2015年高考分类题库考点4 书面表达

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《2015年高考分类题库考点4 书面表达》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2015年高考分类题库考点4 书面表达(27页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、1 温馨提示 此题库为 Word 版 请按住 Ctrl 滑动鼠标滚轴 调节 合适的观看比例 关闭 Word 文档返回原板块 一 提纲作文 1 二 图画作文 漫画作文 13 三 图表作文 15 四 半 开放作文 17 考点考点 4 书面表达书面表达 一 提纲作文一 提纲作文 2015 全国卷全国卷 书面表达书面表达 假定你是李华 你校英文报 外国文化 栏目拟刊登美国节日风俗和 中学生生活的短文 请给美国朋友彼得写信约稿 要点如下 1 栏目介绍 2 稿件内容 3 稿件长度 约 400 词 4 交稿日期 6 月 28 日前 注意 1 词数 100 左右 2 可以适当增加细节 以使行文连贯 3 开头语

2、已为你写好 2 参考范文 Dear Peter I d like to ask you to write an article for our school s English newspaper The Foreign Cultures section in our newspaper is very popular among us students It carries articles written by foreign friends about the cultures of their home countries Would you please write somethin

3、g about the culture in your part of the United States And we would especially welcome articles about how Americans spend their holidays and festivals and the life of American high school students You can write anything relevant so long as it s interesting and informative 400 words would be fine Coul

4、d we have your article before June 28 I m looking forward to hearing from you Yours Li Hua 2015 北京卷北京卷 书面表达第一节书面表达第一节 假设你是红星中学高三学生李华 请给你的美国朋友 Jim 写一封 邮件 告诉他你打算参加龙舟训练营 希望他一起参加 邮件的内容包 括 1 介绍训练营的相关内容 例如 时间 地点 参加者等 2 说明你打算参加的原因 3 3 询问对方的意向 注意 1 词数不少于 50 个 2 开头和结尾已给出 不计入总词数 提示词 龙舟训练营 Dragon Boat Training

5、 Camp Dear Jim Yours Li Hua 参考范文 Dear Jim I m writing to tell you my exciting plan for the summer holiday I want to join a Dragon Boat Training Camp I wonder if you d like to go with me This camp will open on July 20th It offers teenagers like you and me a chance to enjoy sports and learn about Chin

6、ese culture If you are interested in it please let me know and I ll send you more information Hope to meet you at the training camp this summer Yours 4 Li Hua 2015 浙江卷浙江卷 书面表达书面表达 在班级活动中 当你的想法与大多数同学不一致时 你是坚持自己 的观点并说服别人 还是尊重大多数同学的意见 请你以 When I Have a Different Opinion 为题 用英文写一篇 100 120 个词的短文 要求如 下 1

7、从以上两种做法中选择一种 2 以具体事例阐述你选择的理由 注意 短文中 不得以任何形式透露地区 学校 同学姓名等真实 信息 否则 按考试作弊行为认定 When I Have a Different Opinion 参考范文 1 When I Have a Different Opinion We may have different opinions in organizing class activities We may have various ways to deal with such a situation When I have a better idea I would cho

8、ose to stick to it By doing so I can not only share good ideas with others but also learn to express myself clearly 5 Once we were discussing where to go for an outing Most of my classmates wanted to go to a park while I had an idea of going to a nicer place I managed to persuade my classmates into

9、accepting my idea We did have a good time that day Good opinions are worth sticking to because they can benefit us all 参考范文 2 When I Have a Different Opinion We may have different opinions in organizing class activities When I have a different opinion I may choose to give it up and respect the opini

10、on of the majority The main reason for my choice is that being brought up in a culture emphasizing collectivism I tend to sacrifice my own interest for the group benefit Once we were left to decide whether to have a picnic in a park or go to a museum I would love to go to a museum but most of my cla

11、ssmates wanted to go for a picnic Without hesitation I decided to follow them and we did have lots of fun that day Sometimes giving up a little can mean getting more 2015 天津卷天津卷 写作写作 假设你是晨光中学学生会主席李津 你校拟向美国友好交流学校 的中文班捐赠一批图书 请根据以下提示 写一封邮件与中文班班长 Chris 联系 并告知将于今年七月赴对方学校参加夏令营时带去赠书 1 自我介绍 6 2 拟捐赠图书的类型 册数

12、用途等 3 询问对方的其他需求 注意 1 词数不少于 100 2 请适当加入细节 使内容充实 行文连贯 参考词汇 学生会 the Student Union Dear Chris Yours Li Jin 参考范文 Dear Chris This is Li Jin an 8 grade student from Chenguang Middle School China As the president of the Student Union I want to talk with you about the donation of books on behalf of my school

13、 I m very glad that there are so many American students loving Chinese I think Chinese is an interesting language Of course I guess it is not so easy for you to learn it Actually to help you learn Chinese well 7 we will donate to your class 300 books which are all about traditional Chinese history W

14、ith these books I hope that all of you can know more about Chinese history and culture Also maybe they can help you learn Chinese better And these books will be taken with us when we take part in your Summer Camp this July By the way do you need any other help If there is any demand I would be very

15、happy to help Yours Li Jin 2015 四川卷四川卷 写作写作 假如你是李夏 你看到美国留学生 Sharon 在网上发帖 希望有人 能帮助她提高普通话 Mandarin 水平 她可以教英语作为回报 请根据 以下提示用英语给她写一封电子邮件 1 表达给她提供帮助的意愿 2 说明你能胜任辅导的理由 3 给出讲好普通话的两点建议 4 提出你学习英语的具体需求 注意 1 词数 120 左右 开头语已为你写好 2 可以适当增加细节 以使行文连贯 3 文中不得透露个人姓名和学校名称 Hi Sharon 8 This is Li Xia I learned from your pos

16、t that you want to improve your Mandarin Li Xia 参考范文 Hi Sharon This is Li Xia I learned from your post that you want to improve your Mandarin I am quite interested in it I am Chinese which means Mandarin is a must for me to communicate with others in my daily life So I m quite confident that I can help you learn Mandarin Learning Mandarin takes time so if you want to learn it well you should spend much time practicing Mandarin every day Besides you can also read some books in Chinese see some Ch


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