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1、 亚洲(澳门)国际公开大学 UNIVERSIDADE ABERTA INTERNACIONAL DA SIA (MACAU) Asia International Open University (Macau) 工商管理硕士论文河南大学淮河医院发展战略研究 学生姓名: 李 景 良学 号:G0612-1104-0245指导教师: 方 德 英谢辞我非常感激我的导师方德英教授,他工作百忙中不惜花费自己的时间对本论文进行斧正,提出许多宝贵的意见和建议,既激发了我的思维和灵感,又给了我持久不断的鼓励。此时,我也非常感谢河南大学冯海龙副教授,在我写作论文期间,给予指点和帮助。最后,我还要非常感谢我的同事和

2、领导班子成员,在本论文的论述思想写作过程中,给予的诚恳建议和帮助,感谢那些为我查阅资料提供了许多方便的市卫生局人员。本论文中的不足之处,请各位老师不吝赐教。同时感谢亚洲(澳门)国际公开大学给我这次MBA学习机会,使我的知识储备增加,理论水平和工作能力均有明显提高。亚洲(澳门)国际公开大学UNIVERSIDADE ABERTA INTERNACIONAL DA ASIA(MACAU)Asia International Open University (Macau)版权和参考资料的引用声明Copyright and Declaration of Original Authorship河南大学淮河

3、医院发展战略研究本人特此声明,此论文全为本人亲自撰写,并对所写的内容负责。论文中并没载有侵犯版权的资料。所有在论文中被直接套用或引述的资料来源和研究工具,如问卷等,经己按照亚洲(澳门)国际公开大学工商管理硕士论文写作与答辩指引,正确完整地详细注明。论文的内容并未有呈交本大学或其它大学作为获取学位之用。本人同意将论文摆放在图书馆作参考,并同意作为校内教学及研究用途,但在引述时必须作出适当的注明。 I confirm that the material contained within this thesis is all my own work. Where the work of others

4、 has been drawn upon, it has been properly acknowledged and referenced according to the rules set by the ”Research and Oral Examination Guideline for MBA Thesis, the Asia International Open University (Macau).”No material in this thesis has previously been submitted and approved for the award of a d

5、egree by this or any other university. I agree that this thesis can be available for reference in library as well as internal teaching and researching use on the understanding that it is copyright material and that no quotation from this thesis may be cited without proper, acknowledgement. 学生姓名Name

6、of Student:_学生签名Signed:_递交日期Date of Submission: _中文摘要河南大学淮河医院要想在当前复杂多变的环境中获得持续竞争优势,寻求更大发展,就必须对自身的优势与劣势、面临的机遇与挑战有个全面清醒认识,必须运用战略管理的思想来经营管理医院,制定出适合医院实际情况的发展战略。全文共分七章:首先根据行业背景和淮河医院概况,简要介绍了该院面临的政策、经济、技术、文化等外部环境,接着详细分析了开封市医疗行业的现状,进而引入了波特五种力量分析模型,对该院的外部环境进行了规范化分析,得出结论是医院现所面临的威胁程度为中低,但在某些方面有增大趋势。而后分析了该院的内部环


8、院、环境分析、发展战略AbstractTo win the continue competitive advantage in current complex and multivariate circumstance and to explore further development, huai-he hospital of henna university must have an overall conscious cognition of self-advantage and self-disadvantage ,opportunity and challenge and also

9、apply strategy administrative thought to manage hospital, and work out development strategy to fit practical condition of hospital. Full text is divided seven chapters. Firstly, according to vocation background and general condition of huai-he hospital, brief introduction of outer circumstance of po

10、licy, economy, technique and culture were made. Secondly, current situation of medical vocation in kaifeng city was analyzed detailedly. Furthermore, analytical model of baud five sort of strength was inducted and outer circumstance of hospital was analysis normally. Finally, it can be draw a conclu

11、sion that threaten degree facing with hospital was middle or low, but certain aspects had an increasing tendency.Furtherly, internal environment of hospital including organization and structure, human resources, medical level, scientific research technique, financial affair,marketing management abil

12、ity and informationization were analyzed ,and the conclusion was brand and well-known ,medical technique ,financial revenue ,medical facility can provide continue competitive advantage . The shortage and requiring improve were scientific research ability, administrative cost, human resources and mar

13、keting ability.Meanwhile, analytical model of matrix analysis was applied and opportunity, threaten, superiority, inferiority for hospital were matched strategy. Combining practical condition, overall development strategy of huai-he hospital, that is bold development strategy was proposed .Huai-he h

14、ospital was striving to be domestic nameable affiliated hospital in accommodate with he-nan university.Finally, strategy operating direction of huai-he hospital including reform of administrative organization and structure, logistics socialization ,personnel system and raising patient satisfaction ,

15、human resources management, subjects construction, marketing management were expounded.Keys: Huai-he hospital; environmental analysis; development strategy目 录谢 辞I版权和参考资料的引用声明II中文摘要IIIAbstractIV目 录VI表 目 录IX图 目 录X第一章 绪论11.1问题的背景11.2研究的问题及研究目的11.2.1 研究的问题11.2.2 研究目的21.3 待答问题21.4研究范围和限制2第二章 文献的评论32.1 战略内涵及战略管理32.1.1战略内涵32.1.2战略管理32.2 战略理论主要流派评述32.2.1战略管理的设计学派42.2.2战略管理的结构学派42.2.3战略管理的能力学派4


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