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1、Module7 Unit2教案Pandas love bamboo.一、教学目标 1. 掌握字母o,u,a,字母ee的读音规律,通过以旧引新,做到见词能读love, sun, grass, sheep, sleep。2. 学习句型:Pandas love bamboo. Elephants like water. Snakes love the sun. Sheep like grass. Bears like to sleep in winter. Dogs like playing with children. 3. 了解动物的生活习性,并能描述最喜欢的动物。 4. 小组合作完成动物简介的

2、征集作品。 二、教学重点 1. 重点词汇:love, sun, grass, sheep, sleep 2. 重点句型:Pandas love bamboo. Elephants like water. Snakes love the sun. Sheep like grass. Bears like to sleep in winter. Dogs like playing with children. 3. 介绍最爱的动物的生活习性,小组完成动物简介征集作品。 三、教学难点 语言的综合运用能力,运用所学功能句介绍最爱动物的生活习性,并小组合作完成动物简介的征集作品。 四、教学准备多媒体PP

3、T、单词卡片。 五、教学过程 Step1: Warming up 1. Greetings 2. Games (1) Game 1: Sharp eyes: What animals can you see? (2) Game 2: Guessing game: What are they? Step2: Lead-in and present the task 1. Present the title. 2. Watch a video made by teacher and understand the task-Know about animals life habits and wri

4、te the introduction of one animal for Haicang Zoo. (了解动物的生活习性,完成海沧动物园的动物简介征集) Step 3: text- teaching 1. Task 1-Know about animals hobby: What do they like / love? (1) Part 1 (Sam is at the zoo) Watch and find: What do pandas love? A. Watch and find. B. Present the answer. (2) Part 2 (What other anim

5、al does Sam visit?) A. Listen and tick the animals. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) B. Listen and matchWhat do they like / love ? C. Reading (A) Listen and repeat. (B) Read together. (C) Read in groups. (D) Competition of reading of groups. D. Game: Quick Responses: What are they? Step 4: Ex

6、pand 1. Task 2Know more about animal : Talk about animals. (1) Teacher make an example to talk about snake. (2) Conclude the ways of talking about an animal. (3) Talk about the given animal in groups. 2. Task 3Talk about ones favourite animal (1) Teacher introduce her own favourite animal. (2) Read

7、and underline the answers of the questions. (3) Talk about ones favouirite animal in groups. (4) Ask two students to introduce. 3. Step 4Fufill the task: Group work: Write the introduction of animal for Hiacang Zoo. (1) Discuss and choose one animal and keep it secretly. (2) Write the introduction o

8、f animals. (3) Present: Answer other groups question to let them guess the animal. 4. Moral education: Help and treasure animals Step 4: Assignments B级:(1)在作业本中抄写本课的六个句子各2遍;(2) 能独立朗读本课6个句子。 A级:(1)在作业本中抄写本课的六个句子各1遍并熟记。 (2)能背诵本课6个句子。 (3)能向父母介绍自己喜欢的一种动物的简介。 Step 5: Blackboard lay out Step6: Self-assessments


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