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1、学 海 无 涯 2020 年武汉市年武汉市元调初三元调初三学业考试学业考试 英 语 试 卷 第 I 卷 选择题 共 85分 第一部分 听力部分 一 听力测试 共三节 一 听力测试 共三节 第一节第一节 共 共 5小题 每小题小题 每小题 1分 满分分 满分 5分 分 听下面 5 个问题 每个问题后有三个答语 从题中所给的 A B C 三个选项中选出最佳选项 听完每个问题后 你都有 5 秒钟的时间来作答和阅读下一小题 每个问题仅读一遍 1 A I like it B So late C By school bus 2 A He s14 B This Friday C A big cake 3 A

2、 Clean the garden B With my father C To the East Lake 4 A To make a plan B Mary s idea C It s a hard job 5 A Very expensive B The blue one C On both sides 第二节第二节 共共 7小题 每小题小题 每小题 1分分 满分满分 7分分 听下面 7 段对话 每段对话后有一个小题 从题中所给的 A B C 三个选项中选出最佳选项 听完每段对话后 你都有 10秒钟的时间来作答有关小题和阅读下一小题 每段对话仅读一遍 6 Where are most pr

3、obably the two speakers A At a swimming pool B ln a library C At a clothing store 7 What can we know about Bill A He got seriously hurt B He broke his feet C He tried to slip on the floor 8 What are they mainly talking about A A job B A person C A book 9 What does the woman mean A She will give a ta

4、lk B Jackson is ready C Jackson is busy now 10 How is the woman now A Quite alright B A little better C Even worse l1 When will the bus reach the town A In about 30 minutes B In about 40 minutes C In about 70 minutes 12 What will Tim do tonight A To go to a movie B To prepare for an exam C To borrow

5、 some materials 第三节第三节 共 共 13小题 每小题小题 每小题 1分 满分分 满分 13分 分 听下面 4 段对话或独白 每段对话或独白后有几个小题 从题中所给的 A B C三个选项中选出最佳选项 听 每段对话或独白前 你将有时间阅读各个小题 每小题 5 秒钟 听完后 各小题将给出 5秒钟的作答时间 每段 对话或独白两遍 听下面 段对话 回答 13至 15 三个小题 13 Which is true about Carol 学 海 无 涯 A Her birthday is coming B She is going to hold a party C She doesn

6、t have a brother 14 What are the two speakers doing now A Having a party B Inviting friends C Talking about a party 15 What is the man worried about A The twin brothers may get surprised B Too many people will come C The neighbors will get annoyed 听下面一 段对话 回答 16 至 18三个小题 16 How long does the woman s

7、urf every day A For about 4 hours B For about 8 hours C For about 16 hours 17 What do we know about the woman A She likes playing on the beach B She seldom surfs the Internet C She likes chatting and making friends online 18 Why does the man prefer going surfing in the morning A He is not brave B Th

8、e waves are big C The beach is not crowded 听下面一段对话 回答 19 至 22 四个小题 19 What do you think the woman is A A reporter B A doctor C A computer designer 20 What was the man doing when the earthquake happened A He was interviewing the woman B He was buying a cup of coffee C He was working on the computer 2

9、1 What hurt the man A The desk B The computer C The cup 22 What is the woman s suggestion to the man A He shouldn t design anything on his computer B He d better buy a larger desk C He should move the coffee cup away 听下面一 段独白 回答 23 至 25三个小题 23 What can we know about Alice A She was a good singer B S

10、he always practiced singing C Her voice didn t get louder 24 Why did Alice s teacher stop her lessons A She refused to give up B She decided to give a concert C She didn t make any improvement 25 What did the teacher mean at last A He really appreciated Alice s performance B Her next performance wou

11、ldn t be better C She would be sucessful in the future 第二部分第二部分 笔试部分笔试部分 学 海 无 涯 二 选择填空二 选择填空 共共 15小题小题 每小题每小题 1分分 满分满分 15分分 从题中所给的 A B C D四个选项中 选出一个最佳答案 将代表该答案的字母在答题卡上相应的位置涂黑 26 一 I think you need to use a 5G smart phone 一 I can t afford it A I think so B I don t agree C Certainly D Never mind 27 一

12、 Ben if you don t mind I d like to be by for a while 一 Of course not Frank A myself B yourself C herself D himself 28 一 I m so afraid of the big dog 一 It is mine A You d better not B I beg your pardon C Don t worry D It doesn t matter 29 一 Dad I hear Wuhan is a city of bridges 一 Yeah more than 10 br

13、idges A have built B have been built C had built D had been built 30 In English we say that sharing a problem is like cutting it half A in B on C for D to 31 I was wondering A whether you d like to come B if you will come C when will you come D how you will come 32 一 Here is the book you need 一 Than

14、k you so much Kate You re really A thankful B honest C helpful D modest 33 一 How can I get home in such heavy rain 一 Take it easy I could take you in the car I A agree B doubt C wonder D suppose 34 There is no in worrying about high school life You ll get used to it soon A choice B trouble C sense D

15、 way 35 Last week in Wuhan Zoo a baby panda was After one hour they got another one A produced B protected C provided D prevented 36 I always tried to say I love you to my parents but the words wouldn t A come out B come up C come along D come by 37 I can earn some money but not enough to live on A

16、mostly B nearly C almost D mainly 38 You can keep one of the photos of them一 whichever you like A None B Both C Neither D Either 39 一 Do I have to finish my homework tonight mom 学 海 无 涯 一 Yes you A will B should C must D may 40 They are very different they did seem to get on well when they met A Since B if C when D though 三 完形填空 共三 完形填空 共 15小题 每小题小题 每小题 1分 满分分 满分 15分 分 阅读下面短文 从短文后各题所给的 A B C和 D四个选项中 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项 A black bear was in a dangerous situation when she fell off a 30 meter high bridge


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