2019-2020学年高中英语外研版选修8学案:Module 5 Section Ⅱ Introduction & Reading and Vocabulary(1)—Language Points

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《2019-2020学年高中英语外研版选修8学案:Module 5 Section Ⅱ Introduction & Reading and Vocabulary(1)—Language Points》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2019-2020学年高中英语外研版选修8学案:Module 5 Section Ⅱ Introduction & Reading and Vocabulary(1)—Language Points(14页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 1 Section Introduction Reading and Vocabulary 1 Language Points accustomed adj 习惯的 教材 P58 Ever since Neil Armstrong first set foot on the Moon back on 21st July 1969 people have become accustomedto the idea of space travel 自从尼尔 阿姆斯特朗在 1969 年 7 月 21 日首次踏上月球以来 人们对太空旅 行这一概念已经非常熟悉 1 accustom vt 使习惯于 ac

2、custom sb to sth 使某人习惯于某事 使某人适应某事 accustom oneself to 使自己习惯于 养成 的习惯 2 be become get accustomed to 习惯于 You ll soon get accustomed to the custom here 你会很快习惯于这里的风俗 I will accustom myself me to the desert sun 我将会适应沙漠里的阳光 We were accustomed to working work together 我们习惯了一起工作 assume v 想当然地 认为 假设 假定 担任 教材

3、P58 The world was in shock maybe they assumed this space flight would be no more dangerous than getting on an aeroplane 2 全世界都震惊了 也许他们原本都认为这次太空飞行跟乘坐飞机一样没什 么危险 1 assume that 假定 认为 assume to be 认为 是 假定 是 2 assuming that 假定 作状语 3 assumption n 设想 假定 承担 担任 夺取 I had assumed him to be Belgian 我本以为他是比利时人 A

4、lot of people make the assumption assume that poverty only exists in the Third World 许多人认为贫困仅仅存在于第三世界 Assuming assume that it is true what should we do now 假定那是真的 我们现在该怎么办 patience n 耐心 忍耐 性 忍受力 克制力 毅力 韧性 教材 P59 We didn t have much patience waiting for the launch 我们迫不及待地 等待着发射 1 be out of patience w

5、ith 耐不住 对 忍无可忍 have no patience with 对 没有耐性 对 不能容忍 have the patience to do sth 有毅力 耐性 做某事 2 patient adj 有耐心的 能忍受的 坚韧的 be patient with sb 对某人有耐心 3 3 patient n 病人 4 patiently with patience 耐心地 I m out of patience with what he said 我对他所说的话实在是忍无可忍了 She has no patience with time wasters 她对浪费时间的人没有耐性 You

6、ll have to be patient patience with my mother she s going rather deaf 你对我母亲要有耐心 她越来越聋了 The doctor visited all his patients patient in hospital 医生在医院里探视了他的所有的病人 图形助记 对病人要有耐心 病人 耐心的 in spite of 尽管 虽然 不管 不顾 教材 P59 In spite of all our advanced technology the world is still only at the very beginning of

7、its voyage into space 即便我们掌握了现在的全部先进技术 我们 这个世界依然只是处于太空旅行的起步阶段 The boy went out in spite of his father s orders 那个男孩无视他父亲的命令 径自出去了 In spite of her wounded leg she managed to get up the stairs 尽管她的腿受了伤 她还是设法爬上了楼梯 明辨异同 in spite of though in spite of 介词短语 表示 尽管 不管 其引导的短语作让 步状语 等同于 despite though 连词 表示 尽

8、管 虽然 引导让步状语从句 也可 作副词 表示 然而 可是 不过 in spite of though 4 his advanced age he is learning to drive I don t know him well I ve known him for a long time 答案 In spite of though burst v 使 爆裂 爆炸 突然出现 n 突发 爆裂 教材 P59 to burst with a lot of force and loud noise 伴随着强大的力量和巨大的声响而突然爆炸 burst into 闯入 住宅等 突然发作 突然 起来 b

9、urst out 突然 起来 战争 疾病等 突 然发生 burst in on upon 突然闯入 打扰 Hearing the news she burst into tears 听到这个消息 她突然哭了起来 She burst out laughing laugh at the joke 她听到那个笑话突然大笑起来 语境填词 1 It is known to all that fishing needs If you want to have some fishes to eat you should be patience 2 It is that hard work leads to

10、great success so we him to be successful But that he isn t that lucky what shall we do to comfort him assume 3 The man who is towards the office is a national worker advance 4 I have become to the countryside life but Lucy failed herself to it accustom 5 5 The building plays a very important part in

11、 the of Chinese architecture history 答案 1 patience patient 2 assumed assume assuming 3 advancing advanced 4 accustomed 4 to accustom 5 historic history 选词填空 set foot on be accustomed to be aware of make it in shock in spite of take off at the beginning of 1 the heavy rain we went on working 2 No one

12、 Mars so far 3 He has the country life 4 He stood there and didn t know what to do 5 The plane at 10 00 a m yesterday 答案 1 In spite of 2 has set foot on 3 been accustomed to 4 in shock 5 took off 教材 P58 Millions of people watched that first moon landing on television their hearts in their mouths awa

13、re of how difficult and dangerous an adventure it was and what risks had to be taken 数以百万计的人们从电视上观看了首次登月 他们的心提到了嗓子眼 因为 他们十分清楚这次是多么艰难多么危险 以及要冒多么大的风险 要点提炼 their hearts in their mouths 为独立主格结构 在句中作状语 独立主格结构的构成 名词或代词 非谓语动词 形容词 副词或介词短语 其中名词或代词作为结构的逻辑主语 非谓语动词 形容词 副词或介词短语作 为结构的逻辑谓语 这种结构有自己的逻辑主语 且其逻辑主语与句子主语

14、不一 致 故通常被称为独立主格结构 在句中一般作状语 表示时间 条件 原因 6 伴随状况等 它的位置相当灵活 可置于句首 句末或句中 常用逗号将其与句 子其他部分分开 He lay at full length upon his stomach his head resting upon his left forearm 他的脊背朝天 四肢伸展 头靠着左前臂 直挺挺地趴伏着 The experiment done do the students went on to take notes in the experiment report 实验做完了 同学们继续在实验报告上做笔记 名师点津 在

15、名词 介词短语 的独立主格结构中 逻辑主语有无修饰语 与介词短语中名词前有无修饰语必须保持一致 The teacher came in a bag under his arm 老师进来了 腋下夹着个包 完成句子 1 英语老师手里拿着一本书走进教室 导学号 72880019 the English teacher walked into the classroom 2 下课了 学生们都到操场上去玩耍了 all the students went to play on the playground 答案 1 Book in hand 2 Class over 学业分层测评学业分层测评 十三十三 单

16、句语法填空 1 It is difficult to be patience when you are stuck in a traffic jam 2 English people are accustomed to drive on the left 3 Recent years witness the rapid development of the Internet and its influence on society and people 4 True happiness does not lie the possession of money but the joy of achievement 5 Could we see each other at 3 o clock this afternoon Sorry let s make another time 7 6 He is spending a year in advance studies 7 I carry a spare tyre in the boot of the car in case one bur


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