2019-2020学年高中英语外研版必修3学案:Module 1 Section Ⅱ Introduction & Reading and Vocabulary-Language Points

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《2019-2020学年高中英语外研版必修3学案:Module 1 Section Ⅱ Introduction & Reading and Vocabulary-Language Points》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2019-2020学年高中英语外研版必修3学案:Module 1 Section Ⅱ Introduction & Reading and Vocabulary-Language Points(17页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 1 Section Introduction Reading and Vocabulary Language Points 教材 P1 France is Europe s third largest country and faces the United Kingdom across the English Channel 法国是欧洲第三大国 隔英吉利海峡与英国相望 1 face vt 面向 面对 面临 困难等 n 脸 面部 1 be faced with 面对 面临 2 in the face of 面对 face to face 面对面 地 3 make a face faces 做

2、鬼脸 lose face 丢脸 失面子 Faced with so much trouble we failed to complete the task on time 2 Facing face so much trouble we failed to complete the task on time 面临着这么多困难 我们不能按时完成这项任务 导学号 91390000 Facing face south the house can take in much sunlight in winter to keep it warm 这所房子面朝南 所以在冬季它能吸收很多阳光来保持温暖 If

3、Tom doesn t keep his promise he ll lose face 如果汤姆不信守诺言 他就会丢面子 名师点津 face 和 be faced with 都有 面临 面对 的意思 在语法填空题中常以非谓语 的形式出现 有 with 的常填 faced 没有 with 的常填 facing 2 across prep 横过 穿过 在 对面 adv 横越 穿过 宽 Do be careful when you go across the road 过马路时你一定要当心 The hospital is just across the road 医院就在路对面 The river

4、 is 20 meters across 这条河宽 20 米 明辨异同 across through over across 多指从一定范围的一边到另一边 且在物体的表面 上进行的动作 其含义常与介词 on 有关 through 表示从某一范围的一端到另一端的动作 但它表示 的动作是在空间里进行 其含义常与介词 in 有关 over 用作 穿过 通过 之意时 表示到达一座高的 障碍物 如树 墙 篱笆和山脉等 的另一侧的动作 across through over 导学号 91390001 He suddenly saw Susan across the room He pushed his w

5、ay through the crowd to get to her The Red Army overcame many difficulties during the Long March over snow mountains and across the rivers 3 图形助记 range n 山脉 范围 v 在 内变动 变化 教材 P1 Between France and Spain is another mountain range the Pyrenees 法国与西班牙之间横亘着另外一座山脉 比利牛斯山脉 1 range from to range between and

6、在 范围内变动 2 a range of 一系列 in within range of 在 范围内 out of beyond range of 在 范围外 The population of these cities ranges between 3 million and 5 million 这些城市的人口在 300 万到 500 万之间 He has a number of interests ranging range from playing chess to swimming 他的爱好很多 从下棋到游泳 All the houses have been sold out withi

7、n this price range 在这个价格范围内的所有的房子都销售完了 The price of the house is well beyond out of our range 这栋房子的价格远远超过了我们能承受的范围 图形助记 situated adj 建筑物等 坐落在 位于 人 处于 的立场 4 教材P2 Paris is the capital and largest city of France situated on the River Seine 巴黎是法国的首都 也是法国最大的城市 坐落在塞纳河畔 1 be situated on in at 位于 的 坐落在 的 处于

8、 地位 境遇 立场 的 2 situate v 使位于 使处于 3 situation n 位置 形势 立场 境遇 in a n situation 处于 状态 境遇 My hometown is situated in southern Shandong Province 我的家乡位于山东省南部 Shanghai situated situate in the southeast of China is an international city 位于中国东南部的上海是一个国际化的城市 What would you do if you were in my situation 如果你是我的话

9、 你会怎么做 You could get into a situation where you have to decide immediately 你可能遇上一种情况 使你不得不立刻做出决定 名师点津 situate 的用法与汉语的表达习惯不同 在汉语中与建筑物是主动关系 在英语 中是被动关系 因此在作状语或定语时常用过去分词 symbol n 象征 符号 教材 P2 The most popular place for tourists is the Eiffel Tower the famous symbol of Paris 最受游客欢迎的旅游景点是埃菲尔铁塔 它是巴黎著名的象征 th

10、e symbol of sth 的象征 the symbol for sth 的符号 5 The lion is considered the king of the forest as it is a symbol of courage and power 狮子被认为是森林之王 因为它是勇气与权力的象征 What is the chemical symbol for copper 铜的化学符号是什么 明辨异同 symbol sign mark signal symbol 象征 标志 指被人们选出用来代表另一事情的标记或象征 sign 记号 迹象 代表具有某种固定意义的符号或标志 还可以 指将

11、要发生某事的 征兆 迹象 mark 痕迹 记号 指为了便于辨认而做的 记号 或在某一物体 上留下的 痕迹 signal 信号 暗号 多侧重于指声音或动作的暗示 symbol sign mark signal Dragons and the Great Wall are both the of China His feet left dirty all over the floor Out in the desert there are hardly any road along the highway Chest pains can be a warning of heart problems

12、 答案 symbols marks signs signal 图形助记 because of 因为 由于 教 材 P2 Florence is an Italian city which became famous because of the Renaissance a great artistic movement which began in the 1300s and lasted for three hundred years 佛罗伦萨是意大利的一座城市 因文艺复兴运动而闻名 文艺复兴是 一次伟大的艺术运动 它始于 14 世纪并且持续了 300 年 I was late for cl

13、ass because of the traffic jam 由于交通阻塞 我上课迟到了 The young man was given a pay rise because of what he had done for the 6 company 这个年轻人因为他为公司所做的一切而得到了加薪 明辨异同 because because of because 为连词 引导原因状语从句 because of 为介词短语 后接名词 代词或 what 引导的名词性从句 because because of I didn t buy the iPhone 6 it was too expensive

14、She didn t come to his birthday party just what he had said to her the day before Several accidents happened on the highway early this morning the heavy fog 答案 because because of because of be known as be famous as 作为 而出名 闻名 教材 P2 Athens the capital of Greece is known as the birthplace of western ci

15、vilisation 雅典是希腊的首都 作为西方文明的发祥地而闻名于世 1 be known famous to sb 为 所了解 熟知 be known famous for 因 而著名 2 It s well known that As is known to all What is known to all is that 众所周知 Guilin is known to us for its beautiful mountains and rivers 桂林因为美丽的山和水而为我们所熟知 It s well known that the Olympic Games take place

16、every four years As is known to all the Olympic Games take place every four years What is known to all is that the Olympic Games take place every four years 众所周知 奥运会每四年举行一次 导学号 91390002 7 语境助记 Jay Chou is known as a singer and he is most known for singing popular songs which are known to many teenagers 周杰伦作为一名歌手而出名 他主要是因唱流行歌曲而出名的 这些歌曲为 很多的青少年所熟知 ever since 自从 以来 自从 从 起 教材 P2 Their work has influenced other writers ever since 他们的作品影响了后 世的作家 ever since 表示动作从过去的某一时间为起点 持续到现在 常与现在完成时 态连用 since 可作副词


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