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3、点问题基础上,指出我国合同法相关规定的不足并就如何进一步完善提出建议,即,我国合同法完全可以通过对不安抗辩权制度本身以及与之密切相关的制度,如给付不能、大陆法上的拒绝履行制度、合同法定解除制度等的调整,从内外两方面克服传统不安抗辩权制度的大部分缺陷。从而在回归大陆法系传统的同时,通过完善现行立法以及配套的司法解释,采纳预期违约制度的合理因素,取长补短,既发挥两种制度应有的作用,同时避免冲突和矛盾,从而更有效地保护合同双方的利益,起到保障交易安全、提高交易效率的作用,并在司法实践中避免理解和运用上的混乱。【英文摘要】In face of such a modern society that va

4、ries from minute to minute, for those non-instant contracts, from the effective establishment to the arrival of performance period, there may be many unpredictable new changes, which lead to impossibility or difficulty to fulfill the contract. As two legal systems set for the protection of creditors

5、 rights, the unsafe right of defense and anticipatory breach of contract play decisive roles in the continental law system and Anglo-American law system respectively.Although our country belongs to continental law system, Chinas “contract law” issued in 1999 creatively absorbs the essence of unsafe

6、right of defense in the continental law system and the anticipatory breach of contract in Anglo-American law system, and provides these two kinds of regulations which belong to different legal systems in one law. Therefore it formed rules of anticipatory breach with Chinese characteristics. Its favo

7、rable for prevent contract risk, ensure trade safety and protect interests of the parties. But since the contract law came into effect, the controversy has never stopped.In order to clarify the unsafe right of defense and anticipatory breach in Chinas “contract law”, the author will firstly analyze

8、the concept, the theoretic value and the development of the two regulations, and meanwhile, give a summary on their conditions of application and corresponding remedy rules. Secondly, give a research on the similarities and differences of the two kinds mainly by the method of comparison, and point o

9、ut that as belong to two different legal systems and have succession of different legal traditions, although have some similar, the two actually have qualitative distinction in the value idea, system, form and other aspects. Then, combined with the “contract law”, give an evaluation on the rationali

10、ty of the system arrangement. Lastly, on base of analyzing the focus of arguments, the author point out the inadequate of the relevant provisions in Chinas “contract law” and make his own suggestions on improvement. That is, by adjusting the system of unsafe right of defense itself and other relevan

11、t rules as Impossibility of Performance, Repudiation in continental law system, Legal Rescission of Contracts and so on, Chinas “contract law” can overcome most of the defects in Unsafe Right of Defense from inside and outside. Through the improvement of legislation and the adoption of the reasonabl

12、e factors in the system of anticipatory breach, it can return to civil law tradition, put both two kinds of systems into full play and avoid the conflicts and contradictions at the same time. So that we can further protect the interests of both parties, improve transaction security and efficiency, a

13、nd avoid the confusion of understanding and usage in the legal practice.【关键词】不安抗辩权 预期违约 合同法【英文关键词】unsafe right of defense anticipatory breach contract law【备注】索购全文在线加好友: 同时提供论文写作一对一指导和论文发表委托服务【目录】合同法不安抗辩权与预期违约制度之辨析摘要4-6Abstract6-7序言10-11第一章 不安抗辩权制度解析11-19第一节 不安抗辩之内涵及其价值理念12-14一、不安抗辩权的概念

14、及渊源12-13二、不安抗辩权制度的价值理念13-14第二节 传统理论上不安抗辩权的适用条件及其救济规则14-19一、适用条件14-17二、救济规则拒绝对方的履行要求17-19第二章 预期违约制度解析19-33第一节 传统预期违约制度的内涵及价值理念19-21一、传统判例法中预期违约制度的概念及渊源19-21二、预期违约制度的价值理念21第二节 预期违约制度之发展21-29一、美国统一商法典对预期违约制度的发展21-27二、联合国国际货物销售合同公约对预期违约制度的发展27-28三、法典与公约相关规定之比较28-29第三节 预期违约制度的救济规则29-33一、撤回31二、不承认预期违约及其风险

15、31-32三、中止履行32四、解约权32-33五、合理期限33第三章 不安抗辩权与预期违约制度之比较33-38一、价值理念不同34二、制度上的差异34-36三、不安抗辩权与预期拒绝履行相比较36四、不安抗辩权与预期不能履行相比较36-37五、预期拒绝履行的情形在大陆法上是如何被调整的37-38第四章 我国合同法的规定38-44第一节 我国合同法上的规定及其与相关制度的比较38-40一、将我国合同法第68、69 条与大陆法上的不安抗辩权相比较39-40二、将我国合同法第108 条和第94 条第2 款与英美法预期违约制度相比较40第二节 对我国合同法上规定之合理性分析40-44一、体系上的冲突尴尬的法条竞合41-42二、体系上的消减各该制度均不够完善42-43三、表述上的失当43-44第五章 厘清我国合同法中的不安抗辩权及预期违约制度44-51一、对于第68 条46-48二、对于第69 条48-49三、对于第94 条49四、对于第108 条



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