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1、 Mencancook too MissZhang 单词记忆大比拼 根据英语说出汉语意思 单词记忆大比拼 根据汉语说出英语单词 c k做饭 o o f d食物 o o w t r水 a e d nn 晚餐 i e r sp n勺子 o o f k叉子 o r dr w 抽屉 a e r m st必须 u r st r nt饭馆 e a u a 干燥的 d r y s g 食糖 u a r h nd手 a 湿的 w e t m l 牛奶 i k p n平底锅 a h lp帮忙 e op切开 c h r 大米 i c e j g罐子 u ni n洋葱 o o 1 Givemesomespoons

2、Givesomespoonstome 2 GiveTomapen GiveapentoTom 3 GiveLucyanonion GiveanoniontoLucy 4 GivePaulsomemilk GivesomemilktoPaul 5 GiveRobertsomesugar GivesomesugartoRobert 1 GivesometeatoWilliam GiveWilliamsometea 2 GiveajugtoKaren GiveKarenajug 3 GiveaforktoMary GiveMaryafork 4 GiveapantoYanMingyang GiveY

3、anMingyangapan 5 GivesomefoodtoDad GiveDadsomefood W Let scookdinner Robert Youcanhelpme Givemesomerice please There ssomericeinthatjar give接双宾语 直接宾语 间接宾语 W Putsomewaterinthepan andpassmeaknife please R Whichone W Thatoneonthetable R Ok Dad Hereitis 指aknife W Choptwoonions please R Ok Dad Choptwooni

4、ons W Isthereabigspoonoverthere R Yes Dad W Passmethebigspoon please R Ican tgetaspoonandchopanonoin Dad 特指那个大的勺子 overhere W You reright Whataboutsomeplates R Dad therearesomeplatesontheshelf Therearesomeknives someforksandsomespoonsinthedrawer Andmyhandsarewet W Yousee Robert mencancook too Perhaps

5、wecanopenarestaurant R Oh yeah 1 Therebe句型表示 在某地有某物 或某人 例 Thereisacatunderthetree 树底下有一只猫 Therearetwostudentsintheclassroom 教室里有两个学生 2 结构 a Thereis 单数可数名词 不可数名词 瓶子里有些水 Thereisabookonthedesk 桌子上有一本书 Thereissomewaterinthebottle b Thereare 复数名词 墙上有些图画 Therearetwoapplesinthebasket Therearesomepictureson

6、thewall 篮子里有两个苹果 1 Thereisaplateonthetable Therearesomeplatesonthetable 2 Thereisanonioninthepan Therearesomeonionsinthepan 3 Thereisaspoonoverthere Therearesomespoonsoverthere 4 Thereisaknifeinthedrawer Therearesomeknivesinthedrawer 5 Thereisatomatointhefridge Therearesometomatoesinthefridge Thereb

7、e句型的否定句和一般疑问句 否定句 在be动词后加not 如果句中有some 一般要变成any Therearetwobooksonthedesk Therearen ttwobooksonthedesk Thereissomebreadintheplate Thereisn tanybreadintheplate 一般疑问句 be动词 is are 要提到句首 some变any 其他都不变 Thereisamouseinthehouse 变成一般疑问句 Isthereamouseinthehouse Therearesomeflowersinthegarden 变成一般疑问句 Arether

8、eanyflowersinthegarden 1 There somewaterinthebox is 2 There somemilkintheglass is 3 There someboysunderthethebigtree are is 5 There aclockonthetable is 4 There apictureonthewall 6 There aradioonyourdesk is 7 There amaponthewall is 8 There somestudentsintheclassroom are 9 There apencilonthetable is 1

9、0 There aspoonnearthebooks is 11 There lotsofflowersinourgarden are 12 There somemilkinthefridge is 13 There fourcupsofcoffeeonthetable are 14 thereanysugarinthebottle Is 15 thereanyonionsinthepan Are 16 There notanycomputersintheroom are 17 There somebooksandpensonthetable are 对Therebe结构中的主语提问的特殊疑问

10、句的基本结构 What s 介词短语 介词 地点名词 中间通常不用there Thereisabikeunderthetree What sunderthetree Therearemanybooksonthetable What sonthetable 针对数量提问的特殊疑问句的基本结构是 1 Howmany 名词复数 arethere 介词短语 Therearetwocomputersonthedesk Howmanycomputersarethereonthedesk Therearetenboysintheclassroom Howmanyboysarethereintheclassr

11、oom Therearefivespoonsinthejug Howmanyspoonsarethereinthejug Therearefifteenchairsintheroom Howmanychairsarethereintheroom Therearethreecomputersintheclassroom Howmanycomputersarethereintheclassroom Therearefourforksinthedrawer Howmanyforksarethereinthedrawer 2 Howmuch 不可数名词 isthere 介词短语 Thereissome

12、milkintheglass milkisthereintheglass Howmuch Thereissomemilkinthejug Howmuchmilkisthereinthejug Thereissomesugarinthebottle Howmuchsugaristhereinthebottle Thereissomewaterinthepan Howmuchwateristhereinthepan Thereissomeorangejuiceinthefridge Howmuchorangejuiceisthereinthefridge Thereissomericeinthep

13、an Howmuchriceisthereinthepan 在therebe句型中主语是单数 be动词用is 主语是复数 be动词用are 若句子中有几个并列主语时 be动词的形式要与离其最近的一个主语在人称和数上保持一致 例 1 Thereagirlandtwoboysunderthetree 2 Theretwoboysandagirlunderthetree are is 练习二 用恰当的be动词填空 1 There alotofsweetsinthebox 2 There somemilkintheglass 3 There somepeopleunderthethebigtree 4

14、 There apictureandamaponthewall is are is are 5 There aboxofrubbersnearthebooks 6 There lotsofflowersinourgardenl7 There atinofchickenbehindthefridge 8 There fourcupsofcoffeeonthetable are is are is have has 第三人称单数 He She It Lilyhas 第一人称 Ihave 第二人称 Youhave 复数 They Thegirls Theboys Thechildren Benand

15、Janethave have与has的用法 Iabook Youabook Theytwobooks He Sheabook have have have has 两者的区别 Therebe和have has 都表示 有 的含义 例 Thereisaboxonthedesk 桌子上有一个盒 例 Wehavetwobasketballs 我们有两个篮球 Therebe表示 某处存在某物或某人 此时不强调物归谁有 have has 表示 某人拥有某物 某人 此时强调所有 拥有关系 练习一 用 have has 填空1 I anicepicture 2 He agoodfriend 3 They somespoons 4 We someflowers 5 She aduck has have have has have 6 Myfather anewbike 7 Ourteacher anEnglishbook 8 Ourteachers abasketball 9 Theirparents somerestaurant 10 Nancy manyskirts has have has have has



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