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1、Unit5Whatwereyoudoingwhentherainstormcame Part TextReview KnowledgeTestPart KeyWords Phrases SentencesPart GrammarFocus Fillintheblankswith be 1 I 16yearsoldthisyear 2 I 15yearsoldlastyear 3 How theweathertoday 4 How theweatheryesterday 5 They goodfriends 6 They goodfriendsthreeyearsago am was is ar

2、e was were Revision Part TextReview KnowledgeTest ConversationPattern A Whatwasthegirldoingatthetimeoftherainstorm B Shewas A Whatwasthegirldoingatthetimeoftherainstorm B Shewasreadingathome A Whatwastheboydoingatthetimeoftherainstorm B Hewasstudyinginthelibrary Describewhatyousee Exercise Fillinthe

3、blankswiththeproperform 1 What be you do whenhearrived 2 Jim sleep whenIcamein 3 They watch TVat8 00yesterdayevening 4 Nowhe read and write were doing wassleeping werewatching isreading writing 5 Mother wash clotheswhenI get homefromschoolyesterdayafternoon 6 Look mysister be thereinthebarbershop Th

4、ebarber cut herhair 7 When you see theaccident I see itfifteenminutesago waswashing got is iscutting did see saw Translatethesesentences 1 上课铃响时 你在干什么 What you whentheclassbellrang 2 当我妈妈进来时我正在看书 I whenmymothercamein 3 昨天晚上十点钟她正在做饭 She atteno clock were doing wasreading wascooking lastnight 4 当飞机起飞的

5、时候 天正下着大雪 It heavilywhentheplane 5 瞧 孩子们正在追逐一只小猫 Look Thechildren asmallcat 6 我女儿正在写信时 其他的孩子都在外面玩耍 Mydaughterwaswritingaletter theotherchildren outside tookoff wereplaying wassnowing arechasingafter while Skill ReadingStrategies 1 Noteveryonewillrememberwhokilledhim buttheycanrememberwhattheyweredoi

6、ngwhentheyheardthathegotkilled Althoughsomepeoplemaynotrememberwhokilledhim theyrememberwhattheyweredoingwhentheyheardthenews 2 Noonesaidanythingfortherestofdinner Myparentsdidnottalkafterthat andwefinishedtherestofourdinnerinsilence insilence 无言地 沉默地 3 September11 2001 thedatealonemeanssomethingtom

7、ostpeopleintheUS Eventhedate September11 2001 hasmeaningtomostAmericans 4 IhadtroublethinkingclearlyafterthatbecauseIwasveryafraid IwassoscaredthatIcouldhardlythinkclearlyafterthat AnimportanteventthatIrememberwellwasWenchuanEarthquake IthappenedonMay12 2008inWenchuan Sichuan WhenIheardthenewsofthis

8、event Iwaswork ing MyfriendswerewatchinggamesonTV Thiseventisveryimportanttomebecausemanypeoplediedintheearthquake Theyneedsomehelp Lotsofpeoplecametohelpthem Model Practice1 Imetafriendofmine Iwaswalkinginthepark A beforeB whenC afterD if2 We llgoforawalkifit tomorrow A willnotrainB isn trainingC d

9、oesn trainD isn train3 ImetLiLei hospitallastSunday Hewasill hospitalthen A inthe intheB in intheC inthe inD in in B C C 4 Whenyouare trouble whynotphonethe A at policeB in policemanC in policeD at policeman5 usefulinventionthecomputeris A WhataB WhatanC HowaD Howan C A 1 Withnolightoutside itfeltli

10、kemidnight 外面没有光亮 感觉就像半夜一样 withprep 由于 因为 表示一种伴随的状况 同时还包含着某种因果关系 表示 因某种状况的存在而导致 Withmyparentsaway I mthekingofthehouse 我爸妈不在 我可是家中的 王 Ican tworkwithallthatnoisegoingon 由于那噪音响着 我无法工作 Part KeyWords Phrases Sentences 2 Ben sdad whilehismomwasmakingsuretheflashlightsandradiowereworking 本的爸爸在 同时他妈妈在确认手电简

11、和收音机都能正常使用 1 whileconj 当 的时候 和 同时 while还可以表示 然而 但 是 之意 用来说明或强调两种事情或情形的不同 TomisactiveandoutgoingwhilehissisterRosaisshyandquiet 汤姆活跃外向 而他的妹妹罗莎却羞怯腼腆 2 makesure确认 查明 核实 其后可接句子或接介词of及宾语 用来引入需要确认的内容 Couldyoumakesurewhattimehe sarriving Iwouldliketogoandmeethimattheairport 你确认一下他几点到达好吗 我想去机场接他 Makesureyou

12、turnofftheTVbeforeyouleavethehouse 在你离开屋子前确认关闭了电视 3 此处work表机器 器官等的 运作 运转 这是动词work的一种基本用法 Mywatchiswaterproof thatmeansitwouldworkfineevenifit sinwater 我的手表是防水的 这就是说即便在水里它也会正常运转 Mybrainisn tworkingwellnow 这会儿我的脑子不好使 Practice1 ShethoughtIwaspraisingherchild infact Iwasscoldinghimforhisbadbehaviorsatsc

13、hool A whatB whileC sothatD therefore2 Idoeverysinglebitofhousework myhusbandBobjustdoesthedishesnowandthen A whileB sinceC whenD as B A 3 Wewereswimminginthelake suddenlythestormstarted A whenB whileC untilD before4 Youseemtohavehadthatcarforyears Yes it singoodcondition butIshouldsellit itstillrun

14、s A ifB beforeC becauseD while A D 3 takedown摧毁TheWorldTradeCenterinNewYorkwastakendownbyterroristson11thSept 2001 2001年9月11日纽约世贸中心被恐怖分子摧毁 4 Sheremembersworkinginherofficenearthetwotowers 她当时记得自己正在距两座塔楼不远的办公室工作 remember sb doingsth 记得某人做过某事rememberv 记得 回忆起 想起Idon trememberseeinghimanywhere 我不记得在什么地方

15、见过他 5 Iwaswaitingforthebuswhenitbegantorainheavily beginv 开始 beginning began begun begintodo doingsth Extension一般来说 begintodo和begindoing可互换 但在以下三种情况下 只用todo 1 主语不是指人 而是it等 Itbegantorain 2 begin后接表示心理活动的词 begintoknow believe wonder think 3 begin本身是ing形式 为避免重复后接todo 即beginningtodo 6 Icalledatsevenandy

16、oudidn tpickup pickup pickupthephone 接电话 Extension othermeanings 1 拾起 抱起Pickupthekey please 帮忙捡一下钥匙 2 搭载Thecarstoppedtopickmeup 汽车停下来接我 7 butitwashardtohavefunwithaseriousstormhappeningoutside Itisadj todosth 做 怎么样Itisadj forsb todosth 对某人来说做 怎么样ItisimportantforustolearnEnglish 对我们来说学英语很重要 Practice1 在街上踢球很危险 Itis socceronthestreet 2 每天早上读书对你来说很有必要 Itis foryou inthemorning 3 对他来说完成作业很容易Itis forhim dangeroustoplay necessary tofinishhomework toread easy 8 Hefinallyfellasleepwhenthewindwasdyingdowna



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