2018年6月英语六级听力真题及原文答案(第一套) .pdf

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1、2018 年 6 月英语六级听力真题及原文答案 第一套全 Section A Conversation 1 M we have a special guest from the local establishment the Prage Cafe Welcome W Hi thanks for have a meal on your show M Thank you for joining us So please tell us why do decide to open a cafe W Well we saw the opportunity to offer something a li

2、ttle special and different from other establishments Cafe certainly is a very competitive market sector are more than plenty in our city and we thought they are all rather similar to each other Wouldn t you agree M Certainly yes So how is your establishment any different W Well since people we have

3、rabbits wandering freely on the place our customers come in and enjoy their food and drinks while a little rabbit playing on their legs There is no other place like it M That s amazing How do you come up with the idea W So we thought why not rabbitPeople love the rabbits they are very cute animals M

4、 But it is safe Do the rabbit ever bite people or do any customer ever hurt the rabbits W It is perfectly safe both for rabbits and our customers are very peaceful and safe They don t bite Our rabbits are regularly cleaned So there is no risks ever as for our customers they are all animals lovers We

5、 will never try to hurt the rabbits Sometimes some young child may get over excited and be a little too rough But is never a serious matter On the contrary the cafe is a great experience for children A chance they learn how to take care of the animals M Well it is certainly the first time I heard of

6、 a cafe like that 1 What do we learn about the woman 2 What does the woman say about the cafe in her city 3 How did Prage cafe guarantee the rabbit does not post a harmful threat 4 What did the woman say about their customers Conversation 2 M Hey there How are you W Oh hi I m great thanks And you lo

7、ok great too M Thank you It s good to see you shopping in the organic section I see you got a lot of healthy stuff I wish I could buy more organic produce from here But I find that kids don t like it I don t know about yours but mine are all about junk food W Oh trust me I know exactly how you feel

8、My children are the same 5 What is it with kids these days that all like junk food they eat I think 6 it s all that advertising on TV That s where they get it M Yes it must be My children see something on TV and they immediately want it It s like they don t realize it s just an advertisement W Right

9、 and practically everything that advertises for children is unhealthy processed food No surprise then it becomes a battle for us parents to feed our children ordinary food and vegetables M That s just the thing One never sees ordinary ingredients being advertised on TV It s never a carrot or a peach

10、 it s always some garbage like chocolate covered sweets So unhealthy W Exactly 7 And these big food cooperations have so much money to spend on clever tactic design to make young people want to buy their products Children never stand the chance it s really not fair M You are so right 8 When we were

11、children we barely had any junk food available and we turned out just fine W Yes my parents don t understand any of it Both TV commercials and the supermarkets are alien to them Their worlds were so different back to when they are young M I don t know what will happen to the next generation W The wo

12、rld is going crazy M You bet 5 What do the speakers say about the food their children like 6 According to the speakers what affects children s choice of food most 7 What do the speakers believe big food cooperations are doing 8 What do we know about the speakers when they were children Section B Pas

13、sage one At some 2300 miles in length the Mississippi is the longest river in the United States At some 1000 miles the Mackenzie is the longest river in Canada But these waterways seem mute in comparison to the world s two longest rivers the Nile and the Amazon The Nile which begins in central Afric

14、a and flows over 4100 miles north into the Mediterranean Host to one of the world s great ancient civilizations along its shores Calm and peaceful for most of the year the Nile used to flood annually Their by creating irrigating and caring new top soil to the nearby farmland on which ancient Egypt d

15、epended for a livelihood As a means of transportation the river carried various vessels up and down its length A journey through the unconstructed part of this waterway today would pass by the splendid valley of the kings with tombs of many of these ancient monarchs having stood for over 3000 years

16、Great civilizations and intensive settlements are hardly associated with the Amazon Yet this 4000 mile long south American river carries about 20 of the world s fresh water more than the Mississippi Nile and the Mackenzie combined Other statistics are equally astonishing the Amazon is so wide at some points that from its center neither shore can be seen Each second the Amazon pours some 55 million gallons of water into the Atlantic There at it s mouth stands one island larger than Switzland Most



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