2020年高二英语北师大版选修8练习:Unit 24《Society》Section Ⅳ Communication Workshop 学业分层测评

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2020年高二英语北师大版选修8练习:Unit 24《Society》Section Ⅳ Communication Workshop 学业分层测评_第1页
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《2020年高二英语北师大版选修8练习:Unit 24《Society》Section Ⅳ Communication Workshop 学业分层测评》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2020年高二英语北师大版选修8练习:Unit 24《Society》Section Ⅳ Communication Workshop 学业分层测评(6页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、1 学业分层测评学业分层测评 单句语法填空 1 makes the matter worse is that it begins to rain 2 His exam results were not very good but we must take his long illness account 3 consequent his long illness led his absence from school 4 The bus broke and all the passengers had to get off it 5 Many people are opposed to the

2、 sale of arms principle 答案 1 What 2 into 3 Consequently 4 down 5 on 单句改错 1 After that seemed like hours he came out with a bitter smile 2 The teachers promised to take account the wishes of the parents before making any changes 3 Consequent it is important that we take three measures to solve this p

3、roblem 4 Because of a serious murder he was sentenced to die 5 I suppose you heard that I broke up my boyfriend 答案 1 that 改为 what 2 account 后加 of 3 Consequent 改为 Consequently 4 die 改为 death 5 up 后加 with 完成句子 1 他许多年前说过的话在今天这个信息时代仍是这般地正确 What he said so many years ago is so true today in this informat

4、ion age 2 我们决不能放弃这项工作 On no account should we give up this job 3 由于下雨 网球赛延期了 2 In consequence of the rain the tennis match was delayed 4 新法令将废止旧的系统的 The new law will abolish the old system 5 小偷挣脱了警察 沿着大街跑了 The thief broke away from the policeman and ran down the street 阅读理解 A Millions of families ar

5、ound the world have been given a helping hand out of poverty by micro credits These very small loans usually less than US 200 have enabled the very poorest people to set up or expand businesses and become self sufficient The micro credit movement started with Professor Muhammad Yunus who founded the

6、 Grameen Bank in Bangladesh Professor Yunus who won the 2006 Nobel Peace Prize used his own money to set up a bank to benefit the poorest people in Bangladesh families living on less than US 1 a day There are now hundreds of organizations around the world following his blueprint to help people escap

7、e from poverty So how does the system work Local microfinance institutions MFIs make contact with families and offer loans usually to women to enable them to start or expand a business These are very poor people who would not normally be able to get credit but as no collateral 抵押品 is required they c

8、an get micro credits They pay back the loan on a weekly basis over six months to a year A crucial aspect to the success of the micro credit system is that receivers get local support The MFIs educate local communities about ways to improve their lives and offer practical support as well as collectin

9、g weekly loans payments They encourage people to help each other so that the whole community can pull itself out of poverty MFIs may also help with literacy and health problems Micro credits are mainly given to women Experience has shown that women are more motivated to improve their children s live

10、s and will spend the money they make on better nutrition and schooling for their children This may be the first chance they ve had to contribute financially to the family and their status in the home and the local community is raised The micro credit system is not charity The payments are fixed term

11、 loans and 3 interest is charged The costs of making such small loans collecting them and giving personal support are high This is reflected in the interest rates which range from 15 to 35 percent Despite this the repayment rate is very high between 95 and 98 percent showing that micro credit client

12、s really value this opportunity to leave poverty behind 语篇解读 本文是一篇说明文 无需抵押 但要支付较高利息的小额贷 款可以帮助最为贫穷的人创建或扩大自己的生意 提高生活质量 现在 世界各 地成千上万的贫困家庭正在通过这种小额借贷的方式走出贫困 1 Micro credits are offered to the poorest people around the world in order to A make profits out of the poor B support poor people out of poverty C

13、 establish more micro credit institutions D promote the development of world economy 解析 细节理解题 根据第一段第二句和最后一段最后一句可知 这些 通常不到 200 美元的小额贷款是用来帮助那些最贫穷的家庭摆脱贫困的 所以选 项 B 为正确答案 答案 B 2 Why are bank loans mainly made to women A Because they make more financial contribution to the family B Because they hold highe

14、r status in the home and community C Because they are more reliable and likely to repay the loan D Because they are more likely to spend the profits on their children 解析 推理判断题 根据倒数第二段内容可知 以往的经验表明 家庭 主妇具有更多的积极性去提高孩子们的生活水平 并且愿意把挣来的钱用于改善 他们的营养和学习教育情况 所以 选项 D 为正确答案 答案 D 3 The high repayment rate of the

15、loan suggests that A people do hope to take advantage of the loan to get out of poverty B it is easy to make money with the aid of micro credits 4 C micro credits are very popular with poor families D most micro credit clients keep their promises well 解析 细节理解题 根据最后一段最后二句内容可知 虽然借款家庭需 要支付 15 35 的利息 但是

16、还款率还是很高 95 98 由此可见 借贷 的贫穷家庭确实想通过这种方式来摆脱贫困 答案 A 4 The passage is most probably taken from the section of a magazine A Health B Business C Finance D Education 解析 推理判断题 通读全文可知 文章主要介绍了世界各地的小型金 融机构贷款给最为贫穷的家庭 以帮助他们摆脱贫困 所以 该文章最可能刊登 在报刊杂志的金融版面上 答案 C B Americans get some of their news and entertainment from public television and radio These public media receive money to operate from private citizens organizations and government Many of their programs are educational But most of the American media are run


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