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1、Unit1 Art (时间:90分钟满分:120分).阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共12小题;每小题2.5分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。A(导学号51970007)In 1962,the head of NASA had an unusual idea for documenting space exploration(探索).Why not ask artists to catch the excitement of space exploration through paintings and drawings?From t

2、hat question,the NASAAP(美国航空艺术计划)was born.It tries to catch the excitement of space exploration through artworks.The artists of it are free to move into NASA equipment.For example,Franklin McMahon spent hours in a NASA medical exam room.He studied the equipment that doctors used to examine astronaut

3、s just after a flight.McMahons drawing Tilt shows doctors examining astronaut Ed White from the spaceship Gemini 4 on June 7,1965.The picture is extremely detailed and completely true.It provides as much information as a photograph.Some artworks are not so serious.Artist Clayton Pond provided Strang

4、e Encounters for the First Time.The picture shows the spaceship Enterprise and the U.S.S. Enterprise meeting in space.The U.S.S. Enterprise is the spaceship from the television show Star Trek.It is funny.And there is a guess that Enterprise was named because of the imaginary one.Another surprising a

5、rtwork came from pop artist Andy Warhol.He produced Moonwalk 1 in 1987.It shows astronaut Neil Armstrong walking on the moon.However,the artist added a lot of bright colors to it.Neil Armstrongs white spacesuit is now hot pink.Part of his head cover is a sunny yellow.And the moon is blue.Some artwor

6、ks can produce strong sadness.Zigi Ben Haims Colombia Returning imagines the last moment of spaceship Colombia and its crew(全体人员).In 2003,Columbia came apart as it re-entered the earths atmosphere(大气层)at the end of a flight.All seven crew members were killed.The NASAAP is responsible for about three

7、 thousand works in all.Artists are given a small payment for each artwork,which proves their words that they are attracted not by money but the experience being able to visit NASA equipment themselves.The NASAAP now asks about two artists a year to add to its collection.1.The aim of the NASAAP is to

8、.A.speed the development of spaceshipsB.attract more people to the spaceship showC.catch the excitement of space explorationD.let artists have a new topic to create art works答案:C解析:细节理解题。由第一段的“Why not ask artists to catch the excitement of space exploration through paintings and drawings.catch the e

9、xcitement of space exploration through artworks.”可知,NASAAP成立的目的是用艺术形式呈现太空探索的精彩瞬间。2.Which of the following shows the truest information about space exploration?A.Tilt.B.Strange Encounters for the First Time.C.Moonwalk 1.D.Colombia Returning.答案:A解析:细节理解题。由第二段的“The picture is extremely detailed and com

10、pletely true.It provides as much information as a photograph.”可知,这件绘画艺术品几乎和照片一样详细,并且是完全真实的。而其他的艺术品都有加以想象的部分。3.The Enterprise is.A.a spaceship made in AmericaB.a television show about spaceC.an imaginary spaceshipD.the first spaceship on the earth答案:C解析:细节理解题。由第三段的“The U.S.S. Enterprise is the spaces

11、hip from the television show Star Trek.It is funny.And there is a guess that Enterprise was named because of the imaginary one.”可知,“Enterprise”是虚构的宇宙飞船。4.Artists create artworks for NASA mainly for.A.the high payment from the artworksB.the chance of getting close to NASA equipmentC.the hope of showi

12、ng their works to the worldD.the possibility of entering space in the spaceship答案:B解析:细节理解题。由最后一段的“Artists are given a small payment for each artwork,which proves their words that they are attracted not by money but the experience being able to visit NASA equipment themselves.”可知,吸引艺术家们为NASA创作艺术品的不是

13、报酬而是能够近距离接触NASA设备的机会。B(导学号51970008)Land Art,sometimes referred to as Earth Art or Earthworks,is a form of art which involves using physical landscapes to create art,taking art out of the museum and into the outside world.Modern Land Art movement really got going in the 1960s,when American artists be

14、gan creating Land Art on a large scale.Today,works of modern Land Art can be seen all over the world,sometimes right alongside much older pieces of Land Art created by people who lived thousands of years ago.Land Art,which is not necessarily unchangeable,can take a number of forms.For example,in 197

15、0 Robert Smithson created the Spiral Jetty(螺旋码头),made of a collection of stones and mud,in the Great Salt Lake.The American artist made a large jetty in a spiral shape which sticks out into the water of the lake.Reshaping the landscape is a common feature of Land Art.It can be created by moving part

16、s around.People can also add things to the environment to create Land Art,like salt,which is added to the Spiral Jetty.It is possible to use plants.In all cases,Land Art is immovable.Land Art is designed to evolve(逐步形成),change,and eventually decay(衰落).Thats one of the biggest differences between Land Art and most of the artworks in the museums.Some works of art can exist only for



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