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1、 中南财经政法大学本科毕业论文 中南财经政法大学自学考试本科毕业生论文 论文题目: 企业实施多元化战略的条件分析 考生姓名: 专 业: X X X X 准考证号: XXXXXXXXXXX 通讯地址: 邮政编码: 联系电话: 日 期: 2013 年 X 月 X 日 中南财经政法大学摘 要 企业多元化是企业管理者对主导产业形成了很高的盈利率预期和高增长预期,急于追求战略竞争优势,增强扩展已有的资源、能力以及核心竞争力或者进入与原有行业不相关的新业务而有意识的采用的一种战略。在市场竞争日益激烈的条件下,企业要想获得生存和发展的机会,固守一个产业、提供一种产品的经营模式已经越来越不能适应形势的发展,多

2、元化经营战略成为企业寻求未来发展的一条重要途径。中国实施市场经济的时间不长,但是中国的企业在追求卓越的过程中,也越来越多的选择了多元化战略。纵观现代企业发展史,多元化作为一种普遍的企业成长方式,在大型企业的成长中占据着重要的位置。多元化战略是目前企业热衷的战略选择,在这股多元化战略浪潮中,不少企业采取购并、联合、投资等手段向不同产业领域拓展,形成了很多多元化的大型企业集团。虽然成功的案例不少, 但也有不乏失败的例子,所以不是所有进行多元化战略的企业都取得了理想的成就,也并非所有企业都能实行多元化。许多企业由于忽视了多元化战略的前提条件,盲目进行多元化,导致企业陷入进退维谷甚至万劫不复的困境。是

3、什么原因造就了这种现象?怎样才能成功地实现多元化经营?本文针对我国企业多元化发展状况进行了分析和研究,对多元化发展战略的实施动因和实施条件进行了探讨,同时也总结了企业实施多元化战略失败的原因。并就如何实施企业多元化战略发展提出了相应的对策:多元化与一体化的选择;何时实施多元化战略;强化主导产业、降低核心竞争力的风险、增强目的性,克服盲目性。关键词:多元化 实施条件 企业资源AbstractEnterprise diversification is enterprise managers of leading industry formed the very high expectations

4、and high growth expectations, eager to pursue strategy competitive advantage, and enhance the extension of the existing resources, ability and core competitiveness or into the original is not relevant industry and new business and conscious with a kind of strategy. In the more and more competitive m

5、arket conditions, the enterprise to get to the survival and development of the opportunity, on a industry, provide a product business model has more and more can not adapt to the development of the situation, diversified business strategy for the future development of the enterprise become a importa

6、nt way. The implementation of Chinas market economy time is not long, but China enterprise in the pursuit of excellence in process, also more and more chose diversification strategy. Throughout modern enterprise development history, diversity as a common enterprise way to grow, in the growth of larg

7、e enterprises occupy an important position. Diversification strategy is at present the enterprise dedicated strategic choice, in this wave of diversification strategy, many enterprises take acquisitions, joint, investment and other means to develop the field of different industries, formed a lot of

8、diversified conglomerates. Although a lot of successful cases, but also have to there is no lack of failure, so not all example for diversification strategy enterprise to obtain the ideal achievement, not all enterprise can practicing. Many enterprises of neglect for diversification strategy conditi

9、on, blind to diversify, lead to enterprise into a dilemma of the plight of eternity even. What reason is made of this kind of phenomenon? How to successfully diversified management?This article in view of Chinas enterprises diversified development situation of the analysis and research of diversific

10、ation, the implementation of the strategy of developing motive and implementation conditions were discussed, and summarizes the implementation multiplication enterprise strategic failure. And how to carry out enterprise diversification strategy development put forward the corresponding countermeasur

11、es: the choice of pluralism and integration; When implementing the diversification strategy; Strengthen the leading industries and reduce the risk of core competitive ability, strengthen the purpose, overcome blindness.Key word : Diversity;Implementation conditions;Enterprise resources目 录中文摘要.1英文摘要.2一我国企业多元化经营发展状况. .6(一)、我国企业多元化发展进程.6(二)、企业多元化经营对经济效益的影响.71.优化企业发展. . .72.造成企业精力分散.73.多元化经营本身是中性的.74.不同多元化类型的影响.7二企业实施多元化战略的动因.8(一)、提高企业价值的动因. .81.获得范围经济. .82.获得市场力量. .83.获得财务经济性. .8(二)、非提高企业价值的动因.



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