2020届高考英语一轮复习练习:选修8 Unit 23 Conflict

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《2020届高考英语一轮复习练习:选修8 Unit 23 Conflict》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2020届高考英语一轮复习练习:选修8 Unit 23 Conflict(8页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、1 完形填空 建议用时 17 2016 荆州中学质检 I wrote my first poem at the age of seven and showed it to my mother She read and cried Buddy you really wrote a beautiful poem Shyly but 1 I said yes She poured out her 2 It was nothing short of talent What time will Father be home I asked I could hardly wait to 3 my work

2、 to him I spent quite some time 4 for his arrival I wrote the poem out in my finest handwriting drew a fancy border around it and 5 I placed it right on my father s plate on the dining table My father had begun his motion picture career as a writer I was sure he would be able to 6 my poem At almost

3、7 o clock my father burst in He seemed 7 He circled the dining room table complaining about his employees Suddenly he paused and glared at his plate What is this He was reaching for my poem Ben Buddy has written his first poem my mother began And it s beautiful absolutely amazing If you don t mind I

4、 d like to decide for myself Father said I 8 my head as he read that poem It was only ten lines But it seemed to take hours Then I heard him dropping the poem back on the table Now came the moment of 9 I think it s terrible he said I couldn t look up My eyes were getting 10 Ben these are the first l

5、ines of poetry he s ever written my mother was saying He needs 11 I don t know why My father held his ground Isn t there enough awful poetry in the world already I couldn t 12 it another second I ran from the dining room crying Up in my room I 13 myself on the bed and cried the worst of the 14 out o

6、f me That may have been the end of the story but not of its 15 for me I realized how fortunate I had been I had a mother who said I think it s wonderful and a father who drove me to hear with I think it s 16 Every one of us needs that mother force from which all 17 flows and yet the mother force alo

7、ne is incomplete It needs the balance of the force that 18 Watch Listen Review Improve Those 19 voices of my childhood ring in my ears through the years like two opposing winds blowing me Between the two poles of 20 and doubt both in the name of love I try to follow my true course 本文作者通过讲述自己的经历 说明了在

8、我们的成长过程中父母对我们的爱的方式表达 不同 但都是很重要的 我们要在这两种不同的爱中成长 1 A typically B proudly C anxiously D honestly 2 答案 B 根据 shyly but 可以判断此处选择的答案与 shyly 相反 表达作者内心的感受 2 A motivation B shock C criticism D praise 答案 D 根据上文 a beautiful poem 以及下文 nothing short of talent 可知 3 A recite B describe C show D introduce 答案 C 根据语境可

9、知 作者迫不急待地想让父亲看到自己的杰作 show sth to sb 向某人展示某物 4 A waiting B preparing C praying D planning 答案 B 根据下一句语境可知 作者为父亲的到来做着准备 prepare for sth 为 做准备 5 A gradually B desperately C confidently D casually 答案 C 由于上文母亲对作者作品的褒奖 使作者信心十足 想得到父亲同样的赞扬 6 A appreciate B revise C read D polish 答案 A 我确定他也会很欣赏我的诗 appreciate

10、欣赏 故选 A 7 A relaxed B calm C noble D upset 答案 D 根据下文 He circled the dining room table complaining 可知答案 8 A shook B lowered C raised D turned 答案 B 根据下文 It was only ten lines But it seemed to take hours 可知 作者此时的 心情 进而导致 低下头 9 A decision B excitement C meditation D devotion 答案 A 由下文 I think it s terrib

11、le he said 可知父亲在读完诗歌放回到桌子 上后 该是作结论的时候了 10 A dark B wide C wet D bright 答案 C 由此处语境可知作者的心情很差 与作者预想的不一样 让作者感到难过 11 A arrangement B judgment C encouragement D adjustment 3 答案 C 根据上文母亲对作者诗歌的赞美 及父亲对诗歌的评论可知母亲更倾向于鼓 励孩子 12 A hold B attain C control D stand 答案 D 父亲对诗的否定使作者再也不能 忍受 一秒钟了 stand 忍受 故选 D 13 A threw

12、 B seated C left D kept 答案 A 在父亲作出这样的评价后 作者很伤心 因此选 A 项更能体现作者的心情 14 A confusion B pressure C disappointment D tiredness 答案 C 根据上文 13 myself on the bed and cried 可知作者的 失望 之情 15 A challenge B development C difficulty D significance 答案 D 根据 the end of the story but not of its 可知 尽管事情结束了 但对作者的 影响意义重大 16

13、A elegant B awful C fluent D controversial 答案 B 根据上文 I think it s wonderful 及故事情节可知父亲说的观点应相反 故 选 B 项 17 A failure B creation C limit D improvement 答案 B 母亲赞扬鼓励的话可以让作者充满信心和希望 18 A orders B misleads C cautions D foresees 答案 C 根据上文 the mother force alone is incomplete 以及 Watch Listen Review Improve 这样的鞭

14、策的声音可知 19 A inspiring B warning C disturbing D conflicting 答案 D 根据上文可知 父母对自己的方式截然相反 故选 D 项 20 A confirmation B restriction C distrust D disapproval 答案 A 根据下文中的 doubt 并结合本文讲的故事情节 可知选 A 项 证实 阅读理解 建议用时 15 4 A 2016 天水市三中质检 One of the most important things to have when you re hunting for a job is a perfe

15、ct resume After all if your CV doesn t pass muster 通过检查 you won t P1 have the chance to let potential employers know why you re the right person for the job W1 Here are some details you should remove from your resume Middle and high school information If you ve gone through college you usually don t

16、 need to add your high school information Middle school references are also best taken out Passive language W2 Don t make weak references to your achievements For example saying things like W3 familiar with or learned how to is unnecessary You should come to the point straightly P2 and immediately address the skill so the employers can know you have the experience instead of looking like a trainee Photos Unless requested or depending on the industry leave your photo out You are not S being judge


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