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1、2019-2020学年高一人教版英语复课大检测(三)1、At no time _ the rules of the game. It was unfair to punish them.A.they actually brokeB.do they actually breakC.did they actually breakD.they had actually broken2It is hoped that our Chinese government,along with all circles of society,willdevelop economy quickly and impr

2、ove peoples livelihood greatly.3、We are confident that the environment _ by our further efforts to reduce pollution.A. had been improved B. will be improved C. is improved D. was improvedA.gratefullyB.sincerelyC.entirelyD.gradually4、-The current international financial crisis is affecting most count

3、ries in the world.-Would it be at least several years _ everything returns to normal?A.whenB.thatC.sinceD.before5、The meeting will be held in September, but_ knows the date for sure.A.everybodyB.nobodyC.anybodyD.somebody6、After the exploration thearmy got the building and the area was also cut off f

4、rom the outside.A.surrounded; surroundedB.surrounding; surroundedC.surrounding; surroundingD.surrounded; surrounding7、You _ worry about it, as everything has been settled now.A.shouldntB.needntC.cantD.mustnt8、_ warm at night, I would fill the wood stove, then set my alarm clock for midnight so I cou

5、ld refill it.A.StayingB.StayedC.To stayD.Stay9、During the military parade to celebrate the centennial anniversary of the birth of Kim Jong , North Korean leader Kim Jong-un his first public speech.A.announcedB.spokeC.deliveredD.predicted 10、Alice,together with her friends,_(punish) for having broken

6、 the school rules the other day.11、Many a student _(have) shown an interest in the competition, but neither Tom nor his two friends _(be) interested in it.12、As the final exam is coming, my pressure builds_, and Im afraid it will result_my failure.13、We are even surprised when we catch a sight of ou

7、rselves sometimes.14、Mrs. White gave a birth to a healthy baby in her late thirties.15、The American girl, who took a trip to China just out of curious,is now admiring the great scenery.16、We must act as quickly as possible now. Just tell us that you can undertake (承担)the task or not.17、Because the h

8、eavy smog, his flight has to be put off but he can do something interesting.18、 Grace OBrien,19,is the founder of Ears for Yearsan organisation that hands out low-cost, Solar Ear(太阳能助听器) to children in developing countries. The college student has handed them out to kids in five different countries

9、around the world so far. OBrien was inspired to found Ears for Years after seeing her father experience hearing loss. To further understand the condition, OBrien volunteered at a summer theater(剧院) camp for children who were deaf. There, she wanted to find a way to make hearing aids to help more fam

10、ilies who couldnt afford them. “Ive learned how powerful solutions are,” OBrien said. “Therere so many problems we come across in our daily lives, but often people pass up these chances to find solutions. After doing some research, she came across Solar Ear, a Brazil-based company that makes low-cos

11、t hearing aids, especially aimed at children. These hearing aids are lightweight, cost about $100 and are equipped with rechargeable batteries that last up to three years, while standard hearing aids can cost up to $ 1,000 and have a much shorter life. According to the WHO, 32 million children world

12、wide live with hearing loss and most of them are in poor countries. But present hearing aids meet less than 10 percent of the need of the world. OBrien would like to change that by making the solar powered hearing aids available to families in need around the world. So far, shes brought Solar Ears p

13、roducts to Mexico, Sri Lanka, R. O. Korea, Nicaragua and Honduras. And she has done something to make a difference in other peoples lives.1.What led Grace OBrien to found Ears for Years?A.Her fathers experience.B.Her work experience in Solar Ear.C.Her experience at a summer theater camp.D.Her knowle

14、dge about solar-powered products.2.The underlined phrase “pass up” in Paragraph 3 probably means_.A.findB.missC.likeD.create3.Compared with standard hearing aids, the solar-powered hearing aids_.A.are more expensiveB.have a longer lifeC.are better-lookingD.are heavier4.What might OBrien do in the fu

15、ture?A.To build a school for the deaf.B.To found a new company selling hearing aids.C.To learn how to make solar-powered hearing aids.D.To help more families get solar-powered hearing aids.19、 A new restaurant in Semarang, Indonesia named the Methane Gas Canteen, tries to support the poor by allowing them to pay for their food in a special way. The restaurant, run by the couple Sarimin and Suyatmi, is located in an une


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