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1、被动语态 寿春中学 Howtodescribethepictures Theriverwasseriouslypolluted Sometreeswerecutdown 语态是动词的一种形式 表示主语和动词之间的关系 英语动词有两种语态 主动语态和被动语态 主动语态动词的主语是动作的执行者 而被动语态动词的主语是动作的承受者 被动语态是动词的一种特殊形式 一般说来 只有需要动作对象的及物动词才有被动语态 英语语态 被动语态的构成 由助动词be 及物动词的过去分词 V ed 构成 助动词be有人称 数和时态的变化 water wateredwatered use usedused study s

2、tudiedstudied stop stoppedstopped do diddone ride roderidden Forexample find foundfound make mademade build builtbuilt sweep sweptswept take tooktaken buy boughtbought have hadhad sing sangsung tell toldtold give gavegiven 英语的谓语动词有两种语态 WespeakEnglish 主语 谓语 宾语 Englishisspokenbyus 主语 谓语 宾语 宾变主 主变宾 前加b

3、y动变被 看清be 结构分别be pp 主动语态 被动语态 主变被解题步骤 1 找宾语 即动作的承受者 Theymakeshoesinthatfactory Shoes 2 判断宾语的单复数 即be动词的单复数 arewere 3 判断动词的时态 即be动词的时态 4 修改谓语的时态 即原句动词改为过去分词 made 5 修改原句的主语 即by 主语 宾语 bythem 1 一般现在时am is are done Wecleantheclassroomeveryday Theclassroomiscleanedbyuseveryday Shewaterstheflowerseveryday T

4、heflowers Whatdoesshedoeveryday everyday arewatered byher Theydotheirhomeworkafterschool Theirhomeworkisdonebythemafterschool Heplaysbasketballeveryweek Basketballisplayedbyhimeveryweek Mymothersweepstheflooreveryday Thefloorissweptbymymothereveryday Iboughtacomputerlastterm Acomputerwasbought byme

5、lastterm 2 一般过去时was were done Heputonacoat Acoatwasputonbyhim Jimrodethemotorbiketohisfactoryyesterday Themotorbikewasriddentohisfactoryyesterday Theyhadaneveningpartylastweek Aneveningpartywashadlastweek TheGreatWallwasbuiltbyChinesepeoplemanyyearsago ChinesepeoplebuilttheGreatWallmanyyearsago Thes

6、tudentsplantedmanytreesyesterday Manytreeswereplantedbythestudentsyesterday 3 现在进行时 am is are being V p p Someworkersarepaintingtheroomsnow Theroomsarebeingpaintedbysomeworkersnow Iwasdoingmyhomeworkat8 00lastnight Myhomeworkwasbeingdone byme at8 00lastnight 4 过去进行时 was were being v p p 5 一般将来时shall

7、 will begoingto bedone Heisgoingtowritealettertohismother Aletterisgoingtobewrittentohismotherbyhim sendto hospital rightnow atalk give soon Theywillbesenttothehospitalrightnow Atalkwillbegivensoon I notinvite totomorrow swedding won tbeinvited willnotbedone否定结构 Dogswillnotbeallowedtoenteryourclassr

8、oom allow smoking stadium allow Smokingwillnotbeallowedinthestadium 6 现在完成时has have beendone Jimhasfinishedthework TheworkhasbeenfinishedbyJim 7 含有情态动词的被动语态 can may must should等情态动词 be done Icanfindhim Hecanbefoundbyme Theycansingsomebeautifulsongs Somebeautifulsongscanbesungbythem Hecancarrythebask

9、et Thebasketcanbecarriedbyhim Anncantakegoodcareofthecats ThecatscanbetakengoodcareofbyAnn Weshouldcleantheclassroomeveryday Theclassroomshouldbecleanedbyuseveryday Ourstudentsmustn tsmokecigarettes Cigarettesmustn tbesmokedbyourstudents 小结 各种时态的被动语态构成 一般现在时 一般过去时 情态动词 一般将来时 现在进行时 现在完成时 过去进行时 S am i

10、s are doneS was were doneS can may must should等 be doneS will be doneS am is are being doneS have has been doneS was were being done Fillintheblankswiththeproperformofthewordsgiveninthebrackets Thebridge build lastyear TheOlympicGames hold everyfouryears Theproblem discuss atthemeetingnow Hisnewbook

11、 publish nextmonth Theclassroom notclean yet wasbuilt areheld isbeingdiscussed willbepublished hasnotbeencleaned Homework Readtext 1 6 Themachine repair atthistimeyesterday 7 Shesaidthereport type byLiMeifortwoweeks 8 MissLisaidthebook give tothestudentsthenextmorning 9 Bytheendofnexttermtwothousand

12、Englishwords learn 10 Hesaidtheproject finish by2010 wasbeingrepaired hadbeentyped wouldbegiven willhavebeenlearned wouldhavebeenfinished Goodbye Thankyou 被动语态中的特殊情况1 不及物动词带介词和介词宾语时 在变为被动语态时 仍然要带上介词 动词后的介词不可省 e g Thestudentslistentotheteachercarefullyinclass 被动句 Theteacherislistenedtocarefullybythes

13、tudentsinclass e g Theylookafterthenewstudentsintheschool 被动句 Thenewstudentsarelookedafterbythemintheschool 2 当动词带有复合宾语 有宾补 并且宾补是省去 to 的动词不定式时 在被动语态中应加上 to 即 主动省to 被动加上to e g Theymakeusdoallthework 被动句 Wearemadetodoalltheworkbythem e g Weoftenhearhersingsongs 被动句 Sheisoftenheardtosingsongsbyus e g I

14、sawhimwalktoschool 被动句 Hewasseentowalktoschoolbyme 这些动词真奇怪 主动句中to离开 被动句中to回来 常考词有 make see hear feel watch notice等 3 当动词带双宾语时 一个宾语是指人 一个是指物 将其中指人的宾语提前作被动句的主语时 另一个宾语按顺序照抄下来 如是将指物的宾语提前作被动句的主语 在被动句中则指人宾语前应加 to 或 for 常见加to的动词有 give send teach write show pass ask tell 常见加for的动词有 make buydraw e g Hegivesm

15、eaflowereveryday 被动1 Iamgivenaflowerbyhimeveryday 被动2 Aflowerisgiventomebyhimeveryday e g Mymotherboughtmeacomputer 被动1 Iwasboughtacomputerbymymother 被动2 Acomputerwasboughtformebymymother 4 系动词没有被动形式 主动形式表被动意义 常见的有taste 尝起来 sound 听起来 feel 摸起来 look 看起来 smell 闻起来 等 例如 1 Theappletastesgood 2 Thesongsou

16、ndsgentle 5 有些动词如 sell 卖 wash 洗 write 写 等与副词well 好 easily 容易地 等连用 描绘事物的特性 用主动表被动 例如 1 Thecoatwasheseasily 2 Thebookssellwell Homework 1 Hecleanstheclassroomeveryday 2 Theyfinishedtheirhomework 3 Icanmendhisbike 4 Shewillbuytenbookstomorrow 5 Weshouldn tallowthemtogooutwiththeirfriends 6 Theoldmanoftenmakesuslaugh Exercises 1 Ifcitynoises fromincreasing people shouttobeheardevenatdinner A arenotkept willhavetoB arenotkept haveC donotkeep willhavetoD donotkeep haveto2 Thefifthgenerationcomputers a



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