his girlfriend has been worsening.I know. It has got to they have to get separated.A. whereB. howC. whichD. what【答案】A 考点:考查考查宾语从句6.【2014刷江西省赣州市六校高三上学期末联考试题】 is hard is to do good all ones life and never do anything bad. A. That B. What C. All D. Which【答案】B【解析】试题分析:句意:一生都做好事并且从不做坏事是难的

9、。第二个is前面的是主语从句主语从句中缺少主语,用what连接,that连接主语从句的时候,不做成分,all后面加that就对了,which引导定语从句,所以选B。考点:考查主语从句7.【2014届江西省红色六校高三第二次联考英语试题】 People all over the world have a dream _they will always live a peaceful life. A. that B. what C. which D. when 【答案】A考点:考查名词性从句8.【2014届江西省红色六校高三第二次联考英语试题】Toms pay depends on _ the f

10、actory.A. he plays in what part B. he plays what part in C. what part he plays in D. in what part he plays【答案】C【解析】试题分析:考查名词性从句。本题考查短语play part in扮演作用。句中动词play后缺少宾语,故用关系词what。句意:汤姆的支付取决于他在工厂里所起的重要。故C正确。考点:考查名词性从句9.【2014届江西省红色六校高三第二次联考英语试题】He said it was this classroom _ he found his lost watch and _

11、 he would take good care of it from then on.A. where; / B. when; what C. that; what D. where; that【答案】D考点:考查定语从句及宾语从句10.【2014届江西省吉水中学高三上学期10月英语试题】Strange as it might be, the suggestion he made we make good use of the equipment is acceptable.AthatBwhichCwhyDhow【答案】A 【解析】试题分析:句意:虽然他提出的我们应该充分利用该设备的建议有点

12、奇怪,但是它是可以接受的。he made是定语从句,修饰the suggestion ;we make good use of equipment 是同位语从句,解释the suggestion 的内容,选项A的that是连接词,引导同位语从句。选A。考点:考查同位语从句III.短语填空right away;run out of;at an end;in ruins;dig out;a number of;think little of;fall down;as if;be proud of1His car was buried by the snow and had to be _.2The

13、y _ my suggestion,which made me a little upset.3Please wait for a moment.Ill find the address for you _.4Quite _ worldfamous paintings are on show in this exhibition.5The children were happy that the long hot summer was at last_.6We _ our son for not giving in to such difficulties.7We couldnt continue our way for we had _ petrol.8The earthquake left the whole town _.What a terrible sight!9You must watch your step so as not to _.10She was shaking with terror _ shed seen something terrible.(1)dug out (2)thought little of(3)right away (4)a number of (5)at an end (6)are proud of (7)run out of (


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