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1、Module7 模块测试卷一、单项选择。( ) 1. _ your father like music?A. Do B. Is C. Does( ) 2. We should learn the lesson _ the animals.A. for B. to C. from( ) 3. Owls live _ the tree.A. in B. on C. from( ) 4. There are many apples _ the tree and there is a bird _ it, too.A. in, on B. on, in C. in, in( ) 5. Dont pla

2、y computer games _ more than two hours a day. A. in B. for C. at( ) 6. It often snows in _ January, February. A. the B. a C. / ( ) 7. _ pens are there on the desk?A. How many B. How much C. How( ) 8. Daming _ the story is very interesting.A. think B. thinks C. thinking( ) 9. -_ pandas swim?-Yes, the

3、y can.A. Do B. Is C. Can二、按括号要求写出单词的各种形式。1. luck (副词) _ 2. come out (汉语意思) _3. sleep (过去式) _4. hour (同音词) _5. say (第三人称单数) _三、用适当的介词填空。in, with, at, of, for(1) I often play _ my dog.(2) Thank you _ your present, Simon.(3) Look! The snake is coming out _ the box.(4) Look _ this photo. Its a photo of

4、the Great Wall.(5) Bears sleep _ winter.四、连词成句。1. the, box, coming, of, the, out, snake, is, why (?)_2. love, do, sun, the, snakes (?)_3. eat, a, day, for, hours, twelve, pandas (.)_4. it, the, other, copies, so, snake (.)_5. learn, lesson, the, owl, a, from, can, we (.)_五、句型转换。1. Pandas love bamboo

5、. (改为否定句)_2. My pen friend comes from Shanghai. (改为一般疑问句)_3. Is it a cat? (作肯定回答)_4. Lingling has got five apples. (对划线部分提问)_ _ apples has Lingling got?5. Its a fantastic present. (改为感叹句)_六、阅读理解。根据短文内容,回答下列问题。 There are many different animals in at the zoo. The penguins (企鹅) come from the Antarctic

6、(南极). They are very interesting. They need a swimming pool. The giraffes come from Africa (非洲). They are very tall. They need a big house. The lions and elephants are also from Africa. The elephants are very friendly but the lions are scary (吓人的). The tigers come from India and China. They need a pl

7、ace to run. The pandas are from China too. They are cute but very shy.(1) What animals are scary?_(2) Where do the giraffes come from?_(3) What animals are from Africa?_(4) What animals need a swimming pool?_(5) Are the giraffes tall or short?_参考答案一、1-9 CCABBCABC二、1. luckily 2. 出来3. slept 4. our 5.

8、says三、(1) with (2) for (3) of (4) at (5) in四、1. Why is the snake coming out of the box?2. Do snakes love the sun?3. Pandas eat for twelve hours a day.4. So it copies the other snake.5. We can learn a lesson from the owl.五、1. Pandas dont love bamboo.2. Does your pen friend come from Shanghai?3. Yes,

9、it is.4. How many5. What a fantastic present!六、(1) The lions are scary.(2) Africa.(3) The giraffes, lions and elephants.(4) The penguins.(5) They are tall.答案解析一、1. 一般现在时中主语是第三人称单数时,谓语动词应变为第三人称单数形式。2. learn from意为“向学习”,所以选from。3. 表示有外来物“在树上”时用介词in。4. 有外来物“在树上”时,用介词in,“树上长着”,用on。5. 在时间段之前要用介词for。表示动作持续for之后的那段时间。本句意为“玩电脑游戏一天不要超过两个小时。”6. 季节名词前要用in,in+季节名词是固定结构,中间不用冠词。7. how many后跟可数名词复数,常用来提问数量,意为“多少”。8. 主语大明是第三人称单数,所以谓语动词也要用第三人称单数形式。9. 答语用can回答,问句也要用can提问。


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